

~+の+名詞 (37) 子供の成長(A2): a child's growth, child development
子供の教育(A2): education of children, child education
子供の心(A1): a child's feelings [mind]
子供の数(A1): the number of children
子供の権利(A2): the rights of children, children's rights
子供の場合には(A1): in case of children
子供の発達(A2): a child's growth, child development
子供の気持ち(A1): a child's feelings
子供の生活(A1): a child’s life
子供の健康(A1): a child’s health, child health
子供の将来(A1): a child’s future
子供の安全(A2): child safety
子供の世話をする(A1): take care of a child, look after a child
子供の姿(A2): the form [image] of a child, a child’s figure
子供の様子(A2): the state [condition] of a child
子供の面倒を見る(A1): take care of a child, look after a child
子供の養育(C): child-rearing
子供の命(A1): a child’s life
子供の年齢(A1): a child’s age
子供の話(A1): a child’s story
子供の名前(A1): a child’s name
子供の病気(B1): children’s illness [disease]
子供の遊び(A1): children’s play
子供の遊び場(A2): a children’s playground
子供の寝顔(C): a child’s sleeping face
子供の成長に合わせて(A1): as the child grows
子供の健康な発達を願う(A2): wish for the healthy development of the child
子供の学校(A1): a child's school
子供の気持ち(A1): a child’s feelings
子供の環境(B1): a child's environment
子供の言葉(A1): words of a child
子供の健康(A1): children's health
子供の命(A1): children's lives
子供の指導(C): guiding children
子供の顔(A1): a child's face
子供の将来(A1): children's future
子供の成長(A2): (a [the]) child’s [children’s] growth (development)
~+名詞 (8) 子供手当て(C): a child-care allowance, children's allowance
子供時代に(A2): in one's childhood
子供同士で遊ぶ(A1): play with other children
子供部屋(A1): a child’s room [bedroom]
子供病院(A1): children’s hospital
子供保険(C): child insurance, educational endowment insurance (※educational endowment insuranceは学資保険)
子供みたいな人(A2): a childish person, a child
子供だまし(B1): a childish trick
~+名詞・接尾 (6) 子供向けのテレビ番組(A2): TV shows for children, children's TV shows
子供会(A2): a children's neighborhood community, a local kids' club
こども園(C): a day care, a nursery, a preschool, a kindergarten (※day careとnurseryは保育に、preschoolとkindergartenは教育に焦点を当てた施設)
子供心にも(A2): even for a child, though one is a child
子供連れの家族(A1): a family with children (※通常a familyだけでも子供のいる家族を指す)
子供服(A2): children’s clothes [clothing]
~が+形容詞 (4) 子供がまだ小さい(A2): Our child is still small [young].
子供が欲しい(A1): want to have a child
子供が多い家族(A1): a family with many children
子供が大きい家庭(A1): a family with older children
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (4) 子供が大好きだ(A1): I love children.
子供が嫌いだ(A2): I hate children.
子供が可哀想だ(C): I feel sorry for the child., I pity the child.
子供が不憫だ(C): I feel sorry for the child., I pity the child.
~が+動詞 (9) 子供がいる家庭(A2): households with children
子供が生まれる(A2): A child is born.
子供ができる(A1): have a child
子供が成長するにつれて(A1): as children grow up
子供が遊ぶ(A1): Children play.
子供が成人する(A1): Children come of age.
子供が巣立つ(C): Children leave the nest., Children stand on their own feet.
子供が触れるおもちゃ(A2): toys with which children come in contact
子供が発する言葉(A1): words spoken by children, words that children say
~から+動詞 (1) 子供から危険物を離す(A2): keep dangerous objects away from children
~と+動詞 (7) 子供と遊ぶ(A1): play with a child
子供と接する(A2): interact with a child
子供と向き合う(A2): engage with a child, face a child
子供と触れ合う(A1): spend time with a child
子供と同居する(A2): live with one's child
子供と面会する(A1): visit one’s child, meet with one’s child
子供と別居する(A2): live apart from one’s child
~に+形容詞 (2) 子供に優しい社会(C): a child-friendly society
子供に辛い環境(C): a harsh environment for children
~に+形容動詞語幹+だ (1) 子供に有害なテレビ番組(A2): a TV program that is harmful to children
~に+動詞 (12) 子供におこづかいを与える(A2): give one’s child an allowance
子供に英語を教える(C): teaching children English, teach English to children
子供に気持ちを伝える(A1): tell your child how you feel
子供に対する口調(A2): the tone with which one speaks to a child
子供に愛情を注ぐ(B1): shower one’s child with love and affection, be affectionate to one's child
子供に病気が遺伝する(B2): The disease is inherited.
子供に財産を贈与する(A2): gift property to children
子供に触れる(A2): touch a child
子供におもちゃを買い与える(C): buy toys for a child
子供にお金をせがむ(C): solicit money from one's child
子供にピアノを習わせる(A1): have one’s child learn to play the piano
子供に八つ当たりする(A2): take one’s anger [one's frustration, things] out on one’s child
~の+形容動詞語幹+だ (3) 子供の健やかな成長(A2): a child’s healthy growth
子供の健全な成長(A2): a child’s healthy growth
子供の無邪気な笑顔(A2): a child's innocent smile
~の+動詞 (1) 子供の居る家庭(A2): households with children, families with children
~を+動詞 (22) 子供を育てる(A2): raise a child, bring up a child
子供を生む(A2): bear [give birth to] a child
子供を持つ(A1): have a child
子供を連れて出かける(A1): go out with one’s child
子供を守る(A2): protect a child
子供を作る(A1): have a child
子供を見る(A1): watch over a child
子供を預ける(C): leave a child in someone’s care
子供を抱える(A2): hold a child
子供を預かる(C): be entrusted with a child
子供を授かる(A2): be blessed with a child, conceive a child, have a child
子供を取り巻く環境(B1): the environment surrounding a child
子供を養育する(A2): raise [bring up] a child
幼稚園に子供を入れる(C): put a child in kindergarten
子供を産み育てる(A2): bear and raise a child
子供をもうける(A2): have [bear] a child
子供を虐待する(C): abuse a child
子供を身ごもる(A2): conceive a child, become pregnant with a child
子供をあやす(C): lull a child
子供をしつける(B1): discipline a child
子供を寝かしつける(A1): put a child to bed
子供を叱りつける(A2): scold a child
形容詞基本形+~ (6) 小さい子供(A1): a little [small, young] child
幼い子供(A1): a young child
可愛い子供(A1): a cute child
貧しい子供(A1): a poor child
逞しい子供(C): a strong-minded [strong-willed] child
大きい子供(A1): a big child
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (11) 元気な子供(A2): an energetic [a cheerful] child, a healthy child
無邪気な子供(A2): an innocent child
未熟な子供(C): an immature child
好奇心旺盛な子供(C): a child brimming with [full of] curiosity, a curious child
健やかな子供(A1): a healthy child
無垢な子供(A2): an innocent child
丈夫な子供(A1): a healthy child
わがままな子供(A2): a selfish child
やんちゃな子供(B1): a naughty child
健常な子供(A1): a healthy child
可哀想な子供(C): a poor [pitiful] child
動詞過去+~ (3) 才能を持った子供(A2): a gifted child
親を亡くした子供(A2): a child who has lost a parent
成人した子供(B1): a grown-up child
動詞基本形+~ (2) 未来を担う子供(C): children who will bear [forge] the future
才能を持つ子供(A2): a gifted child
名詞+~ (1) 子どもを独立させる(A2): make children independent
名詞+の+~ (8) 自分の子供(A1): one’s own child
地域の子供(A2): a local child, children in one's neighborhood
近所の子供(A2): a child from the neighborhood, children in one's neighborhood
自閉症の子供(C): an autistic child
同年代の子供(A1): children of the same age
ダウン症の子供(A2): a child with Down('s) syndrome
前妻の子供(C): one’s ex-wife’s child
地域の子供(A2): the children in the region [area], local children
連体詞+~ (1) 小さな子供(A1): a little [small, young] child