

~+の+名詞 (7) 議論の余地がない(A2): there is no scope for debate [no room for discussion]
議論の場を設ける(A2): set up [provide, furnish] a space for discussion [debate]
議論の対象(A2): the subject of the discussion [debate]
議論の整理(B1): the organization of the discussion [debate]
議論の進め方(A2): the way of moving the discussion [debate] forward
議論の過程(B1): the process of the discussion [debate]
議論の前提(C): the premise of the discussion [debate]
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (1) 議論が必要だ(A2): ~needs to be discussed, it is necessary to discuss~, discussion (of~ ) is necessary
~が+動詞 (6) 議論が進む(C):  discussions [debates] (about~) [take place], [are ongoing]
議論が展開する(A2):  discuss [debate] (something) further
議論が分かれる(C): be debatable, opinions are divided as to~
議論が深まる(A2):  discuss [debate] (something) further
議論が噛み合う(C): be on the same wavelength as one another
議論が白熱する(A2): the discussion [debate] gets hot [heats up]
~に+動詞 (4) 議論になる(A2): be [become] controversial
議論に参加する(A2): participate in [join] a discussion [debate]
議論に加わる(A2): join a discussion [debate]
議論に終始する(A2): discuss [debate] (something) from beginning to end
~を+動詞 (11) 議論をする(C): discuss [debate], have a discussion [debate]
議論を行う(C): discuss [debate], have a discussion [debate]
議論を進める(A2): discuss [debate]
議論を重ねる(A2): have many discussions [debates]
議論を深める(A2): discuss [debate] (something) further
議論を展開する(A2): discuss [debate] (something) further
議論を始める(A2): begin a discussion [debate]
議論を交わす(A2): have a discussion [debate]
議論を踏まえる(A2): use a discussion as the basis (for something)
議論を詰める(B1): conclude [end] a discussion [debate]
議論を積み重ねる(A2): have many discussions [debates]
形容詞基本形+~ (4) 熱い議論(C): a heated discussion [debate]
激しい議論(B1): an intense discussion [debate]
幅広い議論(C): a broad [wide-ranging] discussion [debate]
深い議論(B1): a deep debate [discussion]
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (6) 活発な議論(B1): an active discussion [debate]
十分な議論(B1): sufficient [enough] discussions [debates]
慎重な議論(C): a cautious [prudent] discussion [debate]
真剣な議論(B1): a serious discussion [debate]
不毛な議論(C): an unproductive discussion
正面な議論(A2): a frank discussion
動詞過去+~ (2) 白熱した議論(C): a heated discussion [debate]
突っ込んだ議論(C): a probing [pointed] discussion [debate]
動詞基本形+~ (1) 環境問題を巡る議論(A2): a discussion [debate] on [about] environmental issues [problems]
名詞+~ (1) 議論を活発化させる(B1): stimulate discussion
名詞+の+~ (3) 改革の議論(B1): a discussion of [about] reform(s)
前回の議論(B1): the previous discussion
予算見直しの議論(B1): a budget review discussion, a discussion to review the budget
名詞+的(な)+~ (6) 国民的な議論(A2): a national discussion [debate]
具体的な議論(A2): a specific discussion [debate]
建設的な議論(C): a constructive discussion [debate]
国際的な議論(A2): an international discussion [debate]
本格的な議論(B1): a genuine discussion [debate]
本質的な議論(B1): an essential discussion [debate]