

~+の+名詞 (1) 痛みの原因(B2): the cause of the pain
~+名詞 (1) 痛み止め(C): a painkiller, an analgesic
~が+動詞 (11) 痛みがある(A2): there is pain, it hurts
痛みが出る(A2): there is pain, it hurts
痛みがなくなる(A2): the pain has gone, it has stopped hurting
痛みが走る(B1): it is a shooting pain
痛みが続く(B2): it is a lingering pain
痛みが取れる(A2): it takes away the pain
痛みが和らぐ(B2): it relieves [lessens] the pain
痛みが消える(A2): the pain is gone, it has stopped hurting
痛みが増す(A2): the pain has increased, it hurts more
痛みが軽減する(B1): the pain has lessened, it hurts less
痛みが治る(A2): the pain is gone, it has stopped hurting
~に+動詞 (2) 痛みに耐える(B1): bear (the) pain
痛みに襲われる(C): have an attack of pain, experience a bout of pain
~を+動詞 (10) 痛みを感じる(A2): feel (the) pain
痛みを伴う(B1): be painful
痛みを和らげる(B2): relieve [lessen] (the) pain
痛みを訴える(B1): complain of pain
痛みを抑える(B1): face (the) pain
痛みを軽減させる(B2): relieve [lessen] (the) pain
痛みを我慢する(B1): bear (the) pain
痛みを緩和させる(B2): relieve [lessen] (the) pain
痛みを取り除く(A2): take away (the) pain
痛みを伴うこともある(B1): can be painful, may be accompanied by pain
形容詞基本形+~ (5) 強い痛み(A2): strong pain
激しい痛み(A2): terrible pain
鈍い痛み(B1): dull pain
軽い痛み(B1): mild pain
鋭い痛み(B1): sharp pain
名詞+~ (2) 痛みがひどくなる(C): pain intensifies [gets worse]
痛みの原因を探る(B1): find the cause of one’s pain
名詞+の+~ (12) 膝の痛み(A2): knee pain
心の痛み(C): heartache, emotional pain
腰の痛み(C): lower back pain, a backache
首の痛み(A2): neck pain, a sore neck
胸の痛み(B1): chest pain, a sore chest
足の痛み(B2): sore feet, a sore foot, aching feet
関節の痛み(B2): joint pain, aching joints
喉の痛み(B2): a sore throat
背中の痛み(A2): back pain
肩の痛み(A2): shoulder pain
術後の痛み(C): postoperative pain
お腹の痛み(B1): stomachache, stomach pain