

~+の+名詞 (5) 友人の紹介(A1): introduce a friend
友人の結婚式(A2): a friend’s wedding
友人の勧め(B1): a recommendation from a friend
友人の結婚式に招待される(A2): be invited to a friend's wedding
友人の結婚式の2次会(C): after-party of a friend's wedding
~+名詞 (4) 友人関係(A2): friendship, relationship with friends
友人宅(A1): a friend’s house
友人同士(A1): be friends, between friends
友人夫婦(A2): a couple who we are [one is] friends with
~が+形容詞 (1) 友人が多い(A1): have many friends
~が+動詞 (4) 友人がたくさんいる(A1): have many friends
友人がプレゼントをくれる(A1): a friend gave one a present
友人が家にくる(A1): a friend came over, a friend came to one’s house
連絡手段がない友人がいる(A2): have a friend I have no way of contacting
~から+動詞 (3) 新しい情報を友人から聞く(A1): hear about something new from a friend, hear the news from a friend
友人からプレゼントをもらう(A2): receive a present from a friend
友人から洋服を借りる(A1): borrow clothes from a friend
~と+動詞 (2) 友人と会う(A2): meet (up with) [see] a friend
友人と遊ぶ(A2): spend time [hang out] with a friend
~に+動詞 (8) 友人にプレゼントをもらう(A2): receive a present from a friend
友人に誘われる(A2): be invited by a friend
友人に本を勧める(A2): recommend a book to a friend
友人に相談する(B1): consult with a friend
友人に会う(A2): meet (up with) [see] a friend
友人に頼む(A1): ask a friend
友人に事情を話す(A2): tell a friend about one’s [the] situation
友人に恵まれる(A1): have many [good] friends
~を+動詞 (3) 友人を誘う(A1): get one’s friends together, get together with one’s friends
友人を招く(A2): invite one’s [a] friend
友人を失う(A2): lose a friend
形容詞基本形+~ (3) 親しい友人(A1): a close friend
良い友人(A1): a good friend
古い友人(A1): an old friend
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (1) 大切な友人(A1): a dear friend
動詞過去+~ (1) インターネットで知り合った友人(A1): a friend that one met on the internet
名詞+~ (1) 友人を連れてくる(A1): bring a friend
名詞+の+~ (4) 小学校時代の友人(A1): a friend from elementary school, an elementary school friend
周りの友人(A1): one’s (close) friends
共通の友人(A2): a common friend, a friend in common
異性の友人(A2): a friend of the opposite sex