

~+名詞 (13) 能力開発(A2): developing skills [abilities]
能力値(B1): an ability score
能力主義(C): a meritocracy
能力試験(C): an aptitude test
能力評価(B1): skills evaluation
能力不足(A2): lack in skills
能力強化(C): capacity building, capacity strengthening
能力アップ(C): upskilling
能力増強(B2): enhancing capacity
能力指数(B1): an ability index
能力重視(B1): emphasis on ability
能力本位(C): an ability orientation
能力試験(A2): a capacity test
~+名詞・接尾 (4) 能力者(B1): a skilled person [individual]
能力値(B1): an ability score
能力差(A2): a difference in ability
能力給(B1): a payment based on ability
~が+形容詞 (3) 能力がない(C): be incompetent
能力が高い(B2): be highly skilled
能力が低い(C): be poorly skilled
~が+動詞 (17) 高い能力がある(B2): be highly skilled
能力が低下する(C): skills deteriorate
高い能力が求められる(A2): a high degree of skill is required
能力が向上する(A2): skills improve
能力が備わっている(B1): be equipped with a skill [ability]
能力が高まる(A2): skills improve
聞き取り能力が問われる試験(A2): an exam that tests listening comprehension
判断能力が要求される(A2): the ability to make judgements is necessary
聞き取り能力が衰える(B1): listening comprehension declines
特殊な能力が発揮される(B1): special abilities [powers] are demonstrated [exhibited]
能力が不足する(B1): skills are insufficient
相手より能力が劣る(C): skills are inferior to those of one’s opponent
能力が欠けている(B1): skills are lacking
運動能力が発達する(A2): motor skills develop
判断能力が欠如する(B2): judgement is lacking
特殊な能力が開花する(C): special abilities blossom
自分の能力が活かせる職業(C): a job in which one can leverage one’s skills
~に+動詞 (8) 言語能力に優れている(B1): be highly skilled in learning languages
能力に応じた給料(B1): a salary based on one’s abilities [skills]
計算能力に長けている(A2): be good at calculating
能力に見合う給料(C): a salary that is commensurate with one’s abilities [skills]
特殊能力に目覚める(A2): discover special powers [abilities]
情報処理能力に秀でている(B1): possess excellent abilities to process information
能力に恵まれる(A2): be blessed with a skill [ability]
他人の能力に頼る(C): rely on the skills of others
~の+形容詞 (3) 能力の高い人(C): a highly-skilled person
能力のない人(C): an unskilled person
能力の低い人(C): a low-skilled person
~を+動詞 (41) 高い能力を持つ(A1): have high skills
能力を高める(B1): enhance (one's) skills
能力をつける(A1): learn a skill
能力を発揮する(A2): display your skills
特殊な能力を有する(A2): own a special skill
専門的な能力を養う(A2): cultivate professional skills
隠れた能力を引き出す(A2): draw out a hidden skill
自分の能力を活かす職業(A2): occupation that puts one's skills to good use
能力を向上させる(B2): enhance the capacity
特殊な能力を備える(A1): build up a special skill
特殊な能力を付ける(A1): add a special skill
能力を伸ばす(A2): develop a skill
自分の能力を超える仕事(A2): job that exceeds one's skills
能力を使う(A1): use one's skills
能力を磨く(C): refine one's skills
相手の能力を評価する(B1): evaluate the abilities of one's partner
能力を失う(A2): lose an ability
特殊な能力を育成する(C): nurturing a special skill
自分の能力を活用する(A2): apply one's skills
能力を強化する(A2): strengthening one's skill
新しい能力を獲得する(A2): acquiring a new skill
能力を培う(C): foster skills
能力を養成する(A2): advance one's skills
新しい能力を習得する(A1): learn a new skill
新しい能力を修得する(C): master a new skill
自分の能力を活かせる仕事(A2): job that puts one's skills to good use
能力を開花させる(C): flourish one's skills
様々な能力を兼ね備える(B1): combine various skills
能力を駆使する(C): command a skill
能力を涵養する(A2): cultivate a skill
多数の能力を持ち合わせる(A1): have many skills on hand
隠れている能力を引き出せる(A2): able to draw out a secret skill
能力を喪失する(A2): lose an ability
能力を増強させる(B1): reinforce a skill
子供の能力を伸ばせる環境(B1): environment that enhances a child's skills
様々な能力を併せ持つ(B1): possess various skills in addition to existing skills
高い英語能力を要する仕事(A2): work that requires a high level
高い能力を有す人(A2): person who owns high level skills
自分の能力を過信する(B1): overestimating one's ability
高い能力をそなえた人(A2): person with a high ability
自分の能力を誇示する(A2): display one's skills
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (9) 必要な能力(A2): a necessary skill
特殊な能力(A2): unique skills [abilities]
特別な能力(A2): special skills [abilities]
十分な能力(A2): sufficient skills [abilities]
高度な能力(A2): advanced skills [abilities]
多様な能力(A2): a diverse range of skills
不思議な能力(A2): mysterious power
不可欠な能力(A2): necessary skills [abilities]
特異な能力(A2): a unique ability, a special ability
接頭辞+~ (1)能力(C): a psychic ability, a supernatural power
動詞基本形+~ (30) 文章を理解する能力(A2): the ability to understand a sentence
問題を解決する能力(A2): the ability to solve a problem
瞬時に判断する能力(C): the ability to decide in an instant
情報を処理する能力(B1): the ability to process information
任務を遂行する能力(B1): the ability to execute one's duty
事理を弁識する能力(A2): the ability to appreciate one's situation
相手の心を読み取る能力(A2): the ability to understand another person
データを分析する能力(C): the ability to analyze data
責務を履行する能力(B1): the ability to perform an obligation
相手の人間性を見極める能力(A2): the ability to make sure of the human nature of another person
犯罪者を見分ける能力(B1): the ability to recognize criminals
多数の言語を使いこなす能力(A2): the ability to make use of a number of languages
新しい環境に適応する能力(B1): the ability to adapt to a new environment
他人を操る能力(A2): the ability to control other people
声を聞き分ける能力(B1): the ability to distinguish voices
危険を感じ取る能力(A2): the ability to sense danger
文字を識別する能力(B1): the ability to identify a character
嘘を見抜く能力(A2): the ability to see through lies
危険を察知する能力(A2): the ability to sense danger
細胞が異なる細胞種に分化する能力(C): the ability to differentiate a cell into a different cell type
聞き取る能力(A2): the ability to hear
世界に通用する能力(C): world-class skills
推論する能力(B1): the ability to infer
自己を守る能力(B1): the ability to protect oneself
炎を感知する能力(B1): the ability to sense flame
非常事態に発動する能力(A2): the ability to put into operation in a state of emergency
文章を読み解く能力(C): the ability to read and comprehend passages
未来を予知する能力(A2): the ability to predict the future
先を見通す能力(A2): the ability [power] to see the future
マネージメントする能力(A2): the ability to manage
名詞+~ (95) コミュニケーション能力(A2): communication skills
判断能力(A2): judgement skills
職業能力(C): vocational skills
運動能力(B1): a motor capacity
潜在能力(B2): potential
情報処理能力(C): information processing skills
生産能力(B1): productive capacity
スケジュール管理能力(A2): schedule management skills
問題解決能力(A1): problem solving skills
日本語能力(C): Japanese (language) skills
支払い能力(C): solvency
身体能力(A2): physical ability
特殊能力(A2): special powers
言語能力(B1): language capability
学習能力(A2): learning ability
責任能力(B1): the ability to fulfill one's responsibilities
資産運用能力(C): asset management skills
思考能力(A2): the ability to think
研究能力(B1): a research capability
労働能力(A2): a working capacity
借金の返済能力(B2): the capability to repay one's debt
新しい環境への適応能力(B1): the ability to adapt to a new environment
任務の遂行能力(B1): the ability to execute one's duty
生活能力(C): viability
英語能力(C): English (language) skills
戦闘能力(C): a combat capability
クレーム対応能力(B1): the ability to respond to claims
マネージメント能力(B1): management ability
知的能力(B1): intellectual skills
基礎能力(A2): basic skills
専門能力(B1): professional capacity
プレゼンテーション能力(A2): the ability to make (great) presentations
情報処理能力(C): information processing skills
生殖能力(C): reproductive capability
未来予知能力(C): precognition skills
治癒能力(C): healing ability
立案能力(B1): planning ability
統治能力(B1): the ability to govern
透視能力(A2): ability to see through things
殺傷能力(C): lethality
自浄能力(C): self-purification skills
読み書き能力(C): literacy
読解能力(B1): reading comprehension ability
プレゼン能力(A2): the ability to make (great) presentations
リスニング能力(A1): listening skills
冷却能力(B2): cooling capability
聞き取り能力(A2): listening comprehension skills
識字能力(C): literacy
サバイバル能力(A2): survival skills
察知能力(A2): the ability to sense
飛翔能力(A2): the ability to fly
防空能力(B1): air defense capability
索敵能力(B1): the ability to search for enemies
登坂能力(B1): slope climbing ability
自活能力(C): self supporting ability
コミュニケーション能力を高める(A2): improve communication ability
運動能力を低下させる原因(A2): reason [reasons] for decreased exercise performance
潜在能力を高める(B1): improve potentials
スケジュール管理能力を向上させる(B1): improve schedule management ability
問題解決能力を高める(C): enhance problem-solving ability
日本語能力を測定する試験(C): a test that measures Japanese-language ability
身体能力を高める(A2): improve physical ability [abilities]
言語能力を有する(A1): has [have] language skills
学習能力を高める教育法(A2): teaching methods that improve study skills
思考能力を高める(A2): improve thinking ability
研究能力を身につける(B1): acquire research capabilities
借金の返済能力を審査する(C): determine someone’s ability to repay a loan
新しい環境への適応能力を高める(B1): improve one’s ability to adapt to new environments
任務の遂行能力を評価する(B1): evaluate ability to complete tasks [a task]
英語能力を伸ばす効果的な学習方法(C): study methods that are effective in improving English-language ability, a study method that is effective in improving English-language ability
戦闘能力を失う(C): lose combat abilities
プレゼンテーション能力を高めるコツ(B1): hints for improving presentation skills
情報処理能力を高める(C): improve information processing ability
治癒能力を高める(C): improve healing ability
リスニング能力を向上させる(A2): improve listening ability
コミュニケーション能力が衰える(C): communication skills diminish
判断能力が低下する(B1): the ability to make decisions decreases
情報処理能力が低い(C): information processing skills are poor
生産能力が落ちる(B1): production capacity is reduced
スケジュール管理能力が求められる(B1): the ability to manage a schedule is required
日本語能力が要求される(C): Japanese language skills are required
身体能力が優れている(A2): physical skills are excellent
資産運用能力が身につく(C): asset management skills are acquired
思考能力が弱まる(B1): the ability to think is weakened
借金の返済能力が十分にある(B1): the ability to repay debts is adequate
情報処理能力が低い(C): information processing skills are poor
リスニング能力が低い(A1): listening skills are poor
運動能力に自信がある(B1): be confident in one’s athletic abilities
身体能力に優れた人物(A2): a person of great physical ability
能力を活かせる仕事(A2): work that makes the most of one’s abilities
生活能力(C): social ability, viability
研究能力(A2): a research ability
対応能力(B1): the capacity to respond
指導能力(B1): an ability to lead
基礎能力(A2): basic abilities
名詞+の+~ (14) 自分の能力(A2): one’s skills [abilities]
個人の能力(A2): individual skills [abilities]
人間の能力(A2): the skills [abilities] of humans
個々の能力(A2): individual skills [abilities]
一人一人の能力(A2): the skills [abilities] of each person
部下の能力(C): the skills [abilities] of one’s subordinate
個々人の能力(A2): individual skills [abilities]
相手と同等の能力(C): one’s skills [ability] equivalent to that of their opponent
各人の能力(C): everyone’s skills [abilities]
各自の能力(B1): each individual’s skills [abilities]
武将の能力(B1): the skills [abilities] of a military commander
読み書きの能力(A2): the ability to read and write
生まれ付きの能力(A2): skills [abilities] one was born with
右脳の能力(A2): skills [abilities] connected to the right side of the brain
名詞+的(な)+~ (11) 基礎的な能力(A2): basic skills [abilities]
基本的な能力(A2): basic skills [abilities]
潜在的な能力(C): latent capabilities
実践的な能力(A2): practical skills [abilities]
総合的な能力(B1): comprehensive skills
創造的な能力(A2): creative skills [abilities]
主体的な能力(A2): independent skills
天才的な能力(C): genius-like abilities
超人的な能力(C): superhuman abilities
驚異的な能力(C): phenomenal [outstanding] abilities
実務的な能力(A2): practical skills