

~+の+名詞 (3) 決定の通知(C): a notice of determination, a decision notification
決定のプロセス(B1): a decision process, a determination process
決定の取り消し(C): nullification of the decision, cancellation of the decision, withdrawal of a ruling
~+名詞 (8) 決定通知(C): a notice of determination, a decision notification
決定事項(B1): a decision
決定要因(C): a determinant, a determining factor
政府の決定次第である(B1): be up to the government to decide, depend on the government decision
決定ボタン(A2): a determination button, a determination key
決定権限がある(C): have decision-making power, have decision-making authority, have the authority to make a decision
決定係数(C): a coefficient of determination, a determination coefficient
決定因子(C): a determinant, a determination factor, a decision factor
~+名詞・接尾 (5) 決定権(B1): power of decision, the power to make a decision, a right to make a decision
決定戦(C): a playoff, a deciding match
決定論(C): determinism
決定版(C): a definitive edition, an authorized edition, a classical edition
決定打(C): a winning hit, a decisive blow
~が+動詞 (2) 決定が確定する(A2): The decision becomes final
決定が下される(A2): The decision is made, The decision is taken 
~に+動詞 (6) 決定に至る過程(B1): a process of arriving at decision, a process of reaching a decision
決定に従う(C): abide by the decision, submit to the decision, obey the decision, follow the decision
予算決定に参加する(B1): participate in budget decision (determination)
決定に係る手続き(B2): a procedure for decision
政府の決定に基づく(B1): be based on the government decision
予算決定に関与する(B1): be involved in budget decision (determination)
~を+動詞 (6) 決定をする(B1): decide, make a decision, determine
決定を行う(A2): make a decision, take a decision
決定を受ける(B1): accept a decision
決定を下す(A2): come to a decision, make a decision
決定を取り消す(C): revoke the decision, undo the decision
閣議決定を経る(B1): go through the cabinet approval, go through the cabinet decision, undergo the cabinet approval
~的(な)+名詞 (4) 決定的な証拠(C): a conclusive proof, conclusive evidence, definitive evidence, decisive evidence, critical evidence
決定的な役割(C): a decisive role, a determinant role, a critical role
決定的瞬間(B1): a critical moment, a crucial moment, a decisive moment
決定的証拠(C): a conclusive proof, conclusive evidence, definitive evidence, decisive evidence, critical evidence
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (1) 重要な決定(B1): a key decision, a major decision, an important decision
名詞+~ (9) 意思決定(C): decision-making
自己決定(C): self-decision, self-determination
閣議決定(B2): cabinet approval, cabinet decision
政策決定(C): policy decision, policymaking
最終決定(B1): the final decision, the last decision, the ultimate decision
進路決定(B1): career decision, course decision
認可決定(C): authorization decision
落札決定(B2): bidding decision
仮処分決定(C): provisional decision
名詞+の+~ (2) 方針の決定(C): policymaking, policy decision, decision-making
裁判所の決定(C): a judicial decision, a court decision