

~+の+名詞 (7) 食事の量を減らす(B1): eat smaller portions, decrease one’s portion size
食事の時間(C): mealtimes [mealtime]
食事のしたくをする(A2): fix a meal, prepare a meal
食事の用意がある(A2): prepare a meal
食事のマナー(A2): table manners
食事の回数(A2): (the [one’s]) frequency of meals
食事の世話(C): cook for (someone), do (someone’s) cooking, do the cooking (for someone), take care of the cooking (for someone)
~+名詞 (8) 食事療法(C): dietary therapy, a medical diet
食事制限(C): a dietary restriction
食事内容を記録する(C): track [log] one’s meals
食事処(A1): a restaurant
食事療養(C): dietary therapy, a medical diet
食事介助(A2): assistance with eating
食事メニュー(C): meal plan (for a subscription service), menu (for restaurant)
食事回数(A2): frequency of meals
~+名詞・接尾 (5) 食事中(A1): during a meal
食事会(A1): a dinner party
食事代(A2): food expenses
食事券(A1): meal ticket
食事付きのバイト(A2): a part-time job with meals included
~が+形容詞 (1) 食事が美味しいホテル(C): (a, -) hotel(s) that have good [great, delicious] food
~が+動詞 (1) 食事が終わる(A2): the meal is over, the meal ends
~に+動詞 (3) 食事に行く(A1): go out to eat
食事に誘う(C): invite (someone) to breakfast [lunch, dinner], invite (someone) for a meal
食事に出かける(A1): go out to eat
~を+動詞 (11) 食事をする(A1): have a meal, eat
食事をとる(A1): have a meal, eat
食事を作る(A1): cook a meal
食事を楽しむ(A1): enjoy a meal
食事を食べる(A1): have a meal, eat
食事を与える(A1): feed
食事を提供する(A2): provide meals, feed
食事を済ませる(A1): finish a meal
健康的な食事を心がける(A2): try to eat healthy
食事を終える(A1): finish a meal
食事を摂取する(A2): consume food
形容詞基本形+~ (6) 美味しい食事(A1): (a [the]) delicious meal(s)
楽しい食事(A2): (an [the]) enjoyable meal(s)
正しい食事(A1): (the) right meal(s) (※英語ではこのような表現はあまりしない)
温かい食事(A1): (a [the]) hot meal(s)
軽い食事(A1): (a [the]) light meal(s)
脂っこい食事(C): (a [the]) fatty [greasy, oily] meal(s)
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (3) 適切な食事(B1): an appropriate [balanced] diet
豪華な食事(C): (an) extravagant [lavish] meal(s)
簡単な食事(C): (a, -) simple meal(s)
動詞過去+~ (2) バランスのとれた食事(B1): a (well-)balanced diet, (a) (well-)balanced meal(s)
栄養のかたよった食事(C): a poorly-balanced diet, (a) (poorly-)balanced meal(s)
動詞基本形+~ (1) 家族全員で食べる食事(A1): (A) meal(s) eaten together as a family
名詞+~ (1) 食事を抜く(B1): skip a meal
名詞+の+~ (1) ふだんの食事(A1): everyday meals