

名詞+が+~ (12) 関係が終わる(B1): a relationship ends
世界が終わる(A2): the world ends
学校が終わる(A1): a school is over
命が終わる(A1): one's life ends
指導が終わる(B1): guidance will end
試験が終わる(A1): the test will finish
人生が終わる(A1): life ends [is over]
戦争が終わる(A1): The war is over.
授業が終わる(A2): Class is over [has finished].
会議が終わる(A1): the meeting is over
工事が終わる(A2): construction finishes
食事が終わる(A2): the meal is over, the meal ends
名詞+で+~ (1) 夢で終わる(A1): ends as (no more than) a dream