

~+の+名詞 (20) 家庭の事情(B1): family circumstances,
仕事と家庭の両立(A2): balancing work and family
家庭の状況(A2): family [home] situations
家庭の教育方針(A2): one's home education policy
家庭の経済状況(A2): one's family's financial situation, the economic situation of one's family
家庭の食卓(C): one's family table, the dining table of one's home
家庭の崩壊(B1): the breakdown [collapse] of a family
家庭の収入(A2): the family income, a family’s income
家庭の雰囲気(A2): one's home [family] atmosphere
家庭のあり方(A1): how the home should be, an ideal family [home]
家庭の様子(A2): one's family situation
家庭のルール(A1): family rules
家庭の方針(A2): family [home] policies
家庭の所得(A2): the family income
家庭のごみ(B1): household waste [garbage]
家庭の団らん(A2): family harmony, a happy family
家庭の現状(A2): the current state of one's family
家庭の不和(C): family discord
家庭の温もり(A2): the warmth of home
仕事と家庭を両立する(A2): balance work and family life
~+名詞 (15) 家庭教師(B2): a tutor
家庭裁判所(A2): family court
家庭生活(A1): family life, home life
家庭環境(B1): home environment, family environment
家庭菜園(A1): a home [family] garden
家庭教育(A2): home [family] education
家庭学習(A2): home study
家庭料理(A2): home cooking
家庭訪問(A1): a home visit
家庭ごみ(B1): household waste
家庭用品(A2): household items
家庭崩壊(B1): family breakdown
家庭状況(A2): family [home] situations
家庭円満(A2): family harmony, a happy family
家庭不和(C): family discord
~+名詞・接尾 (4) 家庭用の電子機器(B2): household electronics
家庭内の問題(B1): domestic problems
家庭的な人(A1): a family person (※英語ではよい意味合いはない。)
家庭科(NA): Home Economics
~に+動詞 (15) 新商品が家庭に普及する(A2): a new product spreads to homes
より良い家庭にする(A2): build a better home environment
家庭にちらしを配布する(C): distribute leaflets [flyers] to homes
家庭に給付金を支給する(A2): pay benefits to families [households]
家庭にちらしを配る(B1): distribute leaflets to homes
家庭に仕事を持ち込む(A1): bring work home
家庭に新しい習慣が浸透する(B1): a new habit permeates [penetrates] into one's home
恵まれた家庭に生まれ育つ(C): be raised in a privileged family, grow up in a rich family
家庭に仕事を持ち帰る(A1): bring work home
家庭にホームステイする(C): do a homestay in one’s home [house], stay in one's home
非常食を家庭に常備する(A2): stock emergency foods at home
家庭に食品を配達する(A2): deliver food to one’s family
家庭におじゃまする(A1): visit one's home
生徒の家庭に連絡する(A2): contact the family of a student
友達を家庭に招く(A2): invite a friend home
~を+動詞 (15) 家庭を築く(A1): build a good [happy] home
家庭を持つ(A1): have a home [family]
家庭を守る(A2): protect one’s family
家庭を作る(A1): build a home
家庭を訪問する(A1): visit one's family
家庭を壊す(A2): destroy [break up] one's family
家庭を顧みる(A2): care about [pay attention to] one's family
仕事と家庭を両立する(A2): balance work and family
家庭を支える(A2): support one’s family
家庭を営む(A2): run a household, lead a (peaceful) life
家庭を捨てる(A2): abandon one’s family
家庭を優先する(C): prioritize a household
家庭を維持する(B1): maintain a household, maintain a home
良い家庭を築き上げる(A1): build a good home
家庭を失う(A2): lose one's home
~的(な)+名詞 (2) 家庭的な雰囲気(C): a homely atmosphere
家庭的な女性(B1): a domestic woman
形容詞基本形+~ (8) 貧しい家庭(A1): a poor family
温かい家庭(A2): a warm [friendly] family
明るい家庭(A2): a happy family, a cheerful family
暖かい家庭(A2): a warm [friendly] family
楽しい家庭(A1): a fun family
素晴らしい家庭(A1): a great family
厳しい家庭(A1): a strict family
経済的に苦しい家庭(C): a financially struggling family, a poor family
動詞過去+~ (7) 恵まれた家庭(C): a privileged family
経済的に安定した家庭(C): a financially [economically] secure [stable] family
生まれ育った家庭(A2): the home where one was born and raised
充実した家庭(C): a fulfilling [satisfying] family
幸せに満ちた家庭(A2): a home [family] full of happiness
落ち着いた家庭(A2): a relaxed family
教育方針がしっかりした家庭(B1): a family with a solid policy on education
名詞+の+~ (10) それぞれの家庭(A1): each family
一般の家庭(A2): ordinary families [homes]
共働きの家庭(C): a dual-income [two-income] household [family]
個々の家庭(A2): individual homes
理想の家庭(A1): an ideal family
現在の家庭(A2): the present family
現代の家庭(A2): a modern family
昔の家庭(A1): the families of the old days
庶民の家庭(C): a working-class family [household]
金持ちの家庭(B1): a rich [wealthy] family [household]