

~+の+名詞 (14) 新聞の記事(A1): a newspaper article
新聞の折り込み(C): a newspaper fold-in
新聞の購読(C): a newspaper subscription
新聞の広告(A2): a newspaper advertisement
新聞の勧誘(C): newspaper subscription sales
新聞の社説(B1): a newspaper editorial
新聞の報道(A2): newspaper media
新聞の発行(B1): newspaper publication
新聞の記者(A2): newspaper reporter [columnist, journalist]
新聞の見出し(A2): (newspaper) headlines
新聞の切り抜き(C): a news (paper) clipping
新聞の紙面(C): newsprint, newspaper
新聞のコラム(A2): a newspaper column
新聞の編集(B1): newspaper editing
~+名詞 (11) 新聞記事(A1): a newspaper article
新聞記者(A2): a newspaper reporter [columnist, journalist]
新聞広告(A2): newspaper advertising
新聞報道(A2): newspaper media
新聞配達(A2): newspaper delivery
新聞折り込み(C): a newspaper fold-in
新聞購読(C): a newspaper subscription
新聞業界(A2): the newspaper industry
新聞各紙(A1): newspapers
新聞各社(A2): newspapers, newspaper companies
新聞勧誘(C): newspaper sales, newspaper subscription sales
~+名詞・接尾 (3) 新聞社(A2): newspaper, newspaper company
新聞代(A2): newspaper fee
新聞屋(C): newsstand, newspaper stand
~で+動詞 (4) 新聞で報道される(A2): be reported in the newspaper
新聞で読む(A1): read in the newspaper
新聞で紹介される(A1): be in the newspaper
新聞で取り上げられる(A1): be picked up by the newspaper
~に+動詞 (4) 新聞に掲載される(A1): be in the newspaper
新聞に載る(A1): be in the newspaper
新聞に出る(A2): appear in the newspaper
新聞に取り上げられる(A1): be picked up by the newspaper
~を+動詞 (5) 新聞を読む(A1): read a [the] newspaper
新聞を取る(A1): get the newspaper
新聞を購読する(C): have a newspaper subscription, get the newspaper
新聞を発行する(A2): publish a newspaper
新聞を広げる(C): increase newspaper readership
名詞+~ (17) 英字新聞(C): English language newspaper
スポーツ新聞(A1): sports newspaper
競馬新聞(C): horse racing newspaper
大手新聞(A2): major newspaper
地方新聞(A2): regional newspaper
産業新聞(A2): industrial newspaper
工業新聞(A2): industrial newspaper
地元新聞(A2): local newspaper
日刊新聞(A2): a daily newspaper
小学生新聞(A1): an elementary school newspaper
英字新聞を購読する(C): subscribe to an English-language newspaper
スポーツ新聞を読む(A1): read a sports newspaper
地元新聞をにぎわすニュース(A2): news that fills the pages of local papers
大手新聞が報じたニュース(A2): news reported by major newspapers
大手新聞に広告を出す(B1): place an advertisement [ad] in a major newspaper
地方新聞に取り組みが載る(B1): the initiative is featured in a local newspaper
スポーツ新聞で一面に載る(A2): appear on the front page of a sports newspaper
名詞+の+~ (7) 当時の新聞(A1): a newspaper at the time
地元の新聞(A2): a local newspaper
今日の新聞(A1): today’s newspaper
最近の新聞(A2): a recent newspaper
今朝の新聞(A1): this morning’s newspaper
紙の新聞(C): a printed newspaper
翌日の新聞(A2): the newspaper the next day, the following day’s newspaper