

~+の+名詞 (8) 課題の解決(A2): solving a problem, solution to a problem
課題の整理(B1): sorting out the issues
課題の共有(A2): sharing of issues
課題の把握(B1): understanding [being aware of] the issues
課題の克服(B1): overcoming a challenge
課題の遂行能力(A2): ability to perform [carry out] a task, task performing ability
課題の選定(B1): selection of issues
課題の洗い出し(B1): identification of issues
~+名詞 (6) 課題解決(C): problem-solving
課題図書(A2): assigned reading
課題発見(C): problem-seeking
課題レポート(A2): task report
課題提出(C): submission of an assignment
課題遂行能力(A2): ability to perform [carry out] a task, task performing ability
~+名詞・接尾 (1) 合唱コンクールの課題曲(B1): (theme) song for choir competition
~が+動詞 (2) 課題が山積する(A2): have a lot of challenges [tasks]
課題が浮かび上がる(A2): issues come to light
~と+動詞 (1) 最優先の課題と位置づける(C): position it as a top priority issue
~に+動詞 (10) 課題に取り組む(A2): deal with [handle, work on] a matter
課題に対応する(B1): respond to a task
課題に直面する(A2): face an issue
課題に対処する(A2): deal with a task
課題に挑戦する(B1): attempt a task
多様な課題に応える(B1): respond to diverse challenges
課題に向き合う(A2): face an issue
課題に立ち向かう(B1): confront an issue
課題にチャレンジする(A2): attempt [make an attempt at] a task
課題に挑む(B1): tackle a challenge [task]
~を+動詞 (17) 課題を解決する(A1): solve a problem
大きな課題を抱える(A2): have a big challenge
授業の課題をする(A2): do a class assignment
課題を克服する(B1): overcome a challenge
課題を整理する(C): sort out [arrange] the issues
課題をこなす(A2): deal with [handle] a matter
課題を同僚と共有する(B1): share one’s challenges with a colleague
課題を抽出する(B1): identify issues
課題を乗り越える(B1): overcome a challenge
課題を提起する(C): pose [raise] a challenge
課題を部下に突きつける(C): confront one’s subordinates with a challenge
課題を遂行する(A2): perform a task
課題を洗い出す(B1): identify issues
課題を投げかける(A2): throw out a challenge
課題を追究する(A2): pursue an issue
課題を見つけ出す(A2): find issues
課題を解決するための手段(A1): means to solve the problem
形容詞基本形+~ (6) 難しい課題(A2): difficult task [challenge]
新しい課題(A2): new challenge [task]
重い課題(C): serious [grave] issue
厳しい課題(B1): formidable task, severe challenge
幅広い課題(A2): wide range of issues
大きい課題(A2): big challenge
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (8) 重要な課題(A2): key issue
新たな課題に直面する(A2): face a new challenge
解決が困難な課題(A2): issue that is difficult to resolve
グローバルな課題(B1): global issue
主要な課題(A2): key issue
重大な課題(A2): major issue
深刻な課題(C): serious [grave] issue
切実な課題(C): urgent [pressing] issue
動詞過去+~ (3) 本格運用に向けた課題(C): issues for full-scale operation
発達段階に応じた課題(C): task appropriate for developmental stage
提出期限が差し迫った課題(C): assignment with an imminent [pressing] due date
動詞基本形+~ (2) 地域を取り巻く課題(B1): issues involving the region
山積する課題(A2): a mountain of challenges [issues]
名詞+~ (11) 重要課題(A2): important task
研究課題(A2): research task
検討課題(C): subject of an investigation
政策課題(B1): policy issue
経営課題(B1): management task
優先課題(B1): priority task
重点課題(B2): priority [focus] issue
添削課題(C): correctional assignment
重要課題を整理する(A2): set forth important issues
優先課題を洗い出す(C): determine high-priority issues
重要課題が山積みになる(C): important issues pile up
名詞+の+~ (8) 今後の課題(A2): future task, task for the future
喫緊の課題(C): urgent [pressing] issue
最大の課題(A2): greatest challenge
共通の課題(A2): common task
緊急の課題(C): urgent [pressing] issue
当面の課題(B1): urgent task [issue]
永遠の課題(B1): eternal issue
目下の課題(B1): immediate [present] problem [issue]
名詞+的(な)+~ (8) 具体的な課題(A2): specific issue
本質的な課題(B1): fundamental issue
中長期的な課題(C): medium- [mid-] and long-term issues
根本的な課題(B1): fundamental problem
長期的な課題(B1): long-term issue
実践的な課題(B1): practical issue
分野横断的な課題(C): interdisciplinary issue
中期的な課題(C): medium-term [mid-term] issue
連体詞+~ (1) 大きな課題(A2): big problem [issue]