

~+の+名詞 (19) 関係の構築(B1): building a relationship, developing a relationship
関係のあり方(B1): what a relationship should be like, an ideal relationship
関係の強化(B1): strengthening a relationship
関係の変化(A2): changes [a change] in the relationship
関係の改善(B1): improving a relationship, improvement of a relationship
関係の発展(B1): the development of a relationship
関係の形成(B2): the formation of a relationship
関係の維持(B1): the maintenance of a relationship
関係の希薄化(C): the attenuation of a relationship
関係の重要性(B1): the importance of a relationship
関係の修復(C): the restoration of a relationship
関係の有無(B1): the presence (or absence) of a relationship, whether or not there is a relationship
関係の悪化(C): the deterioration of a relationship
関係の安定(C): the stabilization of a relationship
関係の確立(B1): the establishment of a relationship
関係の成立(B1): establishing a relationship
関係の破綻(B1): the collapse of a relationship
関係の解明(C): the clarification of a relationship
関係の継続(C): the continuation of a relationship
~+名詞 (1) 関係会社(C): an affiliated company
~が+形容詞 (7) AとBは関係がない。(B1): There is no relationship between A and B., A and B are unrelated. (※形容詞的な「関係がない」はunrelated, not related)
関係が深い(B1): have close ties (to, with), have a close relationship (with), have a deep connection (to)
関係がよい(A2): have a good relationship
関係が悪い(A2): have a poor relationship
関係が強い(B1): have a strong relationship, be strongly related
関係が薄い(C): (our, their, the) relationship is fragile [weak]
関係が難しい(A2): have a difficult relationship
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (4) 関係が良好だ(A2): (we, they) have a good relationship
関係が希薄だ(C): (our, their, the) relationship is fragile [weak]
相関関係が明確だ(C): The correlation is apparent.
関係が複雑だ(B1): The relationship is complicated., The relations are complicated.
~が+動詞 (24) 関係がある(B1): have a relationship (※「Aと関係がある」はhave a relationship with A。形容詞的な「関係がある」はrelated, relevant。)
関係が成立する(B1): A relationship is formed., Relations are formed.
友人関係が続く(A2): Friendship continues.
関係が悪化する(C): the relationship deteriorates [worsens]
関係が生じる(B1): a relationship emerges
関係が変わる(A2): the relationship changes
関係が破綻する(B1): The relationship will fall apart [be ruined].
関係が深まる(C): a relationship deepens
関係が崩れる(B1): The relationship will fall apart [be ruined].
関係が壊れる(A2): a relationship breaks down [up]
関係がなくなる(C): a relationship ends, have no relationship any more
すでに関係ができ上がっている(A2): Relations have already been established., A relationship has already been
関係が変化する(B1): relations undergo changes, a relationship undergoes changes
関係がこじれる(B1): a relationship gets complicated
関係が始まる(A2): a relationship begins [starts]
関係が改善する(B1): a relationship improves
取引関係が終了する(A2): The business relations [business relationship] will end.
関係が発展する(B1): a relationship develops
関係が逆転する(C): have a reversed relationship
関係がギクシャクする(B1): the relationship gets awkward
関係が終わる(B1): a relationship ends
関係が継続する(B1): a relationship continues
関係が切れる(B1): Relationships fall apart.
睡眠と健康は密接な関係がある(B1): sleep and health are closely related
~に+動詞 (5) 一定の関係にある(B1): be in a certain relationship
Aとの関係に悩む(B1): worry about the relationship with A
一定の関係に発展する(B1): develop into a certain relationship
以前の関係に戻る(A2): return [go back] to the previous relationship
一定の関係に陥る(B1): fall into a certain relationship
~を+動詞 (32) 関係を築く(B1): build [develop, form] a relationship
関係を持つ(B1): have a relationship
いい関係を作る(A2): establish a good relationship, establish good relations
関係を構築する(A2): build a relationship
関係を結ぶ(B1): establish relations, enter into a relationship
関係を保つ(B1): maintain relations, maintain a relationship
関係を深める(C): deepen a relationship
恋愛関係を続ける(B1): continue a romantic relationship
関係を維持する(B1): maintain [continue] a relationship
関係を調べる(B2): investigate a relationship
関係を強化する(C): strengthen [cement] a relationship
関係を重視する(B1): attach importance to [emphasize] a relationship
関係を発展させる(B1): develop a relationship
関係を認める(B1): admit [acknowledge] a relationship
関係を壊す(B1): destroy a relationship
関係を改善する(B1): improve a relationship
関係を修復する(B1): restore a relationship
関係を断つ(A2): break off a relationship
2人の関係を調査する(B2): investigate the relationship between the two
関係を変える(A2): change the relationship
関係を見直す(B2): reconsider a relationship
関係を解消する(C): terminate a relationship
関係を継続する(B1): continue relations, continue the relationship
関係を悪化させる(B2): worsen a relationship
関係を否定する(B1): deny a relationship
関係を断ち切る(C): sever [ties, relations, a relationship]
関係を探る(B1): explore the relationship (between)
関係を育む(C): foster a relationship
関係を広げる(B2): broaden the relationship
関係を強める(B1): strengthen relations, strengthen a relationship
関係を損なう(B1): damage a relationship
お客様との信頼関係を築く(B1): build a relationship of trust with our customers
形容詞基本形+~ (11) 良い関係(A2): a good relationship
深い関係(B2): a deep relationship
新しい関係(A2): a new relationship
近い関係(A2): a close relationship
親しい関係(B2): an intimate relationship
強い関係(A2): a strong relationship
正しい関係(A2): a right relationship
幅広い関係(C): a wide-ranging relationship
悪い関係(A2): a poor [bad, negative] relationship
難しい関係(A2): a difficult relationship
気まずい関係(B1): an awkward relationship
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (16) 密接な関係(B1): a close connection [relationship]
良好な関係(A2): a good relationship (※「~と良好な関係にある」はbe on good terms with ~)
親密な関係(B1): an intimate relationship, a close relationship
対等な関係(B1): an equal relationship
緊密な関係(A2): close relations [ties]
特別な関係(A2): a special relationship
新たな関係(A2): a new relationship
微妙な関係(B2): a delicate [sensitive] relationship
複雑な関係(B1): a complicated [complex] relationship
重要な関係(A2): an important relationship
性的な関係(B2): a sexual relationship
健全な関係(A2): a healthy relationship
正常な関係(B1): a normal relationship
多様な関係(B1): diverse [various] relationships
明確な関係(B1): a clear relationship
希薄な関係(B2): a slight relationship
名詞+~ (14) 人間関係(B1): human relationships, interpersonal relationships
対人関係(B2): an interpersonal relationship
上下関係(C): the pecking order, a social hierarchy (※人間関係や動物の上下関係)
友好関係(C): friendly [amicable, cordial] relations (※「~との」はwithで、「~の間の」はbetweenで表す)
肉体関係(B2): a physical [intimate, sexual] relationship
人間関係をスムーズに築き上げる(B1): smoothly build interpersonal relationships
対人関係を円滑にする(C): streamline personal relations
友好関係を維持する(B1): maintain friendships
対人関係に疲れる(B2): be tired of interpersonal relationships
家族関係(A2): a family relationship
対応関係(B2): correspondence
友達関係(A2): friendship
権利関係(B1): relations of rights
友人関係(A2): friendship, relationship with friends
名詞+の+~ (4) 体の関係(B2): sexual relations
親子の関係(C): parent-child relationship, the relationship between a parent and their child
一対一の関係(C): a one-to-one relationship
一定の関係(B1): a certain relationship
名詞+的(な)+~ (3) 直接的な関係(B1): a direct relationship
友好的な関係(B2): a friendly relationship
長期的な関係(B2): a long-term relationship