

~+の+名詞 (10) 説明の必要性(B1): the necessity of an explanation
説明の内容(B1): the content of an explanation
説明の通り(A2): as explained
説明の機会(A2): an opportunity to explain
説明の方法(A2): a way to explain
説明の都合上~は省きます(C): for the sake of explanation ~ will be omitted
説明の分かりやすさ(C): comprehensibility of an explanation
説明の義務(B1): an obligation to explain
説明の途中(A2): in the middle of an explanation
説明のポイント(A2): points of an explanation
~+名詞 (16) 説明責任(C): accountability
説明文(B2): a caption
説明不足(A2): lack of explanation
説明義務(B1): an obligation to explain
説明変数(C): an explanatory variable
説明資料(C): an explanatory material
説明内容(B1): the content of an explanation
説明力(A2): one's ability to explain
説明文書(C): a briefing paper
説明不要(A2): no explanation (is) needed
説明不能(A2): can't be explained
説明下手(A2): be poor at explaining
説明口調(A2): an explanation tone
説明用紙(B1): an explanation sheet
説明項目(A2): a description item
説明記事(C): an interpretive article
~+名詞・接尾 (5) 説明会(A2): an information session
説明書(B1): instructions [a description]
説明板(A2): an explanation board
説明書き(A2): directions
説明的な(B2): descriptive
~が+形容詞 (10) 説明がない(A2): there is no explanation
説明が難しい(A2): be hard to explain
説明が長い(A2): the explanation is long
説明が多い(A2): have a lot of explanation, there is a lot of explanation
説明が欲しい(A2): want an explanation
説明が少ない(A2): there is not enough explanation
説明が詳しい(B1): the explanation is detailed
説明がうまい(C): the explanation is good, be good at explaining
説明が悪い(C): the explanation is bad, be not good at explaining
説明がややこしい(B1): the explanation is complicated
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (2) 説明が下手だ(A2): the explanation is poor
説明が面倒だ(B2): the explanation is troublesome [tiresome]
~が+動詞 (10) 説明がある(A2): be offered [provided] an explanation, there is an explanation
説明ができる(A2): can be explained
説明がつく(C): be explicable
説明がなされる(A2): an explanation is given
説明が行われる(A2): an explanation is offered [provided]
説明がいる(A2): need some explanation
説明が分かる(A2): can understand the explanation
説明が足りない(A2): there is a lack of explanation
説明が不足する(A2): lack in explanation(s)
説明が求められる(A2): an explanation is called for
~で+動詞 (3) 説明で納得する(B1): be persuaded by the explanation
説明で理解する(A2): understand with the explanation
説明で~に触れる(B1): mention ~ in the explanation
~と+動詞 (2) 説明と異なる対応(B1): a response that differs from the explanation
説明と矛盾する(B1): contradict the explanation
~に+動詞 (12) 説明になっていない(A2): be not explained well enough, that doesn't explain it
説明に努める(A2): make an effort to explain
説明に納得する(A2): accept the explanation
説明に耳を傾ける(A2): listen to an explanation
説明に伺う(A2): visit to explain
抽象的な説明に終始する(A2): start and end with an abstract explanation
次の説明に移る(A2): move onto the next explanation
説明に聞き入る(B1): listen attentively to the explanation
説明に使用する資料(B1): documents for the explanation
説明に費やす時間(A2): time used to explain
説明に割く時間(B1): time to spare for the explanation
説明に苦労する(A2): have a hard time explaining
~を+動詞 (22) 説明をする(A2): give [offer, provide] an explanation
説明を受ける(A2): receive an explanation
説明を行う(A2): give [offer, provide] an explanation
説明を聞く(A2): listen to an explanation
説明を致す(A2): give [offer, provide] an explanation
説明を求める(A2): ask for an explanation
説明をお願いする(A2): ask for an explanation
説明書を読む(A2): read the instructions [description]
説明を加える(A2): add an explanation
説明を続ける(A2): continue explaining
説明を入れる(A2): add an explanation
説明を要する事案(A2): cases that need explanation
説明を繰り返す(A2): repeat the explanation
説明を省く(C): omit the explanation
説明を理解する(A2): understand the explanation
説明を聴取する(A2): listen to an explanation
説明をまとめる(B1): summarize the explanation
説明を補足する(A2): offer [provide] an additional explanation
説明を割愛する(C): omit the explanation
説明を拒む(B1): refuse to explain
説明を端折る(A2): cut some of the explanation
再度説明を求める(C): ask for clarification, ask for explanation again
形容詞基本形+~ (10) 詳しい説明(B1): a detailed explanation
わかり易い説明(A2): an explanation that is easy to understand
徹底した説明(B1): a thorough explanation
長い説明(A2): a long explanation
理解が難しい説明(A2): an explanation that is hard to understand
わかりにくい説明(A2): an explanation that is hard to understand
つたない説明(A2): a poor explanation
回りくどい説明(C): a roundabout explanation
ややこしい説明(B1): a complicated explanation
くどい説明(C): a tedious explanation
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (24) 十分な説明(B1): a sufficient explanation
簡単な説明(A2): an easy explanation
丁寧な説明(C): an in-depth explanation
詳細な説明(B1): a detailed explanation
適切な説明(A2): an appropriate explanation
明確な説明(A2): a clear explanation
必要な説明(A2): a necessary explanation
色々な説明(B1): various explanations
細かな説明(B1): an thorough explanation
親切な説明(B1): a friendly explanation
大まかな説明(B1): a rough explanation
明快な説明(A2): a clear explanation
的確な説明(B1): an accurate explanation
正確な説明(B1): an accurate explanation
余計な説明(A2): an unnecessary explanation
曖昧な説明(B1): a vague explanation
簡潔な説明(B1): a brief explanation
大ざっぱな説明(B1): a rough explanation
重要な説明(A2): an important explanation
下手な説明(A2): a poor explanation
上手な説明(A2): a good explanation
余分な説明(A2): an extra explanation
明瞭な説明(A2): a clear explanation
細やかな説明(B1): a thorough explanation
動詞基本形+~ (2) 根拠に基づく説明(A2): an explanation based on reasons
今後に係る説明(B1): an explanation concerning the future
名詞+~ (35) 取扱説明書(B2): an instruction manual
禁止事項の説明(B1): an explanation of prohibited matters
会社説明会(A2): a job fair, a company information session
商品説明(A2): the item description
補足説明(A2): an additional explanation
学校説明会(A2): a school information session
企業説明会(A2): a company information session
概要説明(B1): a general description
事前説明会(C): an orientation
合同説明会(B1): a joint information session
イベントの趣旨説明(A2): an explanation of the content of the event
投資信託説明書(B2): a description of investment trust
決算説明会(B1): an information session for settlement
入札説明書(B1): a description for bidding
入試説明会(A2): an information session for the entrance exam
病状説明(B1): an explanation of the symptom
組み立て説明書(B2): assembly instructions
語句説明(A2): an explanation of words and phrases
口頭説明(B1): a verbal explanation
ただいま説明した内容(B1): content of what was just explained
議案説明書(A2): a description of a bill
虚偽説明(C): a false explanation
案内説明(B1): a guide explanation
取扱説明書を読む(B1): read an [the] instruction manual
禁止事項の説明を読む(A2): read the [an] explanation [list] of prohibitions
会社説明会を開催する(A2): hold a company information session
補足説明をする(A2): give an additional explanation [additional explanations]
学校説明会を事前に予約する(A2): program a school information session in advance
イベントの趣旨説明をする(A2): explain the purpose of the [an] event
入試説明会を開催する(B1): hold an entrance examination information session
病状説明を十分に行う(A2): fully explain a [the] patient’s condition
会社説明会がはじまる(A2): the company information session begins
企業説明会が実施される(A2): the company information session is held
入試説明会が中止になる(B1): the admissions information session is canceled
企業説明会に参加する(A2): participate [take part] in a company information session
名詞+の+~ (19) 内容の説明(B1): an explanation of the content
事項の説明(A2): an explanation of the matters
商品の説明(A2): an explanation of the product
資料の説明(B1): an explanation of the document
概要の説明(C): an explanation of the overview
使い方の説明(B1): an explanation of the usage
虚偽の説明(C): a false explanation
ガイドの説明(B1): an explanation of the guide
趣旨の説明(B1): an explanation of the content
方針の説明(B1): an explanation of the policy
病状の説明(B1): an explanation of the symptom
行政の説明(B1): an explanation of the administration
根拠の説明(A2): an explanation of the reason
語句の説明(A2): an explanation of the words and phrases
一切の説明をしない(A2): give [offer, provide] no explanation at all
中身の説明(B1): an explanation of the content
素案の説明(B1): an explanation of the draft
事象の説明(B1): an explanation of the phenomenon
特段の説明が必要だ(A2): a special explanation is necessary
名詞+的(な)+~ (12) 具体的な説明(A2): a specific explanation
合理的な説明(B1): a rational explanation
科学的な説明(A2): a scientific explanation
論理的な説明(A2): a logical explanation
理論的な説明(C): a theoretical explanation
基本的な説明(A2): a basic explanation
専門的な説明(A2): a professional explanation
技術的な説明(B1): a technical explanation
抽象的な説明(B1): an abstract explanation
補足的な説明(A2): an additional explanation
医学的な説明(A2): a medical explanation
客観的な説明(B1): an objective explanation
連体詞+~ (4) その説明(A2): the explanation, that explanation
この説明(A2): this explanation
何らかの説明(A2): some kind of explanation
ろくな説明もない(A2): there is no good explanation