

~+の+名詞 (2) 原則の下(A2): under the principle, under the rule
原則の適用(B1): an application of a principle
~+名詞 (4) 原則禁止とする(C): be generally forbidden, be prohibited in general, be principally prohibited
原則自由である(B1): be generally free, be free in general
原則公開する(A2): be generally open to the public
原則無料(B1): be generally free of charge
~+名詞・接尾 (2) 原則論(B1): a principle theory, an argument based on principles
原則どおり(C): according to the principle
~が+動詞 (1) 原則が適用する(B1): The principle is applied
~と+動詞 (1) このルールが原則となる(A2): This rule will be a principle, This rule becomes a principle
~に+動詞 (6) 原則に基づく(B1): be based on the principle, be on the principle
原則に反する(B1): violate a rule, violate a principle
原則に従う(C): follow a principle, conform to a principle, comply with a principle
原則に則る(C): follow a principle, conform to a principle
国民主権の原則に立つ(C): stand by the principle of popular sovereignty
原則に違反する(B2): violate a principle
~を+動詞 (4) 原則を守る(C): observe a principle, adhere to a principle, follow a principle
原則を定める(A2): set a rule, establish a principle, lay down a rule
原則を適用する(A2): apply a rule, apply a principle
原則を貫く(C): adhere to a principle, stick to a principle, remain true to a principle
接頭辞+~ (2)原則(B1): a fundamental principle, a great principle
原則(B1): principles
名詞+~ (3) 基本原則(B1): a basic principle, a fundamental principle, a ground rule
原理原則(B2): a principle, a fundamental principle
企業の会計原則(C): a business accounting principle, a corporate accounting principle
名詞+の+~ (8) 自由の原則(B1): a principle of freedom, a principle of liberty
民主主義の原則(B1): a democratic principle, a principle of democracy
責任の原則(B1): a principle of responsibility
受益者負担の原則(C): a benefit principle, a beneficiary payment principle
法の下の平等の原則(B1): a principle of equality before the law, a principle of equality under the law
信義誠実の原則(B1): a principle of good faith, a good faith principle
価格優先の原則(B1): a principle of price priority
私的自治の原則(C): a principle of private autonomy