

~+の+名詞 (2) 役割の分担(C): division of roles, role-sharing
役割の見直し(A1): role review
~+名詞 (1) 役割分担(C): role-sharing, division of roles
~に+動詞 (2) 役割に徹する(B1): stick to one's role, devote oneself to one's role
彼の役割に期待する(A2): expect him to do his part, have expectations about his role
~を+動詞 (19) 役割を果たす(B1): fulfill one's role
役割を担う(A1): carry out a role
役割を持つ(A1): have a role
役割を演じる(A1): carry out [play] a role
役割を終える(A1): finish a role
自分の役割を考える(A1): think about one’s role
役割を認識する(A2): recognize a role
役割を分担する(A2): assign a role (to)
役割を理解する(A2): understand a role
新入社員に役割を与える(C): give a new hire a role
役割を自覚する(A2): be aware of one’s role
役割を引き受ける(A2): take on [accept] a role
役割をまっとうする(A1): carry out one's role (to the fullest)
新入社員に役割を担わす(C): give a new hire a role
重要な役割を果たす(A1): play an important role
中心的な役割を果たす(A2): play a central role
大きな役割を果たすことになる(A2): will be playing a big part [role]
中心的な役割を担う(A2): play a central role
重要な役割を担うようになる(A1): will be carrying out an important role
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (7) 重要な役割(A1): important [key] role
大切な役割(A1): important [key] role
主な役割(A2): main [major] role
適切な役割(A2): appropriate role
大事な役割(A1): important role
主要な役割(A2): main [major] role
重大な役割(A2): critical role
動詞基本形+~ (6) 新入社員が果たす役割(A2): role of new employees
新入社員が担う役割(A2): role of new employees
国と国をつなぐ役割(A2): role of connecting countries
子供を守る役割(A2): role of protecting children
リーダーを支える役割(A2): role of supporting leaders
データ漏洩を防ぐ役割(C): role of preventing data leakage
名詞+~ (1) 役割をこなす(A1): carry out one's role
名詞+の+~ (11) それぞれの役割(C): their respective roles
自分の役割(A1): one’s role
政府の役割(A2): role of (the) government
本来の役割(A2): one's original role
一定の役割を果たす(A2): play a certain role
クッションの役割(C): role as a buffer
父親の役割(A1): role of the father
男女の役割の違い(A1): differences in the roles of men and women
リーダーの役割(A2): role of the leader, leadership role
コーディネーターの役割(C): role of the coordinator
先輩と後輩の橋渡しの役割(C): role of a bridge between seniors and juniors
名詞+的(な)+~ (12) 中心的な役割(A2): central role
積極的な役割を果たす(A2): play an active role
主導的な役割(A2): leading role
決定的な役割(B1): decisive role
指導的な役割(A2): leadership role
中核的な役割(C): core role
補助的な役割(B1): auxiliary [assisting] role
先導的な役割(A2): leading role
先駆的な役割(C): pioneering role
建設的な役割(C): constructive role
補完的な役割(C): complementary role
リーダー的な役割(A2): leadership role
連体詞+~ (1) 大きな役割を担う(A2): play a major role