

~+の+名詞 (17) 生活の質(A2): quality of life, life quality, living quality, quality of living
生活の安定(B1): stability (of life), financial security
生活のリズム(A2): one's daily rhythm
生活の向上(C): improvement [enhancement] of life
生活の基盤(C): a basis of one's livelihood
生活の調和(A2): a balance in life
生活の糧(A1): one's bread and butter
生活の知恵(B1): wisdom of living
生活の基本(C): the basics of life
生活の悩み(A2): troubles in life
生活の楽しみ(A2): an enjoyment of life, fun in (one's) life
生活のベース(A2): a pace of life
生活の目標(A2): a direction in life, goals in (one's) life
生活の快適度(A2): the level of comfort in (one’s) life
生活の一部分(A2): a part of one's life
生活の質を向上させる(A2): improve the quality of life
生活の安全(C): livelihood safety
~+名詞 (26) 生活習慣(A2): one's lifestyle, a habit of life, a daily habit, a lifestyle habit
生活保護(B1): welfare (benefits), social aid
生活環境(B1): one's living environment, circumstances of life
生活支援(A2): support with daily life [activities]
生活スタイル(A2): one's lifestyle
生活水準(B1): one's standard of living
生活様式(A2): one's lifestyle, a way of life
生活リズム(A2): one's life rhythm
生活指導(C): noncurricular educational guidance (※学校での学習面以外の指導)
生活空間(A2): living space
生活用品(C): daily commodities, daily necessities
生活再建を試みる(A2): attempt [try] to rebuild one’s life
生活基盤(A2): foundation of [for] (one’s) life
生活排水(C): living drainage, domestic drainage
生活態度が悪い(C): exhibit improper behavior, lead a disorderly lifestyle
生活保障(C): livelihood security
生活能力(C): social ability, viability
生活パターン(A2): one's lifestyle, a way of life
生活用水(A2): water for daily use 
生活不安(A2): worry about one's life
生活情報(A1): living information
生活経験(A2): life experience
生活指導(A2): life guidance
生活文化(A2): an cultural life
生活能力(C): viability
生活介護(A2): assistance for daily life
~+名詞・接尾 (7) 生活費(A2): the cost of living, living expenses [costs]
生活面(A2): an aspect of life
生活圏(A2): one's sphere of life
生活感がある(部屋)(C): (a) lived-in (room)
生活ぶり(A2): one's lifestyle, a way of life
生活難(A2): living difficulty, hard living
生活音(A2): daily life noise, household noise
~が+形容詞 (3) 生活が苦しい(A2): Life is hard., Life is difficult., be in poverty
生活が厳しい(A2): Life is hard., Life is difficult., be in poverty
生活が貧しい(A1): live a poor life, be poor in one's life
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (6) 生活が困難だ(A2): Life is hard., Life is difficult., be in poverty
生活が大変だ(A2): Life is hard., Life is difficult., be in poverty
生活が豊かだ(A1): live a rich life
生活が不安だ(B1): be concerned [anxious] about one's life
生活が便利だ(A2): One's life is convenient.
生活が不便だ(A2): One's life is inconvenient.
~が+動詞 (6) 生活ができる(B1): can earn a living (※「暮らしていくのに必要な収入が得られる」という意味)
~な生活が送れる(A1): can live a ~ life
生活が成り立つ(C): be able to get by, be able to make a living
生活が変わる(A1): One's life changes.
生活が安定する(A2): One's life becomes stable.
生活が充実する(C): One's life is enriched., live a full life
~から+動詞 (1) ~な生活から抜け出す(A1): get out of a ~ life
~と+動詞 (1) 生活と~を両立させる(B1): balance your life and ~
~に+動詞 (7) ~での生活に慣れる(A1): get used to the life in ~
生活に困る(B1): have trouble making a living
生活に役立つ(A2): useful to people in their daily lives, help one live a life
生活に欠かせない物(A2): things that are essential to life
生活に満足する(A2): be satisfied with one's life
~での生活に馴染む(A1): get used to the life in ~
~な生活に憧れる(B2): yearn [long] for a ~ living
~を+動詞 (12) 快適な生活を送る(A2): live a comfortable life
裕福な生活を続ける(B1): continue to live a prosperous [wealthy] life
生活を支える(A2): support (one’s) daily life
生活を楽しむ(A1): enjoy one's living
節約生活を強いる(C): force (one) to live frugally
生活を保障する(C): guarantee [ensure] (one’s) livelihood
普段の生活を取り戻す(A2): return to (one’s) normal life, get back to (one’s) normal life
生活を切り詰める(A2): cut household costs
生活を謳歌する(A1): live one's life through, enjoy the most of one's life
充実した学生生活を送る(A2): have a fulfilling student life
生活を営むために必要なお金(A2): money needed to live
自立した日常生活を営む(A2): live an independent daily life
形容詞基本形+~ (5) 規則正しい生活(A2): a regular life, an orderly life
新しい生活に慣れる(A2): adjust to a new life
良い生活(A1): a good life
楽しい生活(A1): a fun life
人間らしい生活をする(A2): live a human life
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (7) 豊かな生活(A1): a rich life
快適な生活(C): a comfortable [cozy] life
健康な生活(A1): a healthy life
幸せな生活(A1): a happy life
穏やかな生活(A2): a quiet life, a peaceful life
平和な生活(A2): a peaceful life
窮屈な生活(A2): an uncomfortable life
接頭辞+~ (1)生活(A1): a new life
動詞過去+~ (4) 自立した生活(A2): an independent life
安定した生活(A2): a stable life
充実した生活(B1): a fulfilling life
堕落した生活(C): a degenerate life
名詞+~ (44) 日常生活(A2): daily life, everyday life
学校生活(A1): school life
学生生活(A1): student life
結婚生活(A2): married life, life as a married man [woman]
大学生活(A1): college life, life as a college student
共同生活(A1): living together
集団生活(C): living in a group, communal living
高校生活(A1): high school life
避難生活(C): life [living] in an evacuation center, life as an evacuee
入院生活(A1): life in hospital
留学生活(A2): the life of an international student, life as an international student
海外生活(A2): life overseas
生活(B1): life in a dormitory
闘病生活(C): one's life amid a battle with an illness
自給自足生活(C): a life of self-sufficiency
日常生活を快適に送る(A2): have an enjoyable everyday life
学校生活をスタートさせる(A1): start school life
大学生活を満喫する(A2): enjoy university life to the fullest
入院生活を終えて復職する(A1): finish hospital stay [leave the hospital] and go back to work
留学生活を終える(A2): finish studying abroad
海外生活を体験する(A2): experience life abroad
自給自足生活を始める(C): start a self-sufficient life, begin providing for oneself
学校生活が始まる(A1): school life begins
学生生活が本格化する(A2): student life is in full swing
結婚生活がうまくいく(A2): marriage goes well
避難生活が長引く(C): evacuation life is prolonged
入院生活が長い(A2): the hospital stay is long
闘病生活が長くなる(C): one’s life under medical treatment becomes longer
日常生活に支障をきたす(C): hinder [interfere with] one's daily life
学校生活に馴染む(A2): fit in with school life
学生生活に必要なもの(A2): what one needs for student life
集団生活に慣れる(A1): get used to living in a group
避難生活に耐える(B1): endure [tolerate, put up with] life after being evacuated
日常生活で生じるストレス(A2): stress caused by daily life
学生生活でよくあること(A1): something that often happens in student life
生活に支障が出る(C): negatively impact [hinder] one's life
社会生活(A1): social life
研究生活(A2): a research life
健康生活(A1): healthy life
家庭生活(A1): family life, home life
年金生活(B1): a life on a pension
海外生活(A2): life overseas [in another country]
日常生活(A1): everyday life
結婚生活(A2): marriage, married life
名詞+の+~ (12) 国民の生活を守る(C): protect the livelihood of the people (※経済的な生活を守るという意味)
老後の生活を楽しむ(A1): enjoy (one's) life in old age
家族の生活を大事にする(A2): cherish one’s family life
術後の生活(C): postoperative life
車いすの生活(A2): life in a wheelchair
子供の生活(A1): a child’s life
地域の生活(A2): the (daily) life in the region [area]
家族の生活(A1): a family life
人々の生活(A1): the people's lives
将来の生活(A1): life in the future
市民の生活(A2): lives of citizens
日常の生活(C): everyday life, day-to-day life
名詞+的(な)+~ (2) 文化的な生活を送る(C): live [lead] a cultured life
理想的な生活(A1): an ideal life