

~+名詞・接尾 (1) 立場上(C): of or relating to a situation, situational
~が+形容詞 (2) 立場が弱い(C): a vulnerable [weak] position
立場が悪い(A2): a bad position
~が+動詞 (5) いろんな立場がある(B2): There are various perspectives.
立場が違う(C): have a different perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
立場が逆転する(B1): reverse the position
立場が変わる(C): change the perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
立場が異なる(C): change the perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
~から+動詞 (4) 弱い立場から言う(C): say from a vulnerable [weaker] position
顧客の立場から見る(C): see from the other customer’s point of view [standpoint, perspective]
顧客の立場から考える(C): think from the customer’s point of view [standpoint, perspective]
自分の立場からすると(A2): from one’s own point of view
~で+動詞 (2) 相手の立場で考える(C): think from the other person’s point of view [standpoint, perspective]
中立的な立場でいる(A2): be in a neutral position, hold the middle ground
~に+動詞 (7) 相手の立場に立つ(A2): stand in the position of the other person
相手の立場になる(A2): be in the position of the other person
管理する立場にいる(A2): be in a position to manage [control]
相手の立場にたつ(A2): stand in the position of the other person
人を責任ある立場に置く(C): put [place] someone in a responsible position
弱い立場に立たせる(C): put (someone) in a vulnerable [weaker] position
弱い立場に追い込む(C): force [put, place] someone in a vulnerable [weaker] position
~の+動詞 (2) 立場の異なる二人(C): two people with differing perspectives [views, situations, standpoints, viewpoints, points of view]
立場の違う二人(C): two people with different perspectives [views, situations, standpoints, viewpoints, points of view]
~を+動詞 (12) 賛成の立場をとる(A2): take a position [stand] in favor (of)
賛成の立場を取る(A2): take a position [stand] in favor (of)
相手の立場を考える(C): think about the other person’s position [standpoint, perspective]
相手の立場を理解する(C): understand the other person’s position [standpoint, perspective]
相手の立場を尊重する(C): respect the other person’s position [standpoint, perspective]
自分の立場を守る(C): protect one’s own position [standpoint, perspective]
自分の立場を表明する(C): express [state] one’s own position [standpoint, perspective]
自分の立場を貫く(C): stick to one’s own position [standpoint, perspective]
反対の立場を主張する(B1): argue for [stress on] the opposite position [perspective]
反対の立場を堅持する(B1): stick to the opposite position [perspective]
自分の立場をわきまえる(C): know [discern] one’s own position [standpoint, perspective]
相手の立場を考慮する(C): consider the other person’s position [standpoint, perspective]
形容詞基本形+~ (5) 弱い立場(C): a vulnerable [weak] position
近い立場(B1): a close perspective [position]
強い立場(A2): a strong position
苦しい立場(C): an awkward position, (be) cornered
辛い立場(B1): a miserable [difficult, painful] position
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (9) 様々な立場(C): various perspectives [situations, standpoints, viewpoints, points of view]
対等な立場(C): an equal footing
不利な立場(C): (be at) a disadvantage, (be in) a disadvantageous [weak] position
色々な立場(C): various perspectives [situations, standpoints, viewpoints, points of view]
公正な立場(A2): a fair position
有利な立場(C): (be at) an advantage, (be in) an advantageous [a strong] position
優位な立場(B1): a superior position, a position of advantage
公平な立場(A2): a fair position, a level playing field, an impartial ground
自由な立場(B2): an independent perspective
動詞基本形+~ (7) 後輩を指導する立場(C): a position to guide [provide guidance] to one’s juniors
子供を守る立場(A2): a position to protect children
部下を管理する立場(C): a position to manage one’s subordinates
結果を重視する立場(A2): a position that focuses on results
反対する立場(C): an opposing point of view [perspective, standpoint, viewpoint]
チームを監督する立場(C): a supervisory position in the team
電気自動車を推進する立場(A2): a position to promote electric cars
名詞+の+~ (15) 相手の立場(C): the other person’s perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
それぞれの立場(C): each person’s perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
自分の立場(C): one’s own perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
お客様の立場(C): a customer’s perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
人の立場(C): other people’s perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
反対の立場(C): an opposite point of view [perspective, standpoint, viewpoint]
逆の立場(C): a contrary [opposite] point of view [perspective, standpoint, viewpoint]
中立の立場(A2): a neutral position, middle ground
お互いの立場(B2): mutual perspective
第三者の立場(C): a spectator’s [an outsider’s] perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
顧客の立場(C): a customer’s perspective [standpoint, viewpoint, point of view]
賛成の立場(A2): be in favor of
双方の立場(B1): perspectives of both the sides, both the perspectives [points], mutual perspective
当事者の立場(B1): position [perspective] of the (concerned) parties
互いの立場(B2): mutual perspective
名詞+的(な)+~ (5) 中立的な立場(A2): a neutral position, middle ground
客観的な立場(C): an objective standpoint [perspective]
専門的な立場(C): a professional standpoint [perspective]
指導的な立場(B1): a leading position
第三者的な立場(C): a third-party perspective, an independent perspective