

~+の+名詞 (11) 生徒の学習(B1): student learning
生徒の生活実態調査(A2): (the) survey on students’ living conditions
生徒の学力(A2): a student’s academic ability
生徒の教育(A2): a student’s education
生徒の保護(C): a student’s guardian(s)
生徒の指導(A2): student guidance
生徒の自主性を伸ばす(C): increase a student’s autonomy
生徒の成績(A2): a student’s grades [marks, performance]
生徒の個性(A2): what makes a student unique
生徒の進路(A2): a student’s future path
生徒の自主性を育てる(C): foster students' autonomy, develop student autonomy
~+名詞 (7) 生徒指導(A2): student guidance
生徒会長(B1): class president, president of the student council
生徒自身(A1): the student themselves, (the) students themselves
生徒全員(A1): all students
生徒募集(C): student recruitment, “looking for student applicants”
生徒手帳(C): student handbook
生徒総会(B1): a school assembly
~+名詞・接尾 (2) 生徒会(A2): student council
生徒数(A1): (the) number of students
~が+形容詞 (1) 生徒が多い(A1): there are many students, ~ has many students
~が+動詞 (4) 生徒が集まる(A2): (the [some]) students gather
生徒が参加する(A2): (the [some]) students participate
生徒が色紙をくれる(A2):  a student gives me a greeting [farewell] card (※色紙は日本特有のものであるため、文脈に応じて適切な英語は変わる)
外国人生徒が多数在籍する(A2): many foreign students attend [are enrolled]
~に+動詞 (2) 生徒に英語を教える(A1): teach English to a student
生徒にプレゼントをもらう(A2): receive a present from a student
~を+動詞 (5) 生徒を育てる(A2): educate a student
生徒を指導する(B1): instruct [guide] a student
生徒を集める(C): gather students
生徒を受け入れる(A2): accept a student
生徒を育成する(A2): train [educate] students
形容詞基本形+~ (1) 良い生徒(A1): a good student
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (2) 優秀な生徒(A1): an excellent student
苦手な生徒(A2): a poor [weak] student
動詞基本形+~ (1) 遠方から毎日通う生徒(C): students who have to come a long way to get to school every day, students who must travel long distances to school every day
名詞+~ (5) 女子生徒(A2): female student(s), schoolgirl(s), girl(s)
男子生徒(A2): male student(s), boy(s)
全校生徒(A1): all students
全校生徒が体育館に集合する(B1): all students assemble in the gym
生徒を指導する(A2): advise [give guidance to] students
名詞+の+~ (5) 学校の生徒(A1): a school’s students
他の生徒(A1): other students
クラスの生徒(A1): a class’s students
個々の生徒(A2): individual students
本校の生徒(A1): our (school’s) students