

~+の+名詞 (10) 気持ちの整理(B1): sorting out the feelings
彼の気持ちの表われ(A2): an expression of his feelings
気持ちの切り替え(A1): a change of mind
気持ちの変化(A1): a change of mind
気持ちの余裕(C): emotional leeway
気持ちの持ちよう(C): a way [ways] of thinking
気持ちの擦れ違い(A2): misunderstandings of feelings
気持ちのゆとり(A1): peace of mind
気持ちの落ち込み(B1): depression
気持ちのコントロール(A2): control of feelings
~+名詞 (2) 気持ち次第で決まる(A2): depend on how one feels, depend on one's feelings
気持ちを一つにする(A2): work as one, unify one's feelings
~が+形容詞 (5) 気持ちが強い(C): have strong [determined] feelings
気持ちがいい(A2): a good [pleasant] feeling, pleasant, feel good
気持ちが悪い(A1): not feel well
後悔の気持ちが大きい(A2): have a strong feeling of regret
気持ちが軽い(C): feel lighthearted
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (1) あきらめない気持ちが大切だ(A1): it is important not to give up
~が+動詞 (43) 妥協する気持ちがある(B2): be willing to compromise
気持ちが分かる(A2): understand one's feelings
気持ちが伝わる(A2): one's feelings are conveyed [understood]
気持ちが落ち着く(C): calm down
気持ちが出る(A1): one's feelings come out
気持ちが変わる(A1): change one's mind
お礼の気持ちが湧く(B1): a feeling of gratitude arises
謝罪の気持ちが芽生える(B1): a feeling of apology arises
気持ちが高まる(C): get excited, feel excited
気持ちが離れる(A2): one's feelings grow apart
気持ちが冷める(A2): fall out of love
気持ちが入る(A1): put oneself into
気持ちが込められた手紙(C): a heartfelt letter
気持ちが落ち込む(C): feel down, feel depressed
気持ちが通じる(A2): be understood, one's feelings are understood
気持ちが残る(A2): feel something left behind
気持ちが沈む(C): feel depressed
気持ちがこもる(A2): be filled with emotion
気持ちがすっきりする(C): feel refreshed
感謝の気持ちが溢れる(C): overflow with gratitude [appreciation]
気持ちが高ぶる(A2): feel high, have high spirits
気持ちがなえる(A2): become weak
気持ちが晴れる(A1): feel better
後悔の気持ちが強まる(B1): feelings of regret grow [increase]
悲しい気持ちが薄れる(C): sadness fades away
苦しい気持ちが和らぐ(B1): painful feelings are eased [released]
気持ちが彼のほうへ傾く(A2): one's feelings lean toward him
うれしい気持ちが湧き上がる(A2): a feeling of happiness arises
気持ちが引き締まる(C): brace oneself
気持ちが安らぐ(B1): feel relieved
気持ちが通じ合う(A2): understand each other [each other's feelings]
悲しい気持ちが込み上げる(A2): I am filled with sadness
気持ちが揺らぐ(A2): feel shaken
気持ちが和む(C): feel better [relaxed], calm down
うれしい気持ちが沸く(C): happiness wells up
気持ちが緩む(A2): feel relaxed
気持ちが高揚する(C): feel uplifted
憎しみの気持ちが沸き起こる(C): a feeling of hatred [disgust] [indignation] arises
気持ちが切り替わる(A2): have a change in emotion
気持ちがはっきりする(C): understand one's own feelings better, one's feelings become clear
気持ちが揺れ動く(A2): feel shaken
気持ちが先走る(A2): get ahead of oneself
気持ちがほぐれる(B1): one's feelings are relaxed [relieved]
~で+動詞 (6) 元気な気持ちでいる(A2): be in a good mood
強い気持ちで臨む(C): have a strong mind [mindset]
丁寧な気持ちで接する(A2): treat with care, handle with care
穏やかな気持ちで過ごせる(A2): be at peace, feel relaxed, spend calmly
強い気持ちで挑む(C): face with strong feelings, face with strong conviction
強い気持ちで取り組める(C): pull through with conviction
~に+動詞 (10) 元気な気持ちになる(C): become joyful
元気な気持ちになれる(C): feel joyful
気持ちに気づく(A2): notice one's feelings
気持ちに寄り添う(C): be considerate of the other [another] person's feelings
気持ちに応える(A2): respond to the other [another] person's feelings
相手の気持ちに共感する(C): empathize with the other [another] person's feelings
あせる気持ちに駆られる(B1): have a feeling of desperation
相手の気持ちに触れる(A2): come into contact with the other [another] person’s feelings
見ていてもどかしい気持ちになる(C): be frustrating to watch
優しい気持ちになれる曲(A1): a song that makes you feel warm
~を+動詞 (51) 気持ちを伝える(A2): convey one's feelings
後悔の気持ちを持つ(C): feel regretful
感謝の気持ちを忘れる(A2): forget to be grateful
相手の気持ちを考える(A1): think of the other [another] person's feelings
幸せな気持ちをくれる(A1): give a happy feeling (to one)
相手の気持ちを理解する(A2): understand the other [another] person's feelings
気持ちを切り替える(C): change one's mind [mood, way of thinking]
相手の気持ちを分かる(A1): knowing how the other [another] person feels
気持ちを抑える(A2): hold back one's feelings
気持ちを表現する(B1): express one's feelings, express oneself
気持ちを表す(B1): display one's feelings, display oneself
気持ちを込める(A1): put one's feelings into
複雑な気持ちを抱く(A2): have mixed feelings
親の気持ちを知る(A2): understand the feelings of one's parents
お礼の気持ちを表す(C): express appreciation, show gratitude
気持ちを感じる(A2): feel one's emotion
強い気持ちを持ち続ける(A2): keep [maintain] strong feelings
自分の気持ちをあげる(A2): raise your own spirits
相手の気持ちを聞く(C): listen to someone
相手の気持ちを受け止める(A2): accept the other [another] person’s feelings
相手の気持ちを察する(A2): understand the other [another] person’s feelings
お悔やみの気持ちを表する(C): express condolences
気持ちを整理する(B1): reconsider feelings
気持ちをぶつける(A2): express one's feelings to
紙に気持ちを書く(A1): write down one's feelings on paper
気持ちを汲み取る(A2): understand one's feelings
自分の気持ちを言う(B1): express oneself
彼の気持ちを代弁する(A2): represent his feelings
相手の気持ちを汲む(A2): consider the feelings of the other [another] person
気持ちを落ち着ける(C): calm down
気持ちを確かめる(A2): confirm one's feelings
気持ちを高める(B1): lift one's spirits
気持ちを引き締める(A2): pull oneself together
気持ちを和らげる(B1): ease your mind
相手の気持ちを思いやる(A1): care for the feelings of the other [another] person
気持ちを打ち明ける(C): confide your feelings
気持ちを入れ替える(A1): change one's mind
自分の気持ちを隠す(B1): conceal one's feelings
気持ちを奮い立たせる(B1): inspire the spirit
気持ちを鎮める(C): calm, relax
相手の気持ちを推し量る(A1): guess how the other person feels, guess the other person's feelings
気持ちを吐き出す(A1): get one's feelings out
台詞に気持ちを入れる(A1): put one's feelings to words
気持ちを和ませる(B1): ease your mind
気持ちを押し殺す(B2): suppress one's emotions
気持ちをリセットする(C): reset your mind
気持ちを伝え合う(A2): exchange feelings with each other, exchange each other's feelings
相手の気持ちを踏みにじる(C): trample the feelings of the other [another] person
自分の気持ちを押さえ込む(B1): suppress one's feelings
自分の気持ちを吐露する(A2): pour out one's feelings
相手の気持ちを確かめる(A2): find out how the other person feels, check the feelings of the other person
形容詞基本形+~ (30) 軽い気持ち(C): a lighthearted [casual] feeling
強い気持ち(A1): a strong feeling
優しい気持ち(A1): a warm feeling
嬉しい気持ち(A2): a pleasant feeling
辛い気持ち(A2): a painful feeling
温かい気持ち(A1): a warm feeling
悲しい気持ち(A1): a sad feeling
寂しい気持ち(A1): a lonely feeling
いい気持ち(A1): a good feeling
熱い気持ち(A1): a hot feeling
楽しい気持ち(A1): a fun feeling
暗い気持ち(A1): a dark feeling
清々しい気持ち(C): a refreshing feeling
明るい気持ち(A1): a happy feeling
暖かい気持ち(A1): a warm feeling
口惜しい気持ち(C): a regretful feeling, a feeling of regret
切ない気持ち(A2): a feeling of sadness
懐かしい気持ち(C): a nostalgic feelings
後ろめたい気持ち(A2): a feeling of guilty
やるせない気持ち(C): a feeling of helplessness
やり切れない気持ち(C): a feeling of intolerability
苦しい気持ち(A2): a painful feeling
恥ずかしい気持ち(A2): an embarrassing feeling
ありがたい気持ち(A2): a thankful feeling
誇らしい気持ち(A2): a proud feeling
情けない気持ち(A2): a shameful feeling
空しい気持ち(A2): a empty feeling
もどかしい気持ち(A2): a feeling of frustration
たまらない気持ち(B1): an irresistible feeling
いたたまれない気持ち(A2): a feeling of being unable to stand
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (42) 不安な気持ち(A2): an anxious feeling
幸せな気持ち(A1): a happy feeling
前向きな気持ち(A2): a positive feeling
素直な気持ち(A2): am honest feeling
嫌な気持ち(A2): a unpleasant feeling
複雑な気持ち(C): mixed feelings
正直な気持ち(A1): one's true feelings
新鮮な気持ち(A2): a fresh feeling
新たな気持ち(A1): a new feeling
穏やかな気持ち(A2): a calm feeling
謙虚な気持ち(B1): a humble feeling
不思議な気持ち(A1): a wonderful [strange] feeling
純粋な気持ち(B1): a pure [genuine] feeling
残念な気持ち(A2): a disappointing feeling
安易な気持ち(C): an easy-going feeling
半端な気持ち(C): a feeling of half-heartedness
気軽な気持ち(B1): a carefree feeling
大らかな気持ち(C): an easy-going feeling
楽な気持ち(A2): a comfortable feeling
不快な気持ち(A2): an unpleasant feeling
温かな気持ち(A1): a warm feeling
気楽な気持ち(B1): a carefree feeling
ネガティブな気持ち(A2): a negative feeling
生半可な気持ち(C): a feeling of half-heartedness
ポジティブな気持ち(A2): a positive feeling
率直な気持ち(A2): a frank feeling
真摯な気持ち(B1): feelings of sincerity
憂鬱な気持ち(C): feelings of melancholy
爽やかな気持ち(C): a refresh feeling
惨めな気持ち(C): a wretched feeling
心配な気持ち(A2): a worried feeling
変な気持ち(A2): a weird feeling
ハッピーな気持ち(A1): a happy feeling
大切な気持ち(A1): important feeling
色々な気持ち(B1): lots of emotions
敬虔な気持ち(A2): a feeling of piety
厳粛な気持ち(C): a feeling of solemnity, a solemn feeling
真っ直ぐな気持ち(A2): am honest feeling
安らかな気持ち(A2): a peaceful feeling
特別な気持ち(A1): a special feeling
晴れやかな気持ち(C): a radiant feeling
投げ遣りな気持ち(C): a feeling of apathy
動詞過去+~ (8) もやもやした気持ち(C): a hazy feeling
わくわくした気持ち(A1): an excited feeling
落ち着いた気持ち(A2): a calm feeling
ゆったりした気持ち(A2): a relaxed feeling
すっきりした気持ち(C): a feeling of refreshment
充実した気持ち(B1): a fulfilled feeling
リラックスした気持ち(A2): a relaxed feeling
沈んだ気持ち(C): a sinking feeling
動詞基本形+~ (23) 不満に思う気持ち(B2): dissatisfaction, depression
暗くなる気持ち(C): a darkening mood
空を飛んでいる気持ち(A1): a feeling as though one is flying
あなたを思いやる気持ち(A2): consideration for your feelings
愛する気持ち(C): a feeling of loving someone
感謝する気持ち(A2): a feeling of being thankful
願う気持ち(A1): a feeling of wish
求める気持ちが強い(A2): one's desire is strong
焦る気持ち(A2): an impatient feeling
はやる気持ち(C): a feeling of reluctance
敬う気持ち(A2): a feeling of respect
楽しむ気持ち(A2): a feeling of enjoyment
責める気持ち(A2): a feeling of blame
頑張る気持ち(A1): a feeling of doing one's best
わくわくする気持ち(A2): a feeling of excitement
人にすがる気持ち(C): a feeling of depending on others
受け入れる気持ち(A2): a feeling of acceptance
心配する気持ち(A1): a feeling of worry
いたわる気持ち(A2): a feeling of consideration
恨む気持ち(C): a feeling of resentment
憎む気持ち(C): a feeling of hatred [disgust]
期待する気持ち(B1): a feeling of anticipation
恋する気持ち(A1): a feeling of being in love
名詞+~ (2) 気持ちを切り替える(A1): change one's mind
気持ちが晴れない(A2): feel uneasy
名詞+の+~ (25) 感謝の気持ち(A2): thankful feelings, feelings of gratitude
自分の気持ち(A1): my feelings
人の気持ち(A1): people’s feelings
相手の気持ち(A1): the other [another] person's feelings
子供の気持ち(A1): a child’s feelings
本当の気持ち(A1): true feelings
今の気持ち(A2): current feelings
親の気持ち(A1): a parent’s feelings
お互いの気持ち(A1): each other's feelings
自身の気持ち(A1): my own feelings
思いやりの気持ち(C): consideration for others
本人の気持ち(A1): one's [own] feelings
お礼の気持ち(A2): thankful feelings, feelings of gratitude
尊敬の気持ち(C): respectful feelings, feelings of respect
謝罪の気持ち(A2): feelings of apology
諦めの気持ち(B1): feelings of resignation
お詫びの気持ち(C): apologetic feelings, feelings of apology
安堵の気持ち(B1): feelings of relief
喜びの気持ち(A2): feelings of joy
後悔の気持ち(B1): feelings of regret
いたわりの気持ち(A2): feelings of consideration
おもてなしの気持ち(B1): a sense of hospitality
焦りの気持ち(C): feelings of impatience
悲しみの気持ち(A2): a sad feeling, feelings of sorrow
不安の気持ち(A2): an anxious feeling
連体詞+~ (1) 同じ気持ち(A1): the same feelings