
~+の+名詞 (9)の流れ(B1): the flow of air
の持ちよう(A1): one's way of thinking, how one looks at things
の緩み(C): inattention, lack of seriousness
の沙汰ではない(B1): utterly mad
の毒(C): feel sorry
の沙汰とは思えない(B1): this is insane
の沙汰としか思えない(A2): it's just insane, I think it is just crazy
の毒としか言いようがない(A2): all I can say is I am sorry
だんだんの毒になってきた(A1): be starting to feel sorry for the person
~+名詞 (5) やる満々(A2): full of motivation
力(C): vigor, vitality
分転換(A2): a change (of pace)
づき(B1): awareness
疲れ(C): worry, mental fatigue
~が+形容詞 (11) ~するが無い(A1): don't want to do, won't do
が強い(C): aggressive, forceful
が済まない(A2): do not feel fine
が重い(C): feel depressed, feel heavy
が弱い(B1): weak, don't have courage
が早い(C): impatient, quick-minded
が小さい(C): timid
が短い(C): short-tempered, have little patience
が大きい(B1): generous
が多い(C): capricious, act on a whim
が荒い(A2): violent
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (1) が楽だ(A2): comfortable, pleasant
~が+動詞 (20) が付く(B1): notice, realize
がある(A2): have an interest
が向く(A2): willing to do, would like to do
が引ける(C): feel awkward, feel shy
~とが合う(A1): get along with ~
が抜ける(C): feel exhausted after being nervous, be distracted
がすむ(A2): be satisfied
が利く(C): sensible, tactful, thoughtful
が滅入る(C): feel depressed
が変わる(A1): change one's mind
が散る(A2): do not concentrate, do not pay attention, be distracted
が緩む(B1): feel relaxed, lose focus
が動転する(A2): get upset
が失せる(A2): lose interest
がひける(B1): feel awkward, feel distracted
が紛れる(B1): be distracted [diverted] (from one's worry), free one from one's worry
が晴れる(C): feel good, feel nice
が引き締まる(B1): become tight, become tense
が向くままに(C): as one's fancy takes one, as one's fancy dictates
早退するのはが引ける(A2): be reluctant to leave early, not feeling comfortable about leaving early
~で+動詞 (1)で取り組む(A2): work seriously
~に+動詞 (27) ~がになる(A2): be concerned about ~, worry about ~
~をにする(B1): be concerned [worried] about ~
~をに入る(C): like ~
~をにかける(A2): care [worry] about ~
~がにかかる(B1): be concerned about ~
~をにとめる(A2): notice ~, mind ~, bear ~ in mind
~のにさわる(B2): offend ~
どうしてもになるなら(A2): if you are really curious
になるニュースをピックアップする(A2): choose news that interests you
になる加齢臭(C): age-related odor [aging body odor] that bothers me
特にになるのは(B2): what is specifically bothering me is that, what particularly concerns me is that
紫外線がになる季節(C): the season to worry about uv rays, the season that makes me anxious about uv
続きがになる(A2): be curious about what happens next
血糖値がになる(C): be concerned about one’s blood glucose [sugar] level
おなかの調子がになる(A2): be worried about one’s upset stomach
試合の結果がどうなったかになる(A2): be curious to see how the game turned out, wonder about the result of the game, be anxious about what the outcome of the game was
相手の動向がになる(A2): wonder [be interested in] what they are up to
足の臭いがになる(B1): be concerned about the smell of one’s feet
周りの視線がになる(A2): be worried about what other people are thinking about me
抜け毛がになる(A2): be worried about hair loss
になることがある(A2): I have a concern, there is something that is bothering me
になることはお軽にご相談ください(A2): please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any issues
になるので教えてください(A2): I am curious. please let me know
になる記事を深く読む(C): read articles of interest thoroughly [in depth]
生活習慣病がになる(C): be concerned about lifestyle-related diseases
にする必要はない(A2): no need to worry about it, do not worry about it
他人の目をにする(C): be worried about what others think of me
~の+形容詞 (3) のない(B2): indifferent, uninterested
の荒い(B1): aggressive, rough
の良い(A1): nice
~の+動詞 (6) の置けない友達(A2): a friend on easy terms
が休まる(B1): feel [relieved, safe, at ease]
の許せる(A2): trusted, who one is comfortable with
のあう(A1): who one can get along well with
の滅入る(B1): depressing
の張る(C): stressing, straining
~を+動詞 (12) をつける(A2): be careful, take care
を使う(C): be mindful, take care
を配る(C): be careful [mindful], pay attention
を抜く(A2): get (too) relaxed
を失う(B1): lose consciousness, become unconscious
を引き締める(C): brace oneself, get a grip (on oneself)
~のを引く(A2): draw [attract] one's attention
を揉む(B1): worry, be distracted
を許す(A2): relax one's guard
(~の)をそらす(B2): distract [divert] one('s attention)
を落ち着かせる(C): calm down
発言にはをつける必要がある(A2): need to be careful about what one says
名詞+~ (1)で(A2): seriously