

~+の+名詞 (6) 経験の積み重ね(C): accumulation of experiences
経験の有無(A2): with or without experience
経験の蓄積(C): accumulation of experience
経験の共有(A2): share of experience
豊富な経験の持ち主(A2): a person with a wealth of experience
経験の有無は問わない(B1): no experience required
~+名詞 (8) 経験値(B1): amount of experience
経験主義(C): empiricism
経験豊富な人(B1): experienced
経験知(B1): knowledge gained from experience
経験不足(A2): lack of experience
経験年数(A2): number of years experienced
経験豊かな人(A2): an experienced person
経験不問(B1): no experience required
~+名詞・接尾 (7) 経験上(C): empirical
経験値(C): empirical value
経験的な考え方(C): an empirical way of thinking
経験者(A2): a person with experience
経験則(A2): a rule of thumb
経験談(A2): stories of experiences
経験済み(B1): experienced
~が+形容詞 (5) 経験が多い(A2): have a lot of experiences
経験が少ない(A2): have little experience
経験がない(A2): have no experience
経験が浅い(A2): not have much experience
経験が乏しい(A2): lack of experience
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (2) 経験が重要だ(A2): experience is important
経験が豊富です(A2): have a lot of experience
~が+動詞 (8) 経験ができる(B1): be able to experience
経験が役立つ(A2): experience is useful
経験が役に立つ(A2): experience is helpful
経験がある(A2): have experience
経験が活かせる職場(A2): a workplace where one can make use of one's experience
経験が不足する(A2): lack of experience, not have enough experience
経験が積める職場(B1): a workplace where one can build [accumulate] experience
経験が積み重なる(A2): experiences add up
~から+動詞 (4) 経験から得る(B1): gain from experience
経験から学ぶ(A2): learn from experience
経験から導き出す結論(A2): conclusions drawn from experience
経験からアドバイスする(B1): advice based on experience
~の+形容詞 (2) 経験の少ない若者(A2): young people with little experience
いまだかつて経験のない豪雨(A2): the heaviest rain that one has never experienced
~を+動詞 (25) 経験を積む(B1): accumulate [acquire] experience
経験をもらう(B1): gain experience
経験を積み重ねる(C): experience a lot, gather experience
経験を重ねる(A2): experience many things, gather experience
経験を得る(B1): gain experience
幅広い経験を持つ(A2): have a lot of experience, have a wide range of experience
他人の経験を聞く(C): hear about the experience of someone (else)
経験を活かせる(A2): can make use of one's experiences
経験を活用する(A2): make use of one's experiences
経験を活かす(A2): make use of one's experiences, make use of an experience
昔の経験を振り返る(A2): reflect on experiences
~の経験を思い出す(A2): remember an experience of
経験を共有する(A2): share one's experience
自分の経験を話す(B1): talk about one's experience
経験を語る(A2): tell one's experience
経験を伝える(C): tell somebody one's experience
経験を蓄積する(B1): accumulate experience
重要な経験をする(A2): have an important experience
~の経験を書く(A2): write about an experience of
留学経験を有する学生(A2): students with study abroad experience
経験をつむ(B1): gain experience
経験をいかす(A2): make use of [take advantage of] one's experiences
経験を積み上げる(A2): build up the experience
いい経験を沢山する(A2): have many good experiences
今までの経験を総括する(A2): sum up the experience so far [to date]
形容詞基本形+~ (14) 苦い経験(B1): bitter experience
楽しい経験(A2): fun experience
良い経験(A2): good experience
新しい経験(A2): new experience
辛い経験(B1): hardship
素晴らしい経験(A2): wonderful experience
得がたい経験(B1): precious experience
苦しい経験(B1): painful experience
つたない経験(B1): insufficient experience
悲しい経験(A2): sad experience
信じ難い経験(B1): incredible experience
乏しい経験を基に必死に考える(C): think desperately on the basis of scarce experience
数少ない経験を語る(B1): talk about a few experiences
思い出深い経験(B1): memorable experience
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (13) 新たな経験(A2): new experience
色々な経験(B1): a variety of experiences
大切な経験(A2): an important experience
成功に必要な経験(A2): experience necessary for success
豊富な経験(C): plentiful experience
貴重な経験(B1): valuable experience
様々な経験(B1): various experiences
豊かな経験(A2): rich experience
悲惨な経験(C): harrowing experience
多彩な経験(B1): diverse experience
性的な経験(B1): sexual experience
過酷な経験(C): harsh experience
ネガティブな経験(A2): negative experience
接頭辞+~ (1)経験(B2): inexperienced
動詞過去+~ (12) 培った経験を活かす(A2): make use of the experience one gained
携わった経験から(B1): from the experience one gained
行った経験がある(A2): have experience going there
学んだ経験(A2): experience of learning
失敗した経験(B1): experience of failure
得た経験(B1): gained experience
感じた経験(A2): experience of feeling
苦労した経験(B1): struggling experience
傷ついた経験(C): hurtful experience
留学した経験(A2): study abroad experience
挫折した経験(C): frustrating experience
母を亡くした経験(A2): the experience of losing one’s mother
動詞基本形+~ (2) 仕事に役立つ経験(A2): experience useful for work
異文化に触れる経験(C): cross-cultural experience
名詞+~ (44) 業務経験(A2): a business experience
子育て経験(A2): a child raising experience
臨床経験(C): a clinical experience
社会経験(A2): experience in the real world
海外経験(B1): experience overseas, overseas experience
アルバイト経験(A2): experience working part time
現場経験(A2): field experience
生活経験(A2): life experience
開発経験(B1): development experience
職務経験(A2): job experience
人生経験(A2): knowledge of life, life experience
恋愛経験(A2): love experience
営業経験(B1): management experience
学識経験者(A2): an academic expert, a person of learning and experience
実践経験(B1): practical experience
実務経験(A2): practical work experience
留学経験(A2): study abroad experience, experience from studying abroad
治療経験(C): therapeutic experience
指導経験(B1): teaching experience
使用経験がある(A2): have experience using
利用経験(A2): experience of using
勤務経験(A2): working experience
優勝経験(C): experience winning, experience as a victor
教職経験(B1): teaching experience
出場経験(B1): participation experience
中絶経験(C): abortion experience
駐在経験(A2): experience being posted for a job abroad
乗馬経験(C): horse-riding experience
性交経験(C): intercourse experience, sexual experience
挫折経験(B1): experience with setbacks
業務経験を活かせる仕事(A2): a job that makes use of one’s work experience
子育て経験を活かす(C): put childrearing experience to use
社会経験を活かして働く(A2): put experience in society to use in business
人生経験を豊富に積んだ人物(B1): an individual who has accumulated an abundance of life experience
営業経験を活かして活躍する(A2): carry out activities that put business experience to use
実戦経験を活かした指導(C): leadership [guidance] that puts real-life [combat] experience to use
治療経験を豊富に持つ医師(A2): a doctor [doctors] with an abundance of treatment experience
指導経験を活かした情報の提供(A2): provision of information that puts leadership experience to use
業務経験が豊富な人を対象とする(B1): target people with extensive [abundant] work experience
社会経験が長い(C): real-world experience is long
海外経験が少ない(B1): experience abroad is lacking
職務経験がある(A2): have work experience
人生経験が豊富な人物(A2): one with a lot of [abundant] life experiences
経験が浅い(A2): having little experience
名詞+の+~ (18) 全ての経験(A2): all the experiences
営業管理の経験(B1): experience in administration
教育の経験(A2): experience in education
一人暮らしの経験(A2): living alone experience
失敗の経験(B1): experience of failure
子育ての経験(A2): experience of raising a child
筆者の経験(A2): experience of the author
留学の経験(A2): experience studying abroad
人生の経験(A2): life experience
長年の経験(A2): many years of experience
一つの経験(A2): one experience
自分の経験(A2): one's experience
自らの経験(A2): one's own experience
過去の経験(B1): past experience
人間の経験(A2): human experience
治療の経験(B1): experience of medical treatment
今回の経験(A2): this experience, the experience this time
仕事の経験(A2): work experience
名詞+的(な)+~ (3) 個人的な経験(A2): personal experience
実践的な経験(B1): practical experience
刺激的な経験(B1): exciting experience, stimulating experience
連体詞+~ (2) 同じ経験(A2): the same experience
いろんな経験(B1): various experiences