
~+の+名詞 (28) の危険がある(A2): one's life is in danger
の大切さ(A2): importance of life
の危機(A2): life crisis, the danger of life
の誕生(A1): the birth of (a new) life
の源(A2): the source of life
の尊厳(C): the sanctity [dignity] of life
の維持(A2): maintaining life
の起源(A2): the origin [beginning] of life
の根源(A2): the origin [source] of life
の本質(A2): the essence of life
の輝き(A1): the light of life
の恩人(C): a lifesaver
のつながり(A2): the connection of life
の神秘(A2): the mystery of life
の樹(A1): the tree of life
の進化(B1): the evolution of life
の息吹き(A2): the breath of life
の重み(A2): the importance of life
の泉(A2): a fountain of life
の糧(A1): the bread of life
の尊重(A2): respect for life
のリレー(B1): the relay of life
の存続(B1): survival
のバトン(C): the baton of life
の選別(A2): the selection [choice] of life
の代償(A1): the price of life
の萌芽(A2): the beginning [origin] of life
の終焉(A1): the end of life
~+名詞 (13)保険(A2): life insurance
力(C): vitality
体(B1): an organism
科学(A1): life science
維持(A2): life support
活動(A2): biological [life] activity
現象(B1): a biological [life] phenomenon
エネルギー(B1): life [vital] energy
倫理(C): bioethics
予後(C): vital prognosis
共済(B1): life mutual aid
尊重(A2): respect for life
工学科(B2): department of biotechnology
~+名詞・接尾 (2)線(C): lifeline
観(A2): the view of life
~が+形容詞 (8) が危ない(A2): one's life is in danger
がない(A1): have no life
が惜しい(A1): life is dear to (me)
が危うい(A2): one's life is in danger
が短い(A1): life is short
が尊い(A2): life is precious
が欲しい(A1): (I) want to live
が重い(A1): life is important
~が+動詞 (21) がある(A1): there is life
が失われる(A2): one's life is lost
が奪われる(A1): one's life is taken
が助かる(A1): one's life is saved
が誕生する(A2): a new life is born
が生まれる(A2): a new life is born
が救われる(A1): one's life is saved
が宿る(A2): get pregnant
が存在する(A2): there exist lives
がかかっている(A2): lives are on the line [at stake]
が尽きるまで(A2): until one's life ends
が消える(A2): one's life disappears [ is lost]
が終わる(A1): one's life ends
が吹き込まれる(A1): breathe life into
が脅かされる(B1): have one's life threatened
が救える(A1): can save life
が断つ(A1): one's life ends
が守られる(A2): one's life is protected
が芽生える(A2): new life is born, get pregnant
が危ぶまれる(A2): put one's life in danger, one's life is in danger
が懸かる(A2): life is on the line [at stake]
~と+動詞 (4) と向き合う(A1): face life
と引き換える(A2): in exchange with one's life
と直結する(B1): directly link to life
と関わる(A2): be related to life
~に+動詞 (9) に関わる問題(A2): problems related to life
に及ぼす影響(A2): influences on life
に直結する病気(B1): diseases directly linked to life
自分のに代えて(A2): in exchange of one's life
に感謝する(A2): be thankful of life
に溢れる森(A2): a forest full of life
に対する考え方(A2): a view about life
に向き合う(A1): face life
に執着する(C): be attached to [cling] to one's life
~の+形容詞 (6) の尊さ(C): the preciousness [value] of life
の重さ(A2): the importance of life
のはかなさ(C): the fragility of life
の素晴らしさ(A2): the wonders of life
の短さ(C): the brevity [shortness] of life
の力強さ(A2): the strength [power] of life
~を+動詞 (55) を落とす(A2): lose one's life
を守る(A2): protect [save] (one's) life
を奪う(A1): take (one's) life
を救う(A1): save one's life
をかける(B1): risk one's life
を断つ(A1): put an end to one's life, take one's own life
を失う(A2): lose one's life
を与える(A1): give life to
を維持する(A2): maintain one's life
をつなぐ(A2): support life
を賭ける(B1): risk one's life
を助ける(A1): save one's life
を脅かす(B1): threaten one's life
を狙う(A2): try to kill one
を育む(B1): cultivate [sustain] one's life
を懸ける(B1): risk one's life
を捧げる(B1): devote one's life
を捨てる(A2): lay down [give up] one's life
を吹き込む(A1): breathe life into
を預かる(A2): be responsible for one's life
を削る(C): shorten one's life
を賭する(B1): risk one's life
を危険に晒す(A2): put one's life in danger
を生み出す(A2): create [produce] (a new) life
を投げ出す(C): sacrifice one's life
を尊重する(A2): respect life
を縮める(C): shorten one's life
を預ける(C): entrust one's life
を授かる(A1): be given (a new) life
を長らえる(A2): survive
を救える(A1): save one's life
を惜しむ(A1): take good care of life
を掛ける(B1): risk one's life
をまっとうする(A2): live out one's life
を尊ぶ(A2): respect life
を左右する(A2): affect one's life
を守れる(A2): can protect one's life
を軽視する(B1): disregard life
を燃やす(A1): do one's best
を慈しむ(A1): care for [ love] one's life
を宿す(B1): be pregnant
を優先する(C): prioritize life, give priority to life
を破壊する(A2): destroy lives
を延ばす(A2): extend one's life
をつなぎとめる(A1): save one's life
を弄ぶ(C): toy [play] with life
を奉じる (A1): give one's life to
をあずかる(A2): be responsible for one's life
をすり減らす(A1): wear down one's life
を輝かす(C): brighten one's life
を愛おしむ(A1): love life
を奪い去る(A1): take one's life
を注ぐ(A2): pour life into
を分け与える(A1): give life to
を吹き返す(A1): bring back to life
形容詞基本形+~ (11) 新しい(A1): a new life
尊い(A2): a precious life
強い(A1): a strong life
若い(A1): a young life
短い(A1): a short life
幼い(A1): a young life
はかない(C): a fleeting [frail] life
逞しい(A2): a powerful life
素晴らしい(A1): a wonderful life
小さい(A1): a small [little] life
力強い(A1): a strong life
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (14) 大切な(A1): an important life
新たな(A1): a new life
様々な(A2): a variety of lives
多様な(A2): a variety of lives
豊かな(A2): abundant life
複雑な(A2): complex life
貴重な(A2): precious life
不幸な(A2): unhappy life
神聖な(A2): sacred life
強靭な(A2): tough [strong] life
霊的な(A2): spiritual life
偉大な(A1): great life
巨大な(A2): huge life
無駄な(A2): wasted life
動詞過去+~ (6) 授かった(A1): a life that was given, have a (new) life
生まれた(A2): a life that was born
いただいた(A1): a life that was given
助かった(A1): a life that was saved
誕生した(A2): a life that was born
亡くなった(A1): a life that is gone
動詞基本形+~ (4) 救える(A1): a life that can be saved
助かるを救う(A1): save a life that can be saved
輝く(A2): a shining life
石に宿る(C): a life residing in ...
名詞+~ (3) 自らを断つ(A1): put an end to one's own life, kill oneself
を落とす(A2): lose one's life
に別状はない(A2): (one's) life is not in danger
名詞+の+~ (28) 人の(A1): one's life
自分の(A1): my life
永遠の(A2): eternal life
人間の(A2): human lives
国民の(A1): people's lives
全ての(A1): all lives
自らの(A1): one's life
子供の(A1): children's lives
一つの(A1): one life
上司の令(A2): an order of the boss
人々の(A1): people's lives
自身の(A1): one's own life
患者の(A2): a patient's life
住民の(B1): resident's lives
動物の(C): animal lives
他人の(A1): other people's lives
市民の(A2): citizens' lives
家族の(A1): family lives
生き物の(A2): the lives of living beings
多くの(A1): many lives
第三者の(A2): a third party's life
自他の(C): both lives of oneself and others
動植物の(A2): lives of animals and plants
胎児の(C): the life of the fetus
乗客の(A2): passengers' lives
母体の(A1): life of the mother
とこしえの(A2): eternal life
不死の(B1): immortal life
連体詞+~ (8) 小さな(A1): a small [little] life
あらゆる(A1): every life, all lives
同じ(A1): the same life
どんなも~(A2): even any kind of life, every life
わが(A1): my own life
大いなる(A2): one's proud life
我が(A1): my own life
いかなる(A1): any kind of life