
~+の+名詞 (17) のトーン(A2): the tone of voice
の主(A2): the owner of the voice
の調子(A2): the tone of voice
の響き(A2): the sound of voice
の持ち主(A2): the owner of the voice
の出演(B1): a voice cast
の抑揚(C): intonation
の震え(C): a quiver in one's voice
の振動(B1): the vibration of one's voice
の高まり(B1): the rise of one's voice
の通り(A2): a voice that carries well
のボリューム(B1): the volume of voice
の高低(C): highs and lows of a voice
の大小(A2): loud and little voice
の演技(A2): voice performance
の印象(B1): an impression of one's voice
の出方(B2): how one utters
~+名詞 (3) なき(C): unvoiced opinions
高らかに~(A2): loudly
彼のそのものが美しい(A2): his voice itself is beautiful
~が+形容詞 (16) 歓迎のが多い(B1): there are many voices of welcome
が大きい(B1): the voice is loud
が小さい(A2): the voice is small
が低い(A2): the voice is low
がうるさい(B1): the voice is loud
がでかい(B1): the voice is loud
がいい(A2): have a nice voice
が可愛い(A2): the voice is cute
が細い(A2): the voice is thin
が聞きづらい(A2): one's voice is difficult to hear
が弱い(A2): one's voice is weak
が素晴らしい(A2): one's voice is wonderful
がやかましい(A2): one's voice is noisy
が優しい(A2): one's voice is gentle
が太い(B1): one's voice is deep
が怖い(B1): one's voice is scary
~が+動詞 (41) が聞こえる(A2): can hear voice
が出る(A2): voice comes out
聴衆からが上がる(B1): voices rise from the audience
天からがする(A2): hear a voice from the heaven
がかかる(A2): a voice speaks to
が響く(C): voices echo
住民からがあがる(B1): voices rise from the inhabitants [the residents]
が聞こえる(A2): hear voices
が届く(A2): one's voice reaches [can be heard]
住民からが寄せられる(A2): voices come from the inhabitants
非難のが高まる(B1): the voices of criticism grow
孫のが聞ける(A2): hear the voices of one's grandchildren
が出せる部屋(A2): a room where one can talk in a loud voice
が響き渡る(C): voices echo
が漏れる(B1): voices leak
が震える(C): one's voice trembles
がかすれる(C): one's voice becomes hoarse
非難のが相次ぐ(A2): the voices of criticism never end
非難のが強まる(A2): the voices of criticism are growing stronger
が変わる(A2): one's voice changes
がかれる(C): have a hoarse voice
非難のが飛び交う(A2): the voices of criticism are heard everywhere
緊張でが上ずる(B1): there's tension in one's voice
が途切れる(B1): one's voice breaks off [is interrupted]
が裏返る(B1): one's voice cracks
が通る(A2): one's voice come through
がしゃがれる(C): one's voice becomes hoarse
喜びのが溢れる(C): joyous voices flood in
が発せられる(B1): voices are uttered
が消える(A2): the voice disappears [is gone]
相手のが聞き取れる距離(A2): the distance in which the other party's voice can be heard
苦しみのがもれる(B1): the voices of pain leak
が弾む(A2): speak in an exited voice
喜びのが沸き起こる(C): the cries of joy burst
が似ている(A2): one's voice is similar to
雑音でがかき消される(A2): one's voice is drowned out by the noise
喜びのが続出する(A2): the voices of joy follow one after another
がふるえる(C): one's voice trembles
が反響する(C): voices echo
がひっくり返る(B1): one's voice cracks
が揃う(C): speak in unison
~で+動詞 (27)で言う(A2): say in a loud voice
で話す(A2): speak in a loud voice
美しいで歌う(A2): sing in a beautiful voice
で叫ぶ(B1): shout in a loud voice [yell]
美しいで鳴く(A2): (birds) sing beautifully
元気なで答える(A2): answer [reply] in a cheerful voice
でつぶやく(B2): murmur
で呼ぶ(A2): call in a loud voice
でしゃべる(A2): talk loudly
で笑う(A2): laugh out loud
で泣く(A2): cry loud
元気なで挨拶する(C): greet in a cheerful voice
大きなで話しかける(A2): speak in a loud voice
でどなる(B2): yell
大きなで呼びかける(A2): call out
で囁く(B1): whisper
小さなで告げる(A2): announce in a small voice
大きなで目が覚める(A2): wake up from a loud voice
大きなで読み上げる(A2): read loudly
美しいで歌える歌手(A2): a singer with a beautiful voice
小さなで語りかける(A2): speak in a small voice
大きなで吠える(B1): bark in a loud voice
美しいでさえずる(C): chirp [sing beautifully]
で目を覚ます(A2): wake up from a loud voice
低いで唸る(C): growl (in a low voice)
で目覚める(A2): wake up from a loud voice
でわめく(C): cry, scream, outcry
~に+動詞 (14) に出す(C): speak out, voice it
住民のに耳を傾ける(B1): listen to the voices of the residents
住民のに応える(B1): respond [reply] to the voices of the inhabitants
思いをにする(C): give voice to one's thoughts, voice one's thoughts
住民のに反応する(B1): respond to the voices of the residents
リーダーのに聞き従う(A1): listen to the leader
疑問のにお答えする(A2): answer [reply] to the voices of doubt
応援のに励まされる(A2): encouraged by the cheering [the voice of support]
に耳を澄ます(A2): listen carefully to the voices
小さなに振り向く(A2): turn toward a whisper
要望のにこたえる(B1): respond to the demands
に耳を貸す(A2): pay attention to the voice
にびっくりする(A2): surprised with the big voice
にかき消される(B1): be drowned out by the voices
~の+形容詞 (6) の大きい人(A2): a person with a loud voice
の高い人(C): a person with a high-pitched voice
の小さい人(A2): a person with a small voice
の美しい人(A2): a person with a beautiful voice
のでかい人(A2): a person with a loud voice
の良い人(A2): a person with a good voice
~の+動詞 (7) の出し方(C): how to vocalize a sound
のする方を振り返る(A2): look back to the direction of the voice
のかけ方(C): how to speak to someone
がかすれる病気(C): a disease that makes one's voice hoarse
の聞こえる範囲(A2): the range in which one's voice can be heard
の届く範囲(B1): the range in which one's voice can be delivered
の響く会場(C): the hall in which voices echo
~を+動詞 (43) をかける(A2): call out
を聞く(A2): listen to a voice
を出す(A1): speak out
を掛ける(C): talk to somebody
を上げる(A2): raise one's voice
応援のをいただく(A2): receive the voice of support
お褒めのを下さる(B1): receive praise [a compliment]
をあげる(A2): raise one's voice, speak out
お褒めのをくれる(B1): receive praise [a compliment]
住民のを反映する(B1): reflect the voices of the residents
を掛け合う(A2): call out to each other
喜びのを紹介する(A2): introduce voices of pleasure [joy]
お褒めのをもらう(B1): receive praise [a compliment]
を張り上げる(A2): raise one's voice
を発する(B1): utter a word
を届ける(C): make one's voice heard, bring the voices to, deliver the voices to
を荒げる(A2): raise one's voice
を揃える(C): gather voices, in unison, with one voice
を漏らす(A2): drop [say] a word
抗議のを無視する(B1): ignore the voices of protests
を失う(A2): lose one's voice
を録音する(A2): record one's voice
を震わせる(C): quiver [tremble] one's voice
喜びのを頂戴する(B1): receive praise [a compliment]
をひそめる(B1): lower one's voice, in a low voice, whisper
住民のを代弁する(B1): speak for the inhabitants, represent the voices of the residents
住民のを吸い上げる(B1): draw up the inhabitant's voices, listen to the voices of the residents
小さなを聞き取る(A2): catch whispers
を潜める(B1): lower one's voice, in a low voice, whisper
を殺す(B1): lower one's voice, in a low voice
を聞き分ける(B1): recognize one's voice
を弾ませる(A2): in an excited voice
を絞り出す(C): squeeze out a word
映像にを入れる(A2): put in voices into the film, provide voices to the film
を振り絞って(C): muster one's voice
を荒らげる(A2): raise one's voice
を変える(A2): change one's voice
を拾い上げる(A2): pick up voices
を聞きつける(B1): overhear [hear] one's voice
を押し殺す(B1): whisper [in a low voice]
をかき消す(B1): drown out the voices
を掛け合う(A2): call out to one another
(しゃべりすぎて)を枯らす(C): talk oneself hoarse
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (24) 元気な(B1): a cheerful voice
きれいな(A2): a pretty voice
切実な(B1): an earnest voice
悲痛な(C): a sorrowful voice
静かな(A2): a quiet voice
賑やかな(A2): a lively voice
変な(B1): a weird voice
頓狂な(C): a wild [hysteric] voice
色々な(B1): various voices
穏やかな(B1): a calm voice
微かな(A2): a faint [small] voice
リアルな(A2): a real voice
素敵な(A2): a wonderful voice
ハスキーな(C): a husky voice
顧客からの貴重な(B1): valuable opinions [feedback] from the customers
冷静な(B1): a composed [calm] voice
間抜けな(B1): a foolish [stupid] voice
率直な(A2): be frank
奇妙な(A2): a strange voice
柔らかな(C): a tender [soft] voice
陽気な(B1): a cheerful voice
ヒステリックな(C): a hysteric voice
伸びやかな(B1): a relaxed [carefree] voice
暢気な(B1): a carefree voice
動詞基本形+~ (38) 結果を求める(A2): the voice asking for results
賛成だと言う(C): affirmative [supportive] voices
平和を望む(A2): the voice to desire peace
私を呼ぶ(A2): the voices calling me
間違いを指摘する(A2): point out one's mistakes
電子タバコを危険視する(C): regard e-cigarettes as dangerous
先行きを懸念する(A2): concern about the future
天候を心配する(A2): worry about the weather
非難する(B1): blame
叫ぶ(B1): a shouting voice
鳥が鳴く(A2): the singing of birds
震える(B1): a trembling voice
会場に響く(C): the voice that echoes the hall
いい結果を期待する(A2): the voice expecting a good result
批判する(B1): the voices of criticism
危惧する(A2): the voices of concern, concerns
反対する(A2): opposing voices
歌い(A2): singing voices
笑い(B1): a laughter
彼が発する(B1): he utters something
非難する(B1): the voices of criticism
すすり泣く(C): sobs
泣き叫ぶ(C): cries [wails]
惜しむ(B1): the voices of regret
周囲に呼びかける(A1): call people
囁く(B2): whispers, murmurs
要望する(A2): requests
吠える(B1): bark
彼を支持する(B1): the voice supporting him
天候を危ぶむ(A1): worries about the weather
嘆く(C): laments
はしゃぐ(A2): exciting voices
称賛する(B1): praise
騒ぐ(B1): loud [noisy] voices
どなる(B2): yell
会場に響き渡る(C): the voice that echoes in the hall
私を呼び止める(A2): a voice that calls me
過去を懐かしむ(C): nostalgic about the past
名詞+~ (1) がこもる(C): muffled voice
名詞+の+~ (47) お客様の(B1): customer feedback
生の(A2): honest opinions, live voices
自分の(A2): one's own voice
人の(A2): a human voice
喜びの(A2): a voice of joy
心の(A2): one's inner voice, what one really thinks, a voice from the heart
市民の(A2): the citizen's voice, the voices of the citizens
現場の(C): on-site voice, the voice of the scene [field]
国民の(A2): the voice of the people
反対の(B1): the voice of opposition
驚きの(A2): surprised voices, voices of surprise
鳥の(A2): the songs [sound] of birds
女性の(A2): a female voice
批判の(B1): voices of criticism, critical voices
疑問の(A2): the voices of doubt, doubts, questions
不満の(C): the voice of discontent [disapproval, dissatisfaction], complains
感嘆の(B1): the voice of admiration
怒りの(B1): the voice of rage [outrage], the voice in anger
天の(B1): a heavenly voice, voices from heaven, God's voice
抗議の(B1): the voices of protest
顧客の(A2): customers' voice, the voice of the customer
非難の(B1): the voice of blame, criticism
電話の(A2): the voice on the phone
称賛の(B1): voices of praise
患者の(A2): the voice of the patients
歓喜の(B1): shouts of delight
当事者の(A2): the voices of the person concerned, the voices of the parties
反発の(B1): the voice of opposition, objections
歓呼の(C): the voice of acclamation, cheers
区民の(B1): the voice of (ward) residents
嘆きの(B1): the voice of grief
絶賛の(A2): the voice of high praise
怨嗟の(C): the voice of resentment
驚嘆の(B1): the voice of admiration
神様のが聞こえる(A2): can hear God's voice
戸惑いの(B1): the voice of bewilderment [confusion]
アナウンサーの(C): the announcer's voice, the voice of the announcer
卒業生の(B1): the voices from the graduates
民衆の(C): the voice of the populace [people]
祈りの(B1): praying voice, the voice of prayer, prayers
祝福の(B1): blessings
歓迎の(A2): the voice of welcome, welcoming voices
同情の(B1): the voice of sympathy
どよめきの(C): clamors
外野の(B1): the voices from the outsiders
大衆の(B1): the voices of the (general) public
安堵の(B1): the voice of relief
連体詞+~ (6) 大きな(A2): a big voice
その(A2): that voice
小さな(A2): a quiet [tiny] voice
そんな(A2): such a voice
この(A2): this voice
ちいさな(A2): a small [tiny] voice