
~+の+名詞 (31) の表情(C): facial expression
の筋肉(C): facial muscle
の弛み(C): facial sagginess [droopiness]
の形(A2): shape of one's face
の輪郭(B1): outline of one's face
の歪み(C): facial distortion
の部分(C): facial parts
の皮膚(C): facial skin
の皺(C): facial wrinkles
の向きをそろえる(A2): look at the same direction
のパーツ(C): facial parts
の特徴(C): facial features
のマッサージ(C): facial massage
の染み(C): facial spot, blotch
の骨格(A2): skeleton of the face
の赤み(C): redness of the face
のリフトアップ(C): a facelift
の毛穴(C): facial pores
の造形(A2): model of a face
の傷が痛む(C): a facial wound hurts
の腫れがひく(C): facial swelling goes away [subsides]
の造作がいい(C): has good facial features
の血行(C): facial blood circulation
の片側の麻痺(A2): paralysis of one side of the face
の産毛(C): downy hair, peach fuzz of the face
のほくろ(C): facial mole
の湿疹(C): facial eczema [rash]
のにきびがひどい(C): acne [pimples] on one's face is bad
の見分けがつかない(C): indistinguishable faces
の好み(C): preferred face type
の歪みを矯正する(C): fix one's face misalignment, even out one's face shape
~+名詞 (6) 写真(A2): portrait, face photograph
文字(C): emoticon
矯正(C): cosmetic surgery for a smaller face
認証(C): face authentication
認識(B1): face recognition
合わせの機会(A2): chance to meet up
~+名詞・接尾 (7) 中にニキビができる(C): have an acne outbreak all over the face
芸をする(A1): make a funny face
用のクリーム(A1): face cream
いっぱいに喜びを表す(A2): show joy from the whole face
じゅうに汗をかく(C): sweat all over the face
映りが悪い写真(A1): a photo with a face that is hard to see
色が悪い(A2): one's face is pale
~が+形容詞 (20) が赤い(A1): one's face is red, have a red face
が大きい(A1): one's face is big, have a big face
が小さい(A1): one's face is small, have a small face
が明るい(A1): have a bright look
が熱い(C): one's face is hot, have a hot face
この業界ではが広い(B1): one is well-known in this industry
が可愛い(A1): one's face is cute, have a cute face
が怖い(A2): one's face is scary, have a scary face
が暗い(C): one has a glum, one has a gloomy look [face]
が白い(A1): have a white face
が丸い(A2): one's face is round, have a round face
が青い(A2): one's face is pale, have a pale face
が痛い(C): one's face hurts [is in pain]
がでかい(A1): one's face is big, have a big face
が黒い(A2): have dark skin
が険しい(A1): have a hard look
が青白い(A2): one's face is pale, have a pale face
がかゆい(C): one's face is itchy
が濃い(A2): one's face has strong features
が醜い(A1): one's face is ugly, have an ugly face
~が+動詞 (37) が見える位置(A2): a position where you can see one's face
が浮かぶ(A1): picture [think of] one's face
が分かる(A2): recognize one's face
が似る(A2): the face is [looks] similar
苦痛でが歪む(C): make a wry face from the pain
が映る鏡(A2): a mirror that shows one's face
うれしさでがほころぶ(A2): break into a smile from joy
がむくむ(C): one's face swells [becomes swollen]
が写るように写真を撮る(A1): take pictures so the face shows
がほてる(C): one's face gets flushed
がこわばる(C): one's face stiffens
孫のが見れる機会(A2): a chance to see one's grandchild
うれしさでが輝く(A2): have [make] a shining face from joy
が腫れる(C): one's face swells [becomes swollen]
が引き締まる(A2): one’s face tightens
が青ざめる(A2): one's face gets pale
が思い浮かぶ(A2): recall one's face
が曇る(A2): have [make] a gloomy look [face]
が利く(C): have a lot of [a large amount of] influence, to have clout
が笑っている(A1): one's face is laughing
がひきつる(A2): one's face tightens up
が浮かび上がる(A2): recall one's face
安心してが緩む(C): one's face loosens up [relaxes] from relief
がほころびる(A2): break into a smile
がにやける(A2): break into a smile
がすっきりする(C): one's face feels refreshed
がむくむ(C): one's face swells [becomes swollen]
が紅潮する(A2): one's face blushes
が赤く染まる(A2): one's face blushes
が変形する(A1): one's face changes
がたるむ(C): one's face loosens up [droops]
が腫れ上がる(A2): one's face swells up
がはれる(C): one's face swells [becomes swollen]
が赤らむ(A2): one's face blushes
が老ける(C): one's face is getting mature [old]
生産者のが見える野菜(C): vegetables with good traceability
夫婦はが似る(A2): couples start look like each other
~から+動詞 (3) から表情が消える(A2): expressions fading away from the face
から血の気が引く(C): one's face getting pale
から汗が落ちる(A2): sweat drops from one's face
~で+動詞 (2) でものを言う(A1): say something with one’s face
で答える(A1): answer with one's face
~と+動詞 (1) 日本代表チームのと言える選手(C): a player who is the face of a Japanese representative team
~に+動詞 (11) いいになる(A1): make a good face
感情がに出る(A2): emotions show up on one's face
薬をに塗る(C): rub medicine on one's face
気持ちがに現れる(A2): emotions show up on one's face
不安がに浮かぶ(A2): anxiety shows up on one's face
虫がに当たる(A2): a bug hits one's face
不安をに浮かべる(A2): show anxiety on one's face
に近づける(C): bring closer to one's face
にフィットする(A2): fit one's face
よろこびがに溢れる(C): joy overflows on one's face
嬉しさがにこぼれる(C): happiness overflows on one's face
~を+動詞 (76) うれしそうなをする(A1): make a happy face, has a happy face
相手のを見る(A1): look at the other person's face, look at one's face
たまにはを出す(C): drop by once in a while, drop by periodically
久しぶりにを合わせる(A2): meet up after a long time, meet up for the first time in a while
を上げる(A2): look up
久しぶりにを見せる(A2): drop by after a long time, drop by for the first time in a while
を洗う(A1): wash one's face
一斉にを向ける(A2): face the same direction at the same time
を見合わせる(A1): look at each other
様々なを持つ人(A1): a person with many faces
を覚える(A1): remember one's face
を近づける(C): bring one's face closer, get [come] closer
を覗き込む(A1): look into one's face
を隠す(A1): hide one's face
を見つめる(C): gaze [stare] at one's face
を背ける(A1): turn one's face away
を覗く(A1): look at one's face
をみる(A1): look at one's face
両手でを覆う(A2): cover one's face with both hands
をのぞく(A1): look at one's face
枕にを埋める(A2): bury one's face into a pillow
を思い浮かべる(A2): think of one's face, picture one's face
を歪める(C): make a wry face
を合わす(A1): look at each other
メンバーがを揃える(B1): all members are in attendance
を赤らめる(C): blush, one's face reddens
を思い出す(C): recall [think of] one's face
を眺める(A1): look at one's face
を見上げる(A2): look up at one's face
相手のを立てる(C): save the other person's face, save somebody's honor
を伏せる(A1): hide one's face
をほころばせる(A2): break into a smile
を拭く(B1): wipe one's face
を殴る(B1): punch one's face
を曇らせる(C): make a gloomy look, cloud one's face, cause [make] a gloomy face
久しぶりにをみせる(A2): appear [show up] for the first time in a while
を忘れる(A1): forget one's face
を顰める(C): frown
を想像する(A1): imagine one's face
を触る(A2): touch one's face
を付き合わせて議論する(A2): discuss while facing each other
をこわばらせる(A2): cause [make] a stiff face
を舐める(B1): lick one's face
を認識する(A2): recognize one's face
を映す鏡(A2): a mirror showing one's face
月光がを照らす(B1): the moonlight lights up [illuminates] one's face
に笑みを浮かべる(A1): have [make] a smile, smile
を引き締めて会議に出る(C): steel oneself for a meeting
を紅潮させる(A2): make one's face red
を濡らす(A2): wet one's face
を拭う(B1): wipe one's face
を伏せる(A1): hide one's face
を逸らす(A1): turn one's face away
久しぶりにを会わす(A2): meet up after a long time, meet up for the first time in a while
を仰ぎ見る(A2): look up at one's face
を凝視する(C): stare at one's face
を見返す(A1): look back at one's face
をつきあわせて議論する(A2): discuss while facing each other
を拝む(A1): look at one's face
相手のをにらみつける(A2): glare at the other person's face
ネコが自分のをひっかく(A2): a cat scratched my face
をひきつらせる(A2): one's face tightening up
久しぶりにをあわす(A2): meet up after a long time, meet up for the first time in a while
をすり寄せる(B1): rub one's face
不思議そうなをする(C): give a curious look, have a curious blankness
怪訝なをする(C): give a doubtful look, have a puzzled looking face
きょとんとしたをする(C): look puzzled, have a blank look
困ったようなをする(C): look confused, have a puzzled expression
嫌そうなをする(C): frown at, have an annoyed look
嬉しそうなをする(A2): look pleased, with a delighted look
悲しそうなをする(A1): look sad, have a sad face
露骨に嫌なをする(C): make a blatantly disgusting face
驚いたようなをする(A2): look surprised
を見ると嬉しくなる(A1): feel happy when seeing a smile, seeing a smile makes me happy
まともに相手のを見ることができない(A1): cannot look the other person full in the face
を見合わせる(B1): exchange glances
形容詞基本形+~ (40) いいをする(A1): make a nice face
怖い(A2): scary face
暗い(A2): sad [gloomy] face
涼しいでいる(C): have a calm [cool, nonchalant] face
良い(A1): nice face
優しい(A2): gentle face
難しい(A1): hard look
可愛い(A1): cute face
渋い(C): wry face
悲しい(A1): sad face
赤い(A1): red face
美しい(A1): beautiful face
青い(A2): pale face
青白い(A2): pale face
懐かしいぶれ(A2): familiar faces
白い(A1): white face
明るい(A1): bright face [look]
険しい(B1): grim face
厳しい(B1): stern face
悪いをする(A2): make an evil face
苦い(A2): sour face
丸い(A2): round face
醜い(A1): ugly face
恐ろしい(A2): horrible face
情けない(A2): miserable face
あどけない(A2): innocent face
可愛らしい(A1): sweet face
いかつい(B1): stern face
大きい(A1): big face
小さい(A1): small face
寂しい(A1): lonely face
冷たい(C): cold face, cold(-hearted) look
清々しい(C): refreshed look, fresh face
楽しい(A1): fun face
苦しい(A2): painful face
りりしい(B1): noble face
幼い(A1): baby face
愛らしい(A2): adorable face
気難しい(C): grumpy face
汚い(A1): dirty face
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (22) 嫌な(C): unpleasant [disgusted] look
真剣な(A2): serious face [look]
真面目な(A2): serious face [look]
怪訝な(A2): suspicious face [look]
平気な(A2): cool [calm] face [look]
変なをする(A2): make a weird face
元気な(A1): bright face [look], healthy face
真っ赤な(A1): red face
穏やかなつき(A2): peaceful look
神妙な(A2): mysterious look
真っ青な(A2): pale face
深刻なつき(A2): serious face [look]
不思議そうな(A2): wondering look
端正な立ち(A1): handsome look
晴れやかな(A1): bright face [look]
にこやかな(A2): smiling face
安らかな(A2): calm look
間抜けな(A2): silly look
必死な(A2): desperate look
意外な(A2): unexpected look
奇妙な(A1): strange look
暢気な(C): unworried [carefree] look
接頭辞+~ (1)ケア(A2): care to maintain a small face
動詞過去+~ (35) 困った(C): troubled face
驚いた(A2): surprised face
疲れた(A1): tired face
怒った(A1): angry face
笑った(C): laughing face
青ざめた(A2): pale face
呆れた(B1): amazed [astonished] look
びっくりした(A2): surprised face
整った立ち(C): nice [well-proportioned] face
達成感に満ちた(C): a face full of a sense of accomplishment
見知ったぶれ(A1): people you know
すっきりした(C): refreshed look, relieved face
日焼けした(C): sunburnt [tanned] face
緊張した(A2): nervous face
歪んだ(C): contorted face
すました(C): straight face, prim face
こわばった(B1): stiff face
見慣れた(A2): familiar face
澄ました(C): straight face, prim face
引き締まった(A2): tense face
焼けた(C): sunburnt [tanned] face
勝ち誇った(C): a triumphant look
怯えた(A2): scared face
沈んだ(A2): depressed face
困惑した(C): puzzled face
泣いた(C): crying face
照れた(A2): shy [embarrassed] face
満足した(A2): satisfied face
とぼけた(A2): innocent face
にやけた(A2): smiling face
がっかりした(A2): disappointed face
やつれた(C): wrinkled face
生き生きした(A2): a face with an energetic expression
うつむいた(A1): a face that is looking down
ほてった(C): hot face, flushed face
動詞基本形+~ (3) 喜ぶが見たい(A1): want to see a happy face
合わせるがない(A2): have no face to meet, be ashamed to see one
驚くが見たい(A2): want to see a surprised face
名詞+の+~ (17) 人の(A1): a person's face
自分の(A1): my face
相手のを拝む(A1): look at the other person's face
人間の(A2): face of a human being
子供の(A1): a child's face
孫のを見たい(A2): want to see one's grandchild
二つのを併せ持つ(A1): have two faces
裏のを見せる(A1): show the other side of oneself
互いのを見合わせる(A1): look at each other
鬼のを併せ持つ(B1): have the face of a devil
国のとして(A2): as the face of the country
よそ行きのをする(A1): look good
美人のが台無しだ(A2): the face of the beauty is ruined
面長の(A1): long face
仕事中は別人のになる(A1): have a different face when working
安堵の(B1): relieved look
寝起きの(A2): one's face after waking up
連体詞+~ (7) その(A2): this, that face
どんな(A1): what face
あの(A1): that face
素知らぬをする(A2): pretend not to recognize
いろんなを持ち合わせている(A2): have various faces
あんな(A1): that kind of face
色んなを持ち合わせている(A2): have various faces