

~+の+名詞 (5) 現状の把握(B1): comprehension of the present state of affairs
現状の課題(A2): topics in the present state of affairs
現状の変更(C): alterations in the present state of affairs
現状の分析(B1): current state of affairs analysis
現状の認識(B1): awareness of current situation
~+名詞 (9) 現状維持(B1): maintenance of the current situation
現状分析(B1): analysis of the current situation
現状認識(B1): recognition of the current situation, awareness of the present state of affairs
現状把握(B1): comprehension of the current situation
現状報告(B1): present state of affairs report
現状打破(B1): breakdown of current situation
現状回復(C): restoration of current state of affairs
現状復帰(C): present state of affairs reset
現状追認(B1): confirmation of present state of affairs
~+名詞・接尾 (1) 現状どおり(C): in accordance with the current situation, as per the present state of affairs
~に+動詞 (6) 現状に満足する(B1): satisfaction with the present state of affairs
現状に鑑みて対策をする(B1): conduct measures taking the current situation into account
現状に合わせる(C): align with the present state of affairs
現状に甘んじる(B1): resign oneself to the current situation, put up with the present state of affairs
現状に合う(B1): fit in with the current situation
現状に満足することなく練習を続ける(A2): continue to practice regardless the state of things, never get content with things as they are and keep learning
~を+動詞 (24) 現状を見る(B1): view the current situation, look at the present state of affairs
現状を把握する(C): grasp the current situation, comprehend the present state of affairs
現状を知る(A2): know the current situation, know the present state of affairs
現状を考える(A2): think about the current situation, think about the present state of affairs
現状を変える(A2): change the current situation, change the present state of affairs
現状を分析する(B1): analyze the current situation, analyze the present state of affairs
現状を打破する(A2): break down the current situation, break down the present state of affairs
現状を伝える(B1): convey the current situation
現状を理解する(B1): understand the current situation
現状を維持する(B1): maintain the current situation, preserve the present state of affairs
現状を踏まえる(B1): factor in the current situation, factor in the present state of affairs
現状を認識する(B1): recognize the present state of affairs, be aware of the current situation
現状を改善する(A2): improve the current situation, better the present state of affairs
現状を変更する(C): amend the current situation, alter the current situation
現状を打開する(B1): break through the present state of affairs, resolve the current situation
現状を報告する(B1): report on the current situation, report on the present state of affairs
現状を受け入れる(B1): accept the current situation, accept the present state of affairs
現状を調査する(B1): investigate the current situation, examine the present state of affairs
現状を鑑みる(B1): take into account the current situation, take into account the present state of affairs, bear in mind the current situation
現状を訴える(A2): bring the current situation to attention
現状を憂う(B1): worry about the present state of affairs
現状を放置する(C): neglect the present state of affairs
現状を受け止める(B1): accept the current situation, accept the present state of affairs
現状を肯定する(C): affirm the present state of affairs
形容詞基本形+~ (2) 厳しい現状(C): align oneself with the current situation, harsh present state of affairs
難しい現状(B1): challenging current situation, challenging present state of affairs
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (1) 悲惨な現状(B1): miserable state of affairs
動詞基本形+~ (2) 社会を取り巻く現状(B1): current situation surrounding one’s company
被災地を巡る現状(C): current situation surrounding disaster-struck area
名詞+~ (2) 現状を整理する(A2): organize the situation
現状に満足する(B1): be satisfied with the status quo [current situation]
名詞+の+~ (11) 教育の現状(B1): the present state of education
社会の現状(B1): the present state of affairs for society
経済の現状(B1): the current economic situation
業界の現状(B1): the present state of affairs for the industry
わが国の現状(B1): the present state of affairs for the country
問題の現状(B1): the current status [situation] of the problem
社会の現状(B1): the current realities of society, the status quo
地域の現状(B1): the present [current] situation of the region [area], the actual state [conditions] of the region [area]
環境の現状(B1): the current environmental situation
研究の現状(B1): a present state of research
家庭の現状(A2): the current state of one's family