

~+の+名詞 (3) 考え方の変化(C): change in thinking
考え方の癖(A2): habits of thought
考え方の相違(C): differences in thinking
~+名詞 (1) 考え方次第である(A2): It depends on how you think about it.
~が+動詞 (6) さまざまな考え方がある(C): There are different ways of thinking.
彼と考え方が違う(A2): He and I think differently, He thinks differently to me.
自分の考え方が変わる(A1): It changes the way [how] I think.
客観的な考え方ができる(C): I can think objectively.
新しい考え方が浸透する(C): a new way of thinking permeates
新しい考え方が定着する(C): a new way of thinking takes hold
~に+動詞 (2) 考え方による(B1): depending on one’s perspective
彼の考え方に共感する(C): sympathize with his way of thinking
~を+動詞 (13) 変わった考え方をする(C): have an unusual way of thinking
考え方を変える(C): change one’s way of thinking
客観的な考え方を持つ(C): have an objective mindset
正しい考え方を示す(C): show the right way of thinking
新しい考え方を学ぶ(C): learn a new way of thinking
他の人の考え方を取り入れる(C): incorporate other people's ideas
彼の考え方を理解する(C): understand his thinking
彼の考え方を知る(A1): find out [know] how he thinks
考え方を整理する(A2): organize one’s thinking [ideas]
さまざまな考え方をまとめる(A1): bring together different ideas
考え方を改める(C): change one's way of thinking
新しい考え方を導入する(C): introduce a new way of thinking
さまざまな考え方を取りまとめる(A1): bring together different ideas
形容詞基本形+~ (4) 新しい考え方(C): new way of thinking
正しい考え方(A1): right (way of) thinking, right way to think
古い考え方(A1): old way of thinking, old idea
近い考え方(C): thinking closer (to)
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (5) 色々な考え方(A2): various ways of thinking [ideas]
様々な考え方(A2): various ways of thinking [ideas]
柔軟な考え方(C): flexible thinking
多様な考え方(C): diverse ways of thinking
前向きな考え方(C): positive thinking
動詞過去+~ (2) 間違った考え方(A1): wrong (way of) thinking, wrong way to think
誤った考え方(A1): wrong (way of) thinking, wrong way to think
名詞+~ (2) 考え方を変える(C): change one’s mind [way of thinking]
考え方が一致する(A2): be in agreement, be on the same page
名詞+の+~ (6) 自分の考え方(C): one’s [own] way of thinking
一つの考え方(C): one way of thinking
他人の考え方(C): other people's ideas [ways of thinking]
従来の考え方(C): conventional thinking
物事の考え方(A1): way of thinking about things
プライバシーの考え方(A2): ideas [thoughts] about privacy
名詞+的(な)+~ (4) 基本的な考え方(A2): basic concept [idea]
根本的な考え方(B1): fundamental concept [idea]
合理的な考え方(C): rational thought [thinking]
伝統的な考え方(C): traditional thinking