

~+の+名詞 (1) 水の流れの方向(A2): direction of the water flow
~+名詞 (1) 流れ作業(B1): assembly line
~が+形容詞 (3) 水の流れが悪い(A2): the water flow is poor
リンパの流れがよい(A2): the water flow is good
水の流れが速い(A2): the water flow is slow
~が+動詞 (6) 賛成の流れがある(B1): flow of agreement, flow of approval
流れが変わる(A2): the tides turn, the flow changes
作業の流れが分かる(B1): understand the flow of operations
作業の流れが滞る(C): the flow of operations stagnates
水の流れが止まる(A2): the flow of water stops
水の流れが加速する(C): the flow of water accelerates
~で+動詞 (1) このままの流れでいく(B1): flow on as it has been
~と+動詞 (2) 賛成の流れとなる(B1): the flow of approval, the flow of agreement
自然な流れと言える(A2): may be described as a natural flow, may be said to be a natural flow
~に+動詞 (9) 賛成の流れになる(B1): enter into the flow of approval, enter into the flow of agreement
賛成の流れに乗る(B1): tap into the flow of approval, tap into the flow of agreement
流れに任せる(A2): go with the flow
流れに沿う(A2): go along with the flow
流れに逆らう(A2): go against the flow
流れにのる(A2): go with the flow
流れに逆行する(A2): go against the flow
流れにまかせる(A2): go with the flow
自分が得をする流れにする(B2): create a flow profitable to oneself, assure that the flow is profitable to oneself
~を+動詞 (11) 流れを作る(B1): create a flow
世の中の流れを見る(A2): view the flow of the world, look at the flow of the world
流れを変える(A2): change the flow
流れを汲む(B2): to be derived from, to be descended from
流れを説明する(B1): describe the flow, explain the flow
流れを感じる(B1): feel the flow, sense the flow
流れをつかむ(C): grasp the flow
流れを把握する(C): comprehend the flow
社会主義の流れを止める(C): stop the flow of socialism
水の流れを妨げる(C): obstruct the flow of water
水の流れをせき止める(B1): dam up the flow of water, stem the flow of water
形容詞基本形+~ (2) 新しい流れ(C): new flow, new current
速い流れ(B1): fast flow, quick flow
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (2) 自然な流れで式が行われる(A2): a way carried out in a natural flow
仕事の大まかな流れ(B1): rough work flow, approximate work flow
名詞+の+~ (19) 時代の流れ(B1): current trends, flow of the times
血液の流れ(C): blood circulation, one’s circulation
一連の流れ(C): sequential flow
時間の流れ(A2): flow of time
水の流れ(A2): flow of water
川の流れ(A2): river flow, river current
リンパの流れ(C): lymph flow
時の流れ(A2): flow of time
お金の流れ(C): flow of money, monetary flow, monetary circulation
話の流れ(C): conversational flow, flow of conversation
空気の流れ(B1): flow of air
潮の流れ(B1): tide flow, tide current
気の流れ(B2): flow of energy
人の流れ(A2): flow of people
歴史の流れ(A2): flow of history
入金手続きの流れ(B2): deposit procedure flow
資金の流れ(B1): flow of capital
世の中の流れ(A2): flow of the world
リンパ液の流れ(C): lymph fluid flow