

~+の+名詞 (12) 健康の保持(A2): health maintenance
健康の維持(A2): health maintenance
健康の増進(A2): health promotion
健康のバロメーター(B1): a health barometer, a barometer of health
健康の秘訣(A1): the keys to health
健康の回復(C): restoration of health
健康の源(A2): a source of health
健康の定義(A2): the definition of health
健康のお守り(A2): a health charm
健康のありがたみ(A2): the value of health
健康の証し(A1): a sign of health
健康の大敵(A2): a great enemy of health
~+名詞 (27) (国民)健康保険(A2): (national) health insurance
健康診断(C): health checkup
健康管理(A1): health care
健康状態(A2): health status
健康被害(A2): health damage
健康食品(A2): healthy foods, health products
健康増進(C): health promotion [enhancement]
健康維持(A2): health maintenance
健康相談(C): health consultation
健康福祉(B1): health and welfare
健康志向(C): health-minded, health-conscious
健康体(A1): a healthy body
健康チェック(A1): health check
健康運動(A2): health exercise
健康生活(A1): healthy life
健康調査(A1): health survey
健康意識(B1): health consciousness
健康体操(A2): health exercise
健康推進(A2): health promotion
健康補助食品(B1): health supplements
健康ブーム(A2): health boom
健康寿命(C): healthy life expectancy
健康番組(A1): health program
健康グッズ(B1): health goods
健康問題(A1): a health problem
健康情報(A1): health information
健康運動(A2): health fitness
~+名詞・接尾 (7) 健康づくり(A2): health promotion
健康的(A1): healthy
健康法(A2): health method
健康面に気を付ける(A2): pay attention to one's health
健康度(A2): the level of health
健康食(A1): healthy food
健康そうに見える(A1): looks healthy
~な+名詞 (23) 健康な人(A1): a healthy person
健康な状態(A2): one's health condition
健康な体(A1): a healthy body
健康な生活(A1): a healthy life
健康な歯(A1): healthy teeth
健康な身体(A1): a healthy body
健康な心(A1): a healthy mind
健康な肌(A2): healthy skin
健康な髪(A1): healthy hair
健康な赤ちゃん(A1): a healthy baby
健康なうちに(A1): while I am healthy
健康な暮らし(A1): healthy living, a healthy life
健康な食生活(C): healthy eating habits
健康な心身(A2): healthy both mentally and physically
健康なからだ(A1): a healthy body
健康な脳(A1): a healthy brain
健康な髪の毛(A1): healthy hair
健康な歯茎(B1): healthy gums
健康な証拠(A2): evidence of [for] health
健康な毛髪(A1): healthy hair
健康な永久歯(A2): healthy permanent teeth
健康な肝臓(A2): a healthy liver
健康な個体(B1): a healthy individual
~に+形容詞 (4) 健康によい食材(A1): foods good for health
健康にいい(A1): good for health
健康に悪い(A1): bad for health
健康に良い(A1): good for health
~に+動詞 (31) 健康になる(A1): become healthy
健康に及ぼす(A2): affect one's health
健康に与える影響(A2): the effect on health
健康に保つ(A2): maintain one's health
健康に役立つ情報(A2): information useful for health
健康になれる運動(A2): exercises good for health
健康に生きる(C): live healthy [healthily]
健康に育つ(A1): grow healthy
健康に配慮する(A2): consider health
健康に留意する(A2): pay attention to health
健康に過ごす(C): live healthy
健康につながる食材(A1): food good for health, healthy food
健康に注意する(A2): pay attention to health
健康に暮らす(C): live healthy
健康に影響する(A2): affect one's health
健康に貢献する(A2): contribute to the health
健康に寄与する(A2): contribute to the health
健康に暮らせる(C): live healthy
健康に過ごせる(C): live healthy
健康に気を配る(A2): pay attention to the health
健康に役立てる(A2): useful for one's health
子を健康に育てる(C): raise a child healthily, raise a healthy child
健康に関する情報(A2): information related to health
健康に欠かせない(A2): essential for [to] one's health
健康に直結する(B1): directly lead to one's health
健康に気を遣う(A2): worry about one's health
健康にこだわる(B1): be particular about one's health
健康に気遣う(A2): worry about one's health
健康に長生きする(A1): live a long healthy life
体の内側から健康になる(A2): become healthy from the inside [within one’s body]
健康に役立つさまざまな情報(A2): a variety of information to help you stay healthy, various information useful for health
~を+動詞 (39) 自分の健康を守る(A2): protect [take care of] your health
健康を維持する(A2): maintain health
健康を害する(A2): harm one's health
自身の健康を考える(A1): think of one's own health
健康を保つ(A2): maintain health
健康を損なう(A2): lose [harm] one's health
健康を取り戻す(A2): regain health
健康を増進する(A2): promote health
健康をサポートする(A2): support (one's) health
健康を願う(A1): wish for good health
健康を損ねる(A2): harm one's health
健康を脅かす(B1): threaten one's health
健康を気遣う(A2): worry about one's health
健康を意識する(C): health conscious
健康を祈る(A1): wish for one's health
健康を保持する(A2): maintain health
健康を促進する(A2): promote health
健康を目指す(A2): aim for health
健康を蝕む(A2): affect [destroy] health
健康を害す(B1): harm health
健康を保てる(A2): maintain health
健康を心配する(A2): worry about one's health
健康を左右する(A2): affect health
健康を応援する制度(B1): a policy to support health
健康を阻害する(C): hinder health
健康を守れる(A2): can protect health
健康を支援する(A2): support health
健康を追求する(A2): pursue health
健康を取り戻せる(A2): regain health
健康を重視する(B1): focus on one's health
健康をチェックする(A2): check one's health
健康を考慮する(A2): consider one's health
健康を享受する(A1): enjoy health
健康を優先する(C): prioritize health
健康を祈願する(A1): wish for one's health
健康を心がける(A2): strive for good health
健康を祈念する(A1): wish for one's health
健康を害するおそれがある(A2): may be harmful to human health, may have a risk of impairing human health
健康を害する危険は極めて少ない(A2): there is a very little risk that will harm human health
~的(な)+名詞 (6) 健康的な生活(A1): a healthy life
健康的なダイエット(A2): a healthy diet
健康的な食生活(C): healthy eating habits
健康的な食事(A1): health meals
健康的な暮らし(B1): healthy living
健康的なライフスタイル(A2): a healthy lifestyle
ナ形容詞+~ (4) 深刻な健康被害(B1): serious health damage
重大な健康被害(B1): serious health damage
身近な健康食品(A2): familiar health foods
高額な健康保険(A2): an expensive health insurance
接頭辞+~ (1)健康(A2): unhealthy
動詞基本形+~ (1) 法令に基づく健康診断(C): health checkups based on the law
副詞+~だ (5) 常に健康だ(A1): always be healthy
比較的健康だ(A2): be relatively healthy
もともと健康だ(A1): be always healthy
きわめて健康だ(A1): very [really] healthy
彼はいたって健康だ。(A1): He is very healthy.
名詞+~ (9) 国民健康保険(A2): national health insurance
定期健康診断(C): periodic [regular] health checkup
母子健康センター(C): Center for Maternal and Child Health
乳幼児の健康(B1): the health of infants
定期健康診断を受診する(B1): undergo a regular physical examination [regular physical examinations]
母子健康センターを併設する(C): establish a maternal and child health center
定期健康診断が毎年実施される(C): regular medical checkups are conducted annually
健康を損なう危険性(A2): danger to one’s health
健康に育つ(A2): grow up healthy
名詞+の+~ (25) 人の健康(A1): one's health
心の健康(A2): mental health
心身の健康(A2): mental health
自分の健康(A1): one's health
国民の健康(A1): the people's health
人々の健康(A1): people's health
子供の健康(A1): children's health
体の健康(A2): physical health
家族の健康(A1): one's family's health
自身の健康(A1): one's own health
住民の健康(B1): the health of residents [citizens]
歯の健康(B1): dental health
身体の健康(A2): physical health
社員の健康(B1): health of the employees
ペットの健康(A1): health of a pet
患者の健康(A2): patient's health, the health of the patient
肌の健康(A2): skin health
母体の健康(C): the mother's health, maternal health
妊産婦の健康(C): the health of a pregnant woman, maternal health
歯茎の健康(B1): the health of gums
体の健康(B1): physical fitness
子供の健康(A1): a child’s health, child health
地域の健康(A2): the health of the region [area]
家族の健康(A1): family's health
人々の健康(A1): their health
名詞+的(な)+~ (3) 定期的な健康診断(C): periodic health checkup
精神的な健康を保つ(B1): maintain mental health
長期的な健康(B1): a long-term health
連体詞+~ (1) いろんな健康法を試す(A2): try various health methods