
~+の+名詞 (18) の申告(C): tax filing
の計算(B1): tax calculation
の納付(B2): tax payment
の軽減(B2): tax reduction, tax relief
の還付(B1): tax refund, tax return
消費の引き上げ(B1): consumption tax hike [rise], hike [increase, rise] in consumption tax
の減免(B1): tax allowance, tax reduction
の徴収(A2): tax collection
の控除(B2): tax deduction
の優遇措置(B1): tax incentives, tax advantage
の総額(B1): total tax
の滞納(C): tax delinquency, tax default
の減額(B1): tax reduction, decrease [decline, drop] in tax
贈与の特例(C): gift tax exemption
の引き下げ(B1): tax cut [reduction]
住民の均等割(C): inhabitant tax on per capita basis, per capita rate of inhabitant tax
固定資産の免除(C): fixed asset [property] tax exemption
法人実効率の引き下げ(B1): reduction of the effective corporate tax rate
~+名詞 (7) 負担が増える(B1): increased tax burden, tax burden has increased
控除(B2): tax deduction
事務所(C): prefectural tax [taxation] office
対策(B1): tax measures [strategy]
制度(C): tax [taxation] system
収入(B2): tax revenue, revenue generated by the tax
抜き価格(C): price without [excluding] tax, before-tax price
~が+形容詞 (2) 消費が高い(B1): consumption tax is high
消費が安い(B1): consumption tax is low
~が+動詞 (4) がかかる(C): taxable (article), tax is imposed on (article)
が上がる(B1): tax goes up [increases], tax will go up [increase]
新しいが導入される(A2): new tax is [will be] introduced
が還付される(C): tax is [will be] reimbursed
~で+動詞 (1) でまかなう(B1): fund something with taxes, cover (an expense) with taxes
~を+動詞 (19) を納める(B1): pay tax [taxes] (on)
を上げる(B1): raise [increase, hike] the tax
を払う(A2): pay tax (on)
消費を含む金額(B1): amount including (the) consumption tax
を支払う(A2): pay tax (on)
を徴収する(C): collect tax, levy a tax
を計算する(B1): calculate the tax
を納付する(A2): pay a tax
を引き上げる(B1): raise [increase, hike] the tax
を導入する(A2): introduce a tax
を滞納する(B1): fall behind in one’s tax payments
を課する(C): impose [levy] a tax on
を負担する(B1): bear a tax, pay the tax
を課す(C): impose [levy] a tax on
所得を免除する(C): exempt from income tax
を課する(C): impose [levy] a tax on
を下げる(C): reduce [lower] the tax
を増する(B1): raise [increase, hike] the tax
を引き下げる(C): reduce [lower] the tax, relieve the tax burden
接頭辞+~ (1)(A2): tax included (in the price)
動詞基本形+~ (1) 車にかかる(C): tax on automobiles [cars]
名詞+~ (34) 消費(B1): consumption tax
所得(B1): income tax
相続(C): inheritance tax
資産(B1): property tax
住民(B1): inhabitant tax
法人(B2): corporate tax
贈与(A2): gift tax
地方(B1): local tax
県民(C): prefectural inhabitants tax
国民健康保険(B1): national health insurance tax
市民(B1): civil tax
自動車(C): automobile tax
自動車取得(C): automobile acquisition tax, vehicle excise tax
(A2): city tax
事業(B1): business tax, enterprise tax
環境(B1): environmental tax
自動車重量(C): automobile weight tax
(C): prefectural tax
印紙(B1): stamp duty
軽自動車(B1): light vehicle tax
間接(B1): indirect tax
譲与(B2): transfer tax
人頭(C): poll tax, head tax, capitation
延滞(C): delinquent tax, overdue tax, tax in arrears
入湯(C): bathing tax
都民(C): Tokyo inhabitant tax, metropolitan inhabitant tax
府民(C): prefectural residents' tax (in Kyoto or Osaka)
消費を8%から10%に変更する(B1): change consumption tax from 8% to 10%
法人を課する(C): levy a corporate tax [corporate taxes]
自動車を支払う(C): pay automobile tax
入湯を徴収する(C): levy a bath [hot springs] tax
消費が導入される(B1): consumption tax is introduced
入湯が徴収される(A2): a bath tax is collected
を納める(A2): pay a tax