

~+の+名詞 (6) 友達の家(A1): a friend’s house
友達の輪(A1): circle of friends
友達の紹介(A2): introduction of a friend, to be introduced by a friend
友達友達(A1): a friend of a friend
友達の結婚式(A2): a friend’s wedding
友達のお母さん(A1): a friend’s mother
~+名詞 (3) 友達関係(A2): friendship
友達付き合い(A2): friendship
友達感覚(A2): the feeling of friendship
~+名詞・接尾 (1) 友達作り(A1): to make friends
~が+形容詞 (3) 友達が多い(A2): to have lots of friends
友達が欲しい(A1): to want friends
友達が少ない(A2): to have few friends
~が+動詞 (5) 友達がいる(A1): to have friends
新しい友達ができる(A1): to make new friends
プレゼントを友達がくれる(A2): to receive a present from a friend
友達が家に来る(A1): a friend coming over to one’s house
友達が増える(A2): one’s number of friends is increasing, to make more friends
~から+動詞 (2) うわさを友達から聞く(A2): to hear a rumor from a friend
プレゼントを友達からもらう(A2): to receive a present from a friend
~で+動詞 (1) 友達でいる(A2): to remain friends
~と+動詞 (6) 友達と遊ぶ(C): to hang out with one’s friends., to chill with one’s friends
友達と一緒にいる(A1): to be with one’s friends
インターンシップを友達とする(C): to take part in an internship program with one’s friends
友達と会う(A1): to meet a friend
友達と出かける(A1): to go out with one’s friends
友達と協力する(C): to co-operate with one’s friends
~に+動詞 (12) 友達になる(A1): to become friends
友達になれる(A2): to be able to become friends
プレゼントを友達にもらう(A2): to receive a gift from one’s friend
芸能人が友達にいる(A2): to have a celebrity friend, to have a friend who is a celebrity
友達に会う(A1): to meet a friend
プレゼントを友達にあげる(A1): to give a present to a friend
友達に相談する(A2): to consult with a friend, to ask a friend for their advice
友達に誘われる(A2): to be invited somewhere by a friend (※英語では場所を明示するのが普通)
友達に話す(A1): to talk to a friend
友達に勧める(A2): to recommend to a friend
友達に恵まれる(A2): to be blessed with good friends (※英語ではこのような表現はあまりしない)
お金を友達に貸す(A2): to lend money to a friend. to lend a friend money
~を+動詞 (3) 友達を作る(A1): to make friends
友達を誘う(A2): to invite a friend (somewhere), to invite a friend (to something)  (※英語では場所や目的を明示するのが一般的)
友達を増やす(A2): to increase one’s number of friends, to make more friends
形容詞基本形+~ (3) 良い友達(A1): a good friend
新しい友達(A1): a new friend
親しい友達(A1): a close friend
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (1) 大切な友達(A1): a special friend, an important friend
動詞基本形+~ (1) 気が合う友達(A1): a friend one gets along with
名詞+~ (7)友達(A2): a female friend
友達(A2): a male friend
ママ友達(A1): friends who are mothers
遊び友達(B1): a casual acquaintance
ママ友達を家に招く(A2): invite a friend who is also a mother to one’s home
ママ友達で集まってご飯を食べる(A1): have a meal with one’s mommy friends
友達に薦められる(A2): recommended by a friend
名詞+の+~ (8) 周りの友達(B1): the friends around an individual
学校の友達(A1): a school friend, A friend from school
クラスの友達(A1): a friend from class
友達友達(A1): a friend of a friend
異性の友達(A2): a friend of the opposite sex
地元の友達(A1): a friend from one’s hometown
近所の友達(A2): a friend from one’s local area, A friend in the neighborhood
仲良しの友達(A1): a good friend