

~+の+名詞 (15) 勉強のやり方(A2): study method, method of study
勉強の成果(A2): study results
部活と勉強の両立(A2): balance club activities and study
勉強の合間(A2): between studies
勉強の日々(A2): days of study
勉強の効率が悪い(C): be not (very) efficient at studying, study inefficiently
勉強の習慣(A2): study habits
いい勉強の機会になる(B1): be a good learning opportunity
勉強のこつ(B1): study tips [hints, tricks]
勉強のペース(B1): pace of study
勉強のやる気(A2): motivation to study
勉強の進め方(A2): how to study, study method
勉強の邪魔になる(B1): interfere with one’s studies
勉強のモチベーション(A2): motivation to study
部活と勉強を両立する(A2): balance club activities and study
~+名詞 (9) 勉強方法(A2): method of study, study method
勉強時間(A2): one's study hours [time]
勉強不足(B1): insufficient study
勉強熱心な学生(C): a studious [hardworking] student
勉強部屋(A2): study room
勉強机(A1): (writing) desk
勉強合宿(C): cramming camp
勉強道具(A2): study tool
勉強嫌い(C): aversion to study, hate studying
~+名詞・接尾 (4) 勉強会(A2): study meeting
勉強法(A2): way of studying, study method
勉強中(A1): while studying
勉強漬けの日々(A2): days of study
~が+形容詞 (3) 勉強が面白い(A1): Studying is interesting.
勉強が難しい(A1): Studying is difficult.
勉強が忙しい(A2): busy with one's studies
~が+形容動詞語幹+だ (5) 勉強が嫌いだ(A2): hate studying
勉強が苦手だ(A1): be not good [bad] at studying
勉強が好きだ(A1): like to study [studying]
勉強が得意だ(A1): be a good student, good at studying
勉強が大変だ(A1): It's hard to study.
~が+動詞 (5) 勉強ができる環境(B1): environment where one can study
勉強が進む(B1): advance [make progress] in one's studies
勉強がはかどる(A2): make progress in one’s studies
勉強が足りない(A2): have not studied enough, insufficient study
勉強が遅れる(A2): fall behind in one's studies
~から+動詞 (1) 基礎的な勉強から始める(A2): start with basic study
~で+動詞 (1) 勉強で苦労する(B1): struggle with one’s studies
~に+動詞 (7) 勉強に励む(A1): work hard at [on] one's lessons
勉強に取り組む(A2): work on one's studies
勉強に集中する(B1): concentrate [focus] on one's studies
勉強に専念する(B1): focus (exclusively) on one’s studies.
勉強に役立つテキスト(A2): textbooks to [that] help one study
週末を勉強に費やす(A1): spend the weekend studying
勉強に勤しむ(C): be assiduous [diligent] in one's studies, study assiduously [diligently]
~の+形容詞 (1) 勉強の楽しさ(A2): joy of learning
~を+動詞 (12) 勉強をする(A2): study
勉強を始める(A1): start studying
勉強を続ける(B1): continue [resume] studying
勉強を教える(A2): teach schoolwork
勉強を進める(A2): pursue one's studies
勉強を頑張る(A2): work hard at one's studies
勉強を重ねる(C): study harder
勉強を怠る(C): neglect one's studies
部活と勉強を両立する(A2): balance club activities and study
勉強をサボる(B1): skip out on one's studies
勉強をし直す(B1): brush up on [review] one's studies
勉強を沢山する(A2): study a lot
接頭辞+~ (2)勉強(C): idle, poorly informed, not study hard (enough)
勉強(A2): study extra hard
動詞過去+~ (2) 自分に合った勉強法(A2): study methods that work for one
試験に向けた勉強(A2): study for an exam
名詞+~ (11) 受験勉強(B1): study for an (entrance) examination [exam]
試験勉強(B1): study for exams [examinations]
日々勉強する(A2): study every day, daily study
テスト勉強(A2): study for a test
受験勉強をすすめる(B1): proceed to study for an [the] examination
テスト勉強を頑張る(A1): do one’s best studying for the test
試験勉強に最適な場所(A2): the best place to study for exams
テスト勉強に疲れる(A2): be tired of studying for tests
試験勉強で疲れる(A2): tired from studying for exams
勉強が嫌いな子(A1): a child who doesn’t like to study
勉強に身が入らない(B1): unable to concentrate on one's studies
名詞+の+~ (16) 英語の勉強(C): English study
試験の勉強(A2): studying for a test [an examination, an exam]
学校の勉強(A2): schoolwork
自分の勉強のために(A2): for one’s own study
日本語の勉強(C): Japanese study
法律の勉強(A2): study of the law
資格の勉強(B1): study for a qualification
語学の勉強(A2): language study
中国語の勉強(C): Chinese study
数学の勉強(A2): math study
司法書士の勉強(C): study to be a judicial scrivener
英会話の勉強(C): English conversation study
簿記の勉強(C): bookkeeping study
国語の勉強(C): Japanese study
フランス語の勉強(C): French study
リスニングの勉強(A1): listening practice
名詞+的(な)+~ (5) 効率的な勉強(B1): efficient study
専門的な勉強(C): specialized study
効果的な勉強(B1): effective study
具体的な勉強(A2): specific study
基礎的な勉強(A2): basic study