

~+の+名詞 (5) 食品関連の仕事(C): a food-related job
防災関連の記事(C): a disaster-related job
バイオ関連の書籍(C): a bio-related book
防災関連のニュース(C): disaster-related news
環境関連の話題(C): an environment-related topic
~+名詞 (26) 関連情報(C): related information, pertinent information, relevant information
関連企業(C): an affiliated company, a related company
関連施設(B2): an associated facility, a related facility
関連事業(B1): a related business
関連記事(B1): a related article
関連商品(B2): a related merchandise, a related product, a relevant product
関連産業(C): an affiliated industry, an associated industry, a related industry
関連病院(C): an affiliated hospital
関連法案(B1): a related bill
関連分野(B1): a related field, a relevant field, a relevant area
関連業務(B1): related business, relevant business
関連資料(C): pertinent material, related material, a related document
関連団体(C): an affiliate, a related organization, an affiliated organization
関連機関(C): a related organization, a pertinent agency
関連技術(B1): related technology, a related technique
関連法規(B1): a related law, a related regulation, related laws and regulations
関連サービス(B2): a related service, a relevant service
関連書籍(B1): a related book
関連機器(C): a related equipment, a related device, a relevant apparatus, an associated equipment
関連部門(B2): a relevant department, a related department, a related section, a related division
関連部署(B2): a relevant department, a related department
関連科目(C): an allied subject, a related subject, an associated subject
関連学会(B1): a related society
関連グッズ(B2): related merchandise, related goods
関連文献(B2): associated literature, related literature, relevant literature
関連省庁(C): a relevant ministry, an associated ministry
~+名詞・接尾 (2) 関連会社(C): an affiliate, an affiliated company, an associated company
災害関連死(C): disaster-related death
~が+形容詞 (3) 関連が深い(C): be intimately related, be closely related, have a deep connection, have a close relation
関連がない(C): be separate, be unrelated, be non-associated, have no relation
関連が強い(C): be strongly correlated, be strongly linked, have a strong association, have a strong connection, have a strong relationship
~が+動詞 (1) 関連がある(C): be affiliated, be relevant, be related, be associated, have an association, have a relation
~の+形容詞 (2) 関連の深い企業(B1): a closely related company, a deeply relevant company
関連のない記事(C): an irrelevant article, an unrelated article
~を+動詞 (4) 関連を持つ(B1): be related, have a relation
関連を調べる(B1): explore the relationship, investigate the association, examine the relationship, investigate the connection
関連を有する(B1): have an association, have a relation
関連を示す(A2): show an association, indicate a link, indicate an association, show a relationship
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (2) 密接な関連(A2): a close relation, a close association,
様々な関連(B1): various relations, various associations
名詞+~ (7) 自動車関連の仕事(C): an automobile-related job
医療関連の仕事(C): a medical-related job, a health-related job
不動産関連の仕事(C): a real estate-related job
自動車関連の仕事をする(C): do a job related to automobiles
医療関連の仕事をする(A2): do a job related to medical treatment
不動産関連の仕事をする(A2): do a job related to real estate
自動車関連の仕事に就く(C): get a job in the automotive industry