

~+名詞 (10) 成長ホルモン(C): growth hormone
成長戦略(B1): growth strategy
成長過程(B1): growth process
成長力(A2): (one’s) ability to grow [develop]
成長段階(B1): (the) stage of growth [development]
成長因子(B2): growth factor
成長速度(B1): (the) speed of growth [development]
成長曲線(B1): growth curve
成長スピード(B1): (the) speed of growth [development]
成長途上(B1): in the process of growth [development]
~+名詞・接尾 (4) 成長期(A2): growth period
成長率(B1): growth rate, (the) rate of growth
成長ぶり(A2): one’s growth (the way one is growing or has grown)
成長痛(A2): growing pains
~が+形容詞 (3) 成長が早い(A2): grow [develop] fast [quickly]
成長が遅い(A2): grow [develop] slowly
成長が著しい(B1): show remarkable growth
~が+動詞 (7) 成長が止まる(A2): growth stops, growth is stopped
成長ができる(A2): can grow [develop], be able to grow [develop]
成長が続く(A2): continue to grow
成長が見込まれる(C): be expected [predicted, forecasted] to grow
成長が期待できる(A2): be expected to grow
成長が見込める(C): be expected [predicted, forecasted] to grow
成長が止まってしまう(A2): growth stops, growth is stopped
~に+動詞 (9) 成長につながる(B1): lead to growth
成長に合わせる(C): align with (one’s) growth [the growth] of ~
成長に伴う変化(B1): a change resulting from the growth of ~
成長に貢献する(B1): contribute to (one’s) growth [the growth] of ~
成長に寄与する(B1): contribute to (one’s) growth [the growth] of ~
成長に欠かせない(B1): be essential for (one’s) growth [the growth] of ~
成長に役立つ(B1): be useful for (one’s) growth [the growth] of ~
成長に及ぼす影響(B1): affect [have an effect on, influence, impact] (one’s) growth [development] of ~
成長につながるやりがいのある仕事(C): a rewarding [fulfilling] job that leads to growth
~を+動詞 (16) 成長を続ける(B1): continue growing, continue growth (the growth of~)
成長を遂げる(A2):  grow, achieve growth
成長を促す(B1): encourage growth (the growth of~)
成長を支える(B1): support growth (the growth of~)
成長を見守る(B1): protect growth (the growth of~)
成長を感じる(B1): feel [perceive] growth (the growth of~)
成長を目指す(B2): [aim for], [strive for] growth (the growth of~)
成長を願う(B1): wish for growth (the growth of~)
成長を促進する(B1): encourage [promote] growth (the growth of~)
成長を支援する(B1): support growth (the growth of~)
成長を妨げる(C): prevent [hinder, impede] growth (the growth of~)
成長を実感する(C): feel [perceive] growth (the growth of~) firsthand
成長を阻害する(C): prevent [hinder, impede] growth (the growth of~)
成長を止める(C): stop [halt] growth (the growth of~)
成長を成し遂げる(A2):  grow, achieve growth
成長を加速させる(C): speed up [accelerate] growth (the growth of~)
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (4) 健やかな成長(A2): healthy growth
健全な成長(A2): healthy growth
新たな成長(A2): new growth
急速な成長(B1): rapid growth
名詞+~ (4) 経済成長(B1): economic growth
マイナス成長(B1): negative growth
経済成長をもたらす(A2): bring about economic growth
成長が著しい(A2): rapidly growing
名詞+の+~ (10) 子供の成長(A2): (a [the]) child’s [children’s] growth (development)
自分の成長(C): one’s own growth [development], one’s self-development [self-growth]
企業の成長(B2): corporate growth, the growth of the company [corporation]
心の成長(B1): emotional growth
経済の成長(B1): economic growth
自身の成長(C): one’s own growth [development], one’s self-development [self-growth]
赤ちゃんの成長(A2): the growth of (a [the]) baby
心身の成長(B1): mental and physical growth [development]
わが子の成長(B1): my child’s growth [development]
胎児の成長(C): the growth [development] of (an [the]) embryo
名詞+的(な)+~ (3) 持続的な成長(C): sustained [continued, lasting] growth
人間的な成長(B1): human growth
精神的な成長(B1): mental growth
連体詞+~ (2) 大きな成長(B1): major [considerable, significant] growth
さらなる成長(B1): further growth