

~+の+名詞 (7) 料金の支払い(B1): payment of fees
料金の請求(C): billing of fees
料金の割り引き(B1): rate discount
料金の値上げ(B1): rate increase
料金の目安(B1): price estimate
料金の徴収(A2): collection of fees
料金の合計(B1): total charges
~+名詞 (4) 料金体系(A2): rate structure
料金設定(C): pricing
料金プラン(A2): rate plan
料金明細(B1): statement of (fees and) charges
~+名詞・接尾 (3) 料金所(C): tollgate, tollbooth
料金表(A2): price list [chart]
会員料金制(B1): membership fee system
~が+形容詞 (2) 料金が高い(A2): fees are high [expensive]
料金が安い(A2): fees are low [cheap]
~が+動詞 (7) 月額料金がかかる(B1): There is a monthly fee.
料金が発生する(B1): There will be a charge.
実際と料金が異なる(B1): Prices differ from actual amount.
割引料金が適用される(C): Discounted rates apply.
料金が加算される(A2): Fees will be added.
料金が掛かる(B1): incur a fee
別途料金がかかる場合がある(B1): additional fees [charges] may apply
~で+動詞 (1) 格安料金で提供する(A2): offer cheap rates
~に+動詞 (2) 広告費を料金に上乗せする(A2): add advertising costs to rates
材料費の高騰を料金に反映する(B1): reflect the rising cost of materials in rates
~を+動詞 (8) 料金を支払う(A2): pay a fee
料金を払う(A2): pay a fee
料金を請求する(B1): charge a fee
料金を設定する(A1): set the price
料金を徴収する(A2): charge [collect] a fee
料金を申し受ける(A2): receive [collect] a fee
料金を下げる(C): lower [reduce] one's rates
通話料金を振り込む(B1): transfer call charges
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (2) リーズナブルな料金(B1): reasonable rates
高額な料金(A2): high fees [charges]
動詞基本形+~ (1) 国が定める料金(A2): fees [rates] set by the government
名詞+~ (43) 利用料金(B1): usage fee [charge]
基本料金(B1): basic fee [charge]
電気料金(B1): electricity charges
追加料金(C): additional [added] charges
公共料金(B2): public utilities charge
水道料金(A2): water rates [charges]
通話料金(A2): charge for a telephone call, call charges
電話料金(A2): telephone fee [charges]
リサイクル料金(B1): recycling fee
宿泊料金(B2): accommodation charge
駐車料金(B1): parking fee
浮気調査料金(C): (extramarital) affair investigation fee
月額料金(B1): monthly fee [charge]
通行料金(B1): toll (fee)
電力料金(B1): electricity charges
特別料金(B1): extra charge
割り引き料金(C): reduced [discounted] rate
ガス料金(B1): gas charges
特急料金(C): express fee [charge]
キャンセル料金(C): cancellation fee [charge]
引っ越し料金(A2): moving fee
レンタル料金(C): rental fee
割り増し料金(C): surcharge
延長料金(B2): extension charge
定額料金(B1): fixed fee
超過料金(C): excess charge
配送料金(B2): shipping charges
運搬料金(B1): transportation charges
入場料金(B1): admission fee
電気料金を安くするための方法(B1): means of making electric fees cheaper
公共料金を支払う(B1): pay a public utility fee, pay public utilities fees
宿泊料金を振り込む(C): deposit lodging fee [fees]
月額料金を払う(A2): pay monthly fee [fees]
ガス料金を支払う(A2): pay gas fee [fees]
レンタル料金を支払う(C): pay rental fee [fees]
延長料金を請求される(B1): be billed for an [the] extension fee, be billed for extension fees
定額料金を払う(A2): pay fixed fee [fees]
入場料金を支払う(A2): pay admission fee [fees]
追加料金がかかる(B1): additional charges apply
宿泊料金が格段に安い(B1): accommodation charges are much cheaper
月額料金が安い(B1): the monthly fee is low
キャンセル料金が発生する(C): a cancellation fee is charged
延長料金がかかる(B1): an extension fee is charged
名詞+の+~ (1) 高速道路の料金(C): expressway toll (fee)