

~+の+名詞 (18) 病気の原因(B2): cause of a disease
病気の治療(B1): treatment of a disease
病気の予防(B2): disease prevention
病気の人(A1): sick person
病気の進行(C): progression of a disease
病気の症状(B1): symptom of a disease
病気の診断(C): diagnosis of a disease
病気の早期発見(C): early detection of a disease
病気の発症(C): onset of a disease
病気の経過観察(B1): monitoring the course of a disease
病気のサイン(A2): sign of illness
病気の兆候(A2): sign of illness
病気の再発(C): relapse of a disease
病気の疑い(B1): suspicion of a disease
病気の治癒(B2): curing a disease
病気の引き金(B1): sickness triggers
病気の悪化(B2): worsening of a disease
歯の病気の予防(B2): prevention of dental diseases
~+名詞 (4) 病気休暇(A2): sick leave
病気予防(B2): disease prevention
病気休職(A2): sick leave
病気入院(C): hospitalization due to illness
~+名詞・接尾 (2) 病気がちな子供(C): a sickly child
病気知らずの人(C): person who has never been ill
~が+動詞 (11) 病気が治る(B2): be cured (of a disease)
病気が進行する(B2): a disease progresses
病気が見つかる(A2): one finds a disease, a disease is found
病気が悪化する(A2): a disease gets worse
病気が疑われる(B2): a disease is suspected
病気が発症する(B1): a disease develops
病気が潜む(C): harbor a disease, a disease lies dormant
病気が蔓延する(B2): a disease is spreading
病気がうつる(C): contract a disease, a disease infects others
病気が完治する(B2): a disease is (completely) cured, be (completely) cured of a disease
病気が再発する(C): a disease returns [recurs]
~から+動詞 (2) 病気から子供を守る(B1): protect children from disease
病気から回復する(B1): recover from an illness
~で+動詞 (8) 病気で苦しむ(B1): suffer from sickness
病気で亡くなる(B1): die of disease
病気で入院する(B2): hospitalized for illness
病気で死ぬ(B1): die of disease
病気で倒れる(B1): collapse from illness
病気で休む(B1): rest because of illness
病気で母を亡くす(A2): lose one’s mother to illness
病気で死亡する(B1): die of disease
~と+動詞 (3) 病気と戦う(A2): fight against disease
病気と向き合う(B1): face a disease
病気と付き合う(A2): live with a disease
~に+形容詞 (2) 病気に強い品種(C): disease-resistant variety
病気に弱い品種(C): disease-sensitive variety
~に+動詞 (6) 病気になる(C): fall ill
病気にかかる(B2): contract [catch] a disease
病気に苦しむ(B1): suffer from a disease
病気に感染する(B1): contract [catch, be infected with] a disease
病気に立ち向かう(A2): fight against an illness
病気に悩まされる(C): be plagued by illness
~を+動詞 (15) 病気を治す(B2): cure a disease
病気を引き起こす(B1): cause a disease
病気を抱える(B1): have a disease
病気を予防する(B1): prevent disease
病気を治療する(B2): treat a disease
病気を患う(B1): suffer from a disease
病気を防ぐ(B1): prevent a disease
病気を発症する(B1): develop a disease
病気を克服する(B1): overcome a disease
病気を診断する(C): diagnose a disease
病気を疑う(B2): suspect a disease
病気を悪化させる(A2): make a disease worse
病気を併発する(C): develop a complication
病気を誘発する(C): induce a disease
病気をうつす(C): infect others with a disease
形容詞基本形+~ (5) 重い病気(B1): serious illness
怖い病気(B1): scary disease
恐ろしい病気(B1): horrible disease
珍しい病気(B1): rare disease
軽い病気(B1): minor illness
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (8) 重大な病気(B1): serious illness
深刻な病気(B1): serious illness
稀な病気(B1): rare disease
厄介な病気(C): nasty [troubling] disease
危険な病気(B1): dangerous disease
急な病気(B1): sudden illness
特殊な病気(A2): special [unusual] illness
身近な病気(B1): familiar disease
動詞過去+~ (2) あり触れた病気(C): commonplace disease
風邪と似た病気(A2): illnesses similar to the common cold
動詞基本形+~ (4) 治る病気(C): curable disease
感染する病気(B2): infectious disease
合併症を引き起こす病気(C): disease that induces complications
定期健診で防げる病気(C): disease that can be prevented with regular checkups
名詞+の+~ (15) 心の病気(B1): mental illness
目の病気(A2): eye disease
脳の病気(A2): brain disease
特有の病気(B1): peculiar disease
心臓の病気(A2): heart disease
肺の病気(B1): lung disease
甲状腺の病気(C): thyroid disease
慢性の病気(C): chronic malady [illness, disease]
血管の病気(C): vascular disease
眼の病気(A2): eye disease
肝臓の病気(B1): liver disease
腎臓の病気(C): kidney disease
内臓の病気(B1): internal [organ] disease
前立腺の病気(C): prostate disease
歯茎の病気(B2): gum disease
名詞+的(な)+~ (7) 精神的な病気(B1): mental illness
代表的な病気(B1): typical diseases
一般的な病気(B1): general illness
慢性的な病気(C): chronic illness
内科的な病気(B1): internal disease
身体的な病気(B1): physical illness
先天的な病気(C): congenital disease
連体詞+~ (1) 大きな病気にかかる(A2): get a major illness