

~+の+名詞 (7) 対応の遅れ(C): a delayed response
対応のあり方(B1): how to respond
Bluetooth対応の機種(B1): a model that supports Bluetooth, a Bluetooth compatible model
対応の不備(B1): inadequate support, insufficient support
対応の可否(B1): the ability to support
対応のスピード(B1): the speed of a response, the speed of service
対応の手引き(B2): response guidelines, support guidelines, service guidelines
~+名詞 (10) 対応力(B1): the ability to respond
対応方法(B1): how to respond
対応関係(B2): correspondence
対応状況(B1): the status of responses
対応能力(B1): the capacity to respond
対応機器(B2): compatible devices
対応機種(B1): compatible models
対応方針(B1): response policies
対応マニュアル(B1): response manuals
対応端末(B2): supported [compatible] devices
~+名詞・接尾 (6) 対応策(A2): a plan to respond to
対応表(C): a compatibility list, a correspondence table
対応済み(B1): supported
対応ぶり(B1): manner of service
対応可(B1): supported
対応不可(A2): not supported
~が+形容詞 (9) 対応が難しい(A2): difficult to respond to
対応がよい(A2): the service [response] is good
対応が悪い(A2): the service [response] is bad
対応が遅い(A2): the service [response] is slow
対応が素早い(C): the response is quick [swift] [prompt], the service is quick [swift] [prompt]
対応がひどい(A2): the service [response] is terrible [awful]
対応がまずい(C): the service [response] is bad [poor]
対応が冷たい(A2): the service is cold, the response is cold
対応が甘い(B1): something is lacking in the service [response]
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (10) 対応が必要だ(C): it is necessary to deal with [respond to] (the complaints)
対応が可能だ(B1): it is possible to deal with (the request), it is possible to respond to (the request)
対応が困難だ(A2): it is difficult to deal with the request, it is difficult to respond to the request
対応が丁寧だ(C): the response is polite, the service is meticulous
対応が適切だ(A2): the response is appropriate
対応が親切だ(A2): the response is kind
対応が不可欠だ(C): it is necessary [pivotal] to respond.
対応が十分だ(B1): the response is sufficient [enough, adequate], the service is adequate
対応が迅速だ(A2): the response is quick
対応が誠実だ(B1): the response is sincere
~が+動詞 (5) 対応ができる(B2): can cope with …
対応が求められる(B1): a response is required
対応が遅れる(A2): be late in responding to …
対応が追いつく(A2): the response catches up
対応が間に合う(A2): the response is in time
~に+動詞 (9) 対応に追われる(A2): be busy responding to ...
対応に努める(B1): strive [try] to serve
対応に当たる(B1): deal with
対応に苦慮する(B1): struggle to respond
対応に困る(B1): struggle to respond
対応に感謝する(A2): be grateful for the response
対応に満足する(B1): be satisfied with the response, be satisfied with the service
対応に悩む(A2): worry about how to respond
対応に苦労する(B1): struggle to respond to something
形容詞基本形+~ (15) 素早い対応(B2): prompt service, a prompt response
良い対応(A2): good service, a good response
きめ細かい対応(C): meticulous service
厳しい対応(B1): a stern [strict] response
正しい対応(A2): the correct response
細かい対応(B1): a detailed response
冷たい対応(A2): cold service, a cold response
優しい対応(B1): a nice response, nice service, friendly service
ひどい対応(A2): terrible service, a terrible response
温かい対応(B1): a warm response, warm service, a friendly response, friendly service
望ましい対応(B1): a desirable [an appropriate] response, desirable service
甘い対応(C): half-hearted service
暖かい対応(B1): warm service, warm correspondence
高級店としてふさわしい対応(B1): service suitable [appropriate] for a luxury store
心ない対応(C): heartless treatment
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (30) 適切な対応(A2): an appropriate response
迅速な対応(B1): a quick response, a prompt response
丁寧な対応(B1): a polite response, polite service
柔軟な対応(B1): a flexible response
誠実な対応(B1): a sincere response
的確な対応(B1): an appropriate response, an accurate response
慎重な対応(A2): a careful [cautious] response
十分な対応(B1): a sufficient response
親切な対応(A2): a kind response, kind service
きめ細かな対応(C): a meticulous [detailed] response
早急な対応(B1): an immediate response, immediate service
冷静な対応(B1): a calm response
スピーディーな対応(C): speedy [quick] service, a speedy [quick] response
きめ細やかな対応(C): meticulous [detailed] service
速やかな対応(B2): prompt service, a prompt response
細やかな対応(B1): a detailed response
真摯な対応(B1): a sincere response, an earnest response
親身な対応(B1): a friendly response
スムーズな対応(B1): smooth service
特別な対応(A2): special service
フレキシブルな対応(B2): flexible service
前向きな対応(B1): a positive response
細かな対応(B1): a detailed response
機敏な対応(A2): a quick response
円滑な対応(B1): smooth service
敏速な対応(B1): a quick response, a prompt response
粗末な対応(B1): sloppy service, a poor response,
杜撰な対応(C): shoddy service, a careless response
適当な対応(A2): an appropriate response
公平な対応(A2): a fair response
動詞過去+~ (15) 状況に応じた対応(C): a response according to the circumstances
状況を踏まえた対応(B1): a response depending on the circumstances
教育改革に向けた対応(B1): a response to the educational reform
マニュアルに沿った対応(B1): service in line with the manual
心のこもった対応(C): considerate service, a considerate response
意に即した対応(C): a response in line with one’s wishes, service in accordance with one’s wishes
高齢者に配慮した対応(C): the service that considers elderly people [the elderly]
間違った対応(A2): an incorrect [wrong] response
しっかりした対応(B1): a professional response, professional service
落ち着いた対応(C): a relaxed [calm] response, laid-back service
規則に準じた対応(C): the service according to the regulations, a response that corresponds to the regulations
誤った対応(C): a mistaken response, wrong response, an incorrect response
踏み込んだ対応(C): a comprehensive response, in-depth service
行き届いた対応(C): scrupulous [meticulous] service, attentive service
先を見据えた対応(C): a forward-looking [far-sighted] response
名詞+~ (2) 対応を丁寧に行う(A2): handle carefully
対応が早い(A2): fast response, quick to respond
名詞+の+~ (34) 今後の対応(B1): future responses
政府の対応(A2): the government’s response
スタッフの対応(A2): the staff’s response
大人の対応(B1): a mature response
行政の対応(B1): the government's [administration's] response
国の対応(A2): the country’s [nation's] response
電話の対応(B1): telephone correspondence [support]
事故の対応(B1): response to an accident [incident]
企業の対応(B1): corporate response, business correspondence
早めの対応(A2): a quick response
会社の対応(A2): a company’s response,
最善の対応(A2): the best response, the best service [support]
自治体の対応(A2): the response of the local government
万全の対応(B1): a perfect response, perfect service [support]
店員の対応(B1): customer service by the staff, the shop assistant's correspondence
トラブルの対応(B1): response to the trouble, dealing with the trouble
一対一の対応(C): one-to-one service, a one-to-one correspondence
マスコミの対応(C): the response of the mass-media, the media response
非常時の対応(A2): emergency response
個別の対応(B1): individual responses
臨機応変の対応(B1): flexible responses
現場の対応(C): on-site responses
役所の対応(A2): the response of the local government
初期の対応(B1): an initial response
周囲の対応(B1): the response of the surroundings
小手先の対応(C): a perfunctory response, a halfhearted response
その場凌ぎの対応(C): a stop-gap [an ad hoc] response, a temporary support
異例の対応(B1): an exceptional response, an unusual response
通常の対応(B1): normal response, normal service
咄嗟の対応(C): an instantaneous response
後手の対応(C): a delayed [stalled] response
目先の対応(B1): immediate response [service], a short-term solution
ケースバイケースの対応(C): case-by-case responses
来客の対応(B1): service to the visitors
名詞+的(な)+~ (15) 積極的な対応(C): a positive response, proactive service
現実的な対応(B1): a realistic response
基本的な対応(B1): basic service
場当たり的な対応(C): an ad-hoc response
専門的な対応(B1): expert service
一般的な対応(B1): a general response
消極的な対応(B1): a negative response, a passive response
長期的な対応(B1): a long-term response
紳士的な対応(C): a gentlemanly response
抜本的な対応(C): a radical response, a drastic response
合理的な対応(A2): a logical response
常識的な対応(C): a common-sense [reasonable] response
機械的な対応(A2): a mechanical [cold] response
良心的な対応(C): a good-hearted response
差別的な対応(C): a discriminatory response
連体詞+~ (6) 何らかの対応(A2): some kind of response
しかるべき対応(A2): an appropriate response, a proper response
然るべき対応(A2): an appropriate response, a proper response
なんらかの対応(A2): some kind of response
断固たる対応(C): a resolute response, decisive action
毅然たる対応(C): a firm response, a resolute response