

~が+形容詞 (1) 写真の写りが暗い(C): The photo [picture] turned out dark.
~が+動詞 (4) 登録には写真がいる(C): need a photo [picture] for registration
新聞に写真が載った。(A1): The photo [picture] was put on the newspaper.
ネット上に写真が残る。(A2): The photo [picture] will remain on the internet.
写真が流出した。(A2): The photo [picture] was leaked.
~に+動詞 (4) 写真の中にいる人物(C): the person in the photo [picture]
写真に写る(C): be in the photo [picture]
~を写真に残す(C): capture [keep] ~ in a photo [picture]
写真にこだわる(C): be particular about a photo [picture]
~を+動詞 (42) 写真を撮る(C): take a photo [picture]
写真を見る(C): look at a photo [picture]
~に写真を見せる(C): show ~ a photo [picture]
写真を撮影する(C): take a photo [picture]
写真をクリックする(C): click on a photo [picture]
写真を使う(C): use a photo [picture]
彼から写真をもらう(C): receive a photo [picture] from him
写真を彼女に送る(C): send a photo [picture] to her
写真をブログに載せる(C): post a photo [picture] onto a blog
写真をアルバムに入れる(C): put a photo [picture] into an album
写真を公開する(C): release a photo [picture]
写真を添付する(C): attach a photo [picture]
古い写真を見つける(A1): find an old photo [picture]
写真を集める(A2): collect [gather] photos [pictures]
写真を並べる(C): align [line up] the photos [pictures]
なくした写真を探す(A2): look for a missing photo [picture]
写真をパソコンに取り込む(C): import a photo [picture] to one's computer
写真を展示する(C): display a photo [picture]
写真をSNSに投稿する(C): post a photo [picture] onto social media
写真をアップロードする(C): upload a photo [picture]
写真を加工する(C): retouch a photo [picture]
写真を見比べる(A2): compare the photos [pictures]
写真を合成する(C): composite photos [images]
写真を現像する(C): develop a photo [picture]
古い写真を発見する(A1): find an old photo [picture]
写真を多用する(A2): use a lot of photos [pictures]
写真を同封する(C): enclose the photo [picture]
写真を閲覧する(C): browse photos [pictures]
写真をプリントアウトする(C): print out a photo [picture]
写真を参照する(C): refer to a photo [picture]
写真を補正する(C): retouch a photo [picture]
写真をスキャンする(C): scan a photo [picture]
写真を撮り忘れる(C): forget to take a photo [picture]
写真を郵送する(C): mail a photo [picture]
スキャンダル写真をばらまく(C): disseminate scandalous photos [pictures]
写真を取り直す(C): retake a photo [picture]
写真をトリミングする(C): trim a photo [picture]
使う写真を決める(C): choose a photo [picture] to use
昔の写真を引っ張りだす(A1): bring out an old photo [picture]
写真を鑑賞する(A2): appreciate [enjoy] the photos [pictures]
写真を撮るのも忘れて景色に見入る(A2): forgot about taking pictures as one just looks at the scenery, forgot about taking pictures and just take in the magnificent scenery
写真を撮るのをすっかり忘れる(A2): totally forget to take a picture
形容詞基本形+~ (11) 良い写真(A1): a good photo [picture]
美しい写真(A1): a beautiful photo [picture]
古い写真(A1): an old photo [picture]
素晴らしい写真(A1): a great photo [picture]
面白い写真(A1): a funny [interesting] photo [picture]
懐かしい写真(A2): a memorable photo [picture], a photo [picture] that brings back memories
可愛い写真(A1): a cute photo [picture]
珍しい写真(A2): a rare photo [picture]
何気ない写真(A2): a casual photo [picture]
恥ずかしい写真(A2): an embarrassing photo [picture]
生々しい写真(A2): a vivid [graphic] photo [picture]
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (15) きれいな写真(A1): a beautiful photo [picture]
素敵な写真(A1): a wonderful photo [picture]
大切な写真(A2): a precious photo [picture], an important photo [picture]
貴重な写真(A2): a valuable photo [picture]
有名な写真(A1): a famous photo [picture]
鮮明な写真(A2): a vivid [clear] photo [picture]
不思議な写真(A2): a mysterious photo [picture]
猥褻な写真(C): an obscene [indecent] photo [picture], a filthy photo [picture]
変な写真(A2): a weird [strange] photo [picture], a strange photo [picture]
おしゃれな写真(A2): a stylish photo [picture]
見事な写真(A2): a stunning photo [picture], an amazing photo [picture]
鮮やかな写真(A2): a vivid [brilliant] photo [picture]
悲惨な写真(A2): a devastating photo [picture]
ショッキングな写真(A2): a shocking photo [picture]
プライベートな写真(A2): a private photo [picture]
動詞過去+~ (7) 撮影した写真(A1): a photo [picture] that was taken
~を写した写真(C): a photo [picture] of ~
出来上がった写真(C): a printed photo [picture] (※「プリントした写真」の意味)
撮りためた写真(A2): photos [pictures] one has taken
一瞬をとらえた写真(C): a photo [picture] capturing the moment
ぼかした写真(A2): a blurred photo [picture]
色褪せた写真(A2): a faded photo [picture]
名詞+~ (1) 写真を印刷する(A2): print a photo
名詞+の+~ (14) 上の写真をご覧ください。(C): (Please) take a look at the photo [picture] above.
当時の写真(C): a photo [picture] of the time
昔の写真(A1): an old photo [picture]
家族の写真(A1): a family photo [picture]
思い出の写真(A2): a memorable photo [picture]
お気に入りの写真(A1): one's favorite photo [picture]
雑誌の表紙の写真(C): a photo [picture] on the cover of a magazine
デジカメの写真(C): a photo [picture] of a digital camera
裸の写真(C): a nude photo [picture]
アルバムの写真(C): a photo [picture] in an album
ジャケットの写真(A1): a cover photo (※CDなどのケース外装で使われる写真のこと)
モノクロの写真(C): a black-and-white photo [picture]
ツーショットの写真(C): a photo [picture] of two people, a couple shot (※「ツーショット写真」は和製英語)
取って置きの写真(A1): the best photo [picture]
名詞+的(な)+~ (5) 魅力的な写真(A2): a glamorous photo [picture], an attractive photo [picture]
印象的な写真(A2): an impressive photo [picture]
衝撃的な写真(A2): a shocking photo [picture]
幻想的な写真(A2): a fantastic photo [picture]
本格的な写真(A2): a quality photo [picture]