

~+の+名詞 (16) 条件の変更(B2): the modification of terms
条件の下(B1): under the terms
条件の改善(B1): the improvement of the terms
条件の整備(B1): maintenance of the terms
条件の設定(B1): the establishment of terms
条件の変化(A2): a change of terms
条件の明示(C): the elucidation of a term
条件の悪化(C): deterioration of a condition
条件の解釈(B1): interpretation of a condition
条件の緩和(C): mitigation of a condition
条件の引き下げ(B1): reduction of conditions
条件の切り下げ(C): cutdown of conditions
条件の提示(B1): presentation of conditions
条件の組み合わせ(B1): a [the] combination of conditions
条件の順守(C): compliance of the terms
条件の絞り込み(C): (a) refinement of the conditions
~+名詞 (14) 条件変更(A2): a change of terms
条件反射(C): a conditioned response [reflex]
条件整備(B1): condition maintenance
条件設定(B1): condition setting
条件緩和(B1): easing of conditions
条件次第(A2): depending on the conditions
条件分岐(C): a conditional branch
条件交渉(B1): negotiations of conditions
条件改善(B1): the improvement of conditions
条件検索(C): a conditional search
条件不利(C): unfavorable conditions
条件明示(C): condition elucidation
条件提示(B1): condition presentation
条件達成(C): condition accomplishment
~+名詞・接尾 (7) 条件等(B1): conditions and so forth
条件付き契約(C): a conditional contract
条件付契約(C): a conditional contract
条件式(C): a conditional expression
条件付け(C): conditioning
条件つき契約(C): a conditional contract
条件無し(A2): without a condition
~が+形容詞 (5) 条件がよい(C): terms are favorable[good]
条件が厳しい(C): conditions are harsh
条件が悪い(C): terms are unfavorable
条件が緩い(B1): terms are loose
条件がきつい(B2): terms are tough
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (10) 条件が必要だ(B1): terms are needed
条件が同じだ(A2): terms are the same
条件が不利だ(C): terms are disadvantageous
条件が明確だ(B1): terms are clear
条件が複雑だ(B1): terms are complicated
条件が有利だ(C): terms are advantageous
条件が同一だ(B2): terms are identical
条件が劣悪だ(B2): terms are inadequate
条件が緩やかだ(B1): terms are loose
条件が良好だ(B1): terms are favorable
~が+動詞 (20) 条件がある(A2): there is a condition
条件が揃う(B1): satisfy the requirements
条件が整う(A2): conditions are met
条件が異なる(B1): conditions differ
条件が満たされる(B1): terms are satisfied
条件が違う(A2): conditions are different
条件が重なる(C): have overlapping conditions
条件が存在する(B1): terms exist
条件が付される(B1): conditions are attached
条件が加わる(A2): conditions are added
条件が変更される(A2): terms are changed
条件が課される(B1): conditions are imposed
条件が緩和される(B1): conditions are eased
互いの条件が一致する(A2): conditions of both parties are satisfied
条件が備わる(B1): conditions are settled
条件が守られる(C): conditions are abided by
条件がクリアされる(B1): conditions are cleared
条件が付加される(A2): conditions are added
条件が満たせる物件(A2): property that meets the conditions
以前の契約書と条件が相違する(B1): conditions differ from the previous contract
~で+動詞 (17) 様々な条件で働く(A2): work under various conditions
この条件で検索する(B1): search based on this term
三年契約の条件で更新する(B1): renew under the conditions of a three year contract
この条件で使用する(B1): use under these terms
その条件で比較する(C): compare based on the terms
この条件で契約する(B2): contract based on these terms
同じ条件で測定する(A2): measure with the same conditions
同じ条件で執行する(B1): execute under the same conditions
この条件で絞り込む(B1): narrow down the options based on this term
同じ条件で抽出する(B1): extract under the same conditions
三年契約の条件で雇用する(B1): hire under the conditions of a three year contract
三年契約の条件で入れる(A2): put in under a three year contract
同じ条件で栽培する(A2): cultivate under the same conditions
この条件で雇う(B1): employ this person based on these terms
この条件で契約を締結する(B1): enter into a contract on these terms
この条件で売却する(A2): sell under these conditions
この条件で募集する(C): recruit based on these conditions
~と+動詞 (5) 契約年数が条件となる(A2): the number of years of the contract becomes the condition
契約年数を条件とする(C): be conditional on the number of years of contract
条件と一致する(B2): correspond with the terms
条件と合致する(B2): coincide with the terms
条件とマッチする(B1): match the conditions
~に+動詞 (25) 条件に合う物件(B1): property that matches the conditions
条件にあてはまる仕事(A2): job that fits the conditions
条件に該当する(B2): correspond to the terms
条件に合致する(C): comply with the terms
条件に違反する(B2): violate the terms
条件に同意する(A2): agree to the terms
条件に従う(C): conform to [abide by] the conditions
条件に合わせる(C): accommodate to the terms
条件に適合する(C): conform to the conditions
条件に恵まれる(B1): be blessed by the terms
条件に応じる(C): comply with the terms
条件に左右される(C): be subject to the terms
条件に基づく(B1): be based on the terms
条件に一致する(B2): correspond to the terms
条件に見合う(A2): meet the terms
条件に対応する(B2): correspond to the terms
条件にマッチする(B1): matches the conditions
条件にかなう(A2): meet the terms
条件に加える(A2): add to the terms
条件にこだわる(B1): be particular about the conditions
条件に反する契約(B1): contract that goes against the terms
条件に影響する(B1): influence the conditions
条件に合意する(A2): agree to the terms
条件に対する合意(B2): consensus on the terms
条件に該当する求人情報はありません(C): there is no job that matches the criteria
~の+動詞 (2) 条件のよい環境(B1): environment with good conditions
条件の多い取引(C): transaction with a lot of terms
~を+動詞 (31) 条件を満たす(A2): meeting the conditions
条件をクリアする(B1): conditions are cleared
条件を設定する(A2): set conditions
条件を変更する(A2): change the conditions
条件をつける(B1): set terms, propose a condition
条件を付する(B1): attach conditions
先方が条件を下さる(A2): the other party gives a condition
条件を定める(A2): establish conditions
条件を整える(B1): arrange conditions
条件を付ける(A2): make the conditions
条件を指定する(C): assign conditions
条件を変える(A2): change the conditions
条件を考慮する(A2): consider the conditions
条件を提示する(B1): offer [present] the conditions
条件を確認する(B1): confirm the conditions
条件を出す(A2): put out conditions
条件を明示する(A2): clearly indicate the conditions
条件を付す(B1): attach a condition
条件を守る(C): abide by the condition
条件を飲む(A2): accept [agree to] a condition
条件を満たせる物件(A2): property that meets the conditions
条件を緩和する(C): mitigate the conditions
条件を設ける(A2): set up the conditions
契約書に条件を入れる(B1): put in a condition into a contract
条件を順守する(B1): obeying the conditions
条件を突きつける(B1): confront the condition
条件を加味する(A2): take a condition into account [consideration]
条件を課す(B1): impose a condition
条件を明記する(B1): specify a condition
条件をはっきりさせる(A2): make conditions clear
条件を受諾する(A2): accept a condition
形容詞基本形+~ (6) 厳しい条件(A2): strict conditions
良い条件(A2): good conditions
細かい条件(B1): detailed conditions
悪い条件(A2): bad terms
難しい条件(A2): difficult terms
ふさわしい条件(C): fitting conditions
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (22) 様々な条件(B1): various terms
必要な条件(B1): necessary terms
有利な条件(C): advantageous conditions
不利な条件(C): unfavorable conditions
色々な条件(B1): various terms
重要な条件(A2): important terms
過酷な条件(A2): strict conditions
特殊な条件(B1): peculiar condition
特別な条件(A2): special condition
大切な条件(A2): important condition
最適な条件(C): optimal conditions
複雑な条件(B1): complicated condition
不可欠な条件(B1): indispensable conditions
適切な条件(B2): adequate terms
困難な条件(A2): difficult terms
新たな条件(A2): new condition
劣悪な条件(B2): inadequate terms
細かな条件(B1): detailed conditions
不当な条件(B1): unreasonable condition
緩やかな条件(B1): loose terms
公平な条件(A2): fair terms
シビアな条件(B1): severe terms
接頭辞+~ (2)条件(B1): terms and conditions
条件(B1): temporary conditions
動詞過去+~ (6) 付した条件(B1): attached condition
指定した条件(C): specified conditions
設定した条件(A2): set conditions
恵まれた条件(A2): comfortable conditions
適した条件(A2): suitable condition
提示した条件(B1): presented condition
動詞基本形+~ (10) 期限までにできる条件(A2): conditions that can be completed on time
定める条件(B1): determined conditions
求める条件(B1): terms one seeks
希望する条件(A2): terms one wishes for
掲げる条件(C): published conditions
異なる条件(B1): differing conditions
発生する条件(B1): conditions to occur
成立する条件(B1): conditions to execute
双方が合意する条件(A2): terms both parties can agree to [on]
自分が働ける条件(A2): conditions suitable for oneself to work
名詞+~ (56) 労働条件(A2): working conditions
前提条件(C): prerequisites
利用条件(B1): terms of use
立地条件(B1): a location
必須条件(C): required conditions
気象条件(C): meteorological conditions
検索条件(C): search criteria
希望条件(B1): desired conditions
使用条件(B1): service condition, conditions for use
環境条件(B1): environmental conditions
契約条件(B2): terms of a contract
取り引き条件(C): the terms of business [trade], terms of a transaction
必要条件(A2): necessary conditions
制約条件(C): limiting conditions, constraint conditions
実験における自然条件(B1): natural conditions in the experiment
最低条件(B1): the minimum requirement
勤務条件(A2): working conditions
年齢条件(A2): age requirement
建築条件(C): architectural conditions
雇用条件(B1): employment terms, terms of employment
気候条件(A2): weather conditions
貸し付け条件(C): loaning conditions
参加条件(B1): the conditions for participation
交換条件(B1): the terms of exchange
貸し出し条件(C): the lending terms
勝利条件(B1): victory conditions
交易条件(B1): the terms of trade
応募条件(B1): application conditions
使用許諾条件(C): licensing terms
拘束条件(C): constraint conditions
武力の発動条件(C): the conditions for activating the armed forces
契約の成立条件(B2): conditions of contract formation
任務のクリア条件(B2): mission completion requirements
日照条件(A2): sunlight conditions
入会条件(B1): the conditions for admission
クレジットカードの付帯条件(C): incidental condition of a credit card
電車の走行条件(A2): running condition of a train
登録条件(B1): registration conditions
絞り込み条件(C): filtering criteria, refining conditions
生息条件(A2): living conditions
適応条件(C): accommodating condition
選定条件(B1): selecting conditions
返品条件(B1): a return policy
降伏条件(C): a yield condition
対戦条件(A2): the terms of a match, playing condition
振り分け条件(B2): sorting requirements
労働条件を改善する(A2): improve working conditions
必要条件を全て満たす(B2): fulfill all requirements
応募条件を熟読の上、ご応募ください(A2): please apply after carefully reading the application requirements
立地条件が良い住宅(C): housing with a good location
参加条件が厳しい(B1): conditions for participation are strict
労働条件に不満を持つ(C): dissatisfied with working conditions
利用条件に同意する(A2): agree to the terms of use
前提条件で話が変わってくる(A2): a story changes depending on one’s assumptions
立地条件で物件を選ぶ(B2): select a property by location
条件に該当しない(C): not applicable to [does not meet] the conditions
名詞+の+~ (22) 一定の条件を満たす(A2): satisfies a certain condition
次の条件(A2): next conditions
全ての条件(A2): all of the conditions
上記の条件(C): above-mentioned conditions
いくつかの条件(A2): some conditions
特定の条件(A2): specific conditions
所定の条件(C): prescribed conditions
必須の条件(C): prerequisites
最低限の条件(B1): minimum conditions
融資の条件(B2): terms of a loan
貸し付けの条件(B2): terms of a loan
リーダーの条件(A2): requirements for a leader
諸々の条件(A2): conditions of all kinds of things
成功の条件(A2): conditions of success
最良の条件(A2): ideal conditions
最悪の条件(A2): worst conditions
契約成立の条件(B1): conditions for establishing a contract
絶好の条件(A2): perfect conditions
所与の条件(A2): given terms
入居の条件(C): terms of occupancy
引き渡しの条件(C): terms of extradition
立地の条件(A2): conditions for choosing a site
連体詞+~ (10) この条件を飲む(A2): accept this condition
その条件を飲む(A2): accept that condition
他社と同じ条件を提示する(B1): propose [present] the same terms as other companies
これらの条件を飲む(A2): accept these conditions
ある条件に違反する(B1): violate a certain condition
どういう条件でも契約する(B2): will contract to any terms
いろんな条件付きで契約する(B1): sign a contract with many conditions
それらの条件を飲む(A2): accept those conditions
何らかの条件を提示されるだろう(B1): some kind of condition will probably be presented
いかなる条件でも契約する(B1): sign a contract under any conditions