

~+の+名詞 (17) 価格の高騰(C): price escalation [rise]
価格の上昇(B1): price increase [rise]
価格の変動(C): price fluctuations
価格の下落(A2): fall in price, price decrease
価格の低下(A2): price decline
価格の低迷(C): price slump
価格の動向(A2): price trends
価格の推移(A2): price trends
価格の引き下げ(A2): price reduction
価格の引き上げ(A2): price increase
価格の暴落(C): price plunge
価格の交渉(A2): price negotiations
価格の急騰(C): price spike
価格の値上がり(A2): price increase
価格の見直し(A1): price review
価格の暴騰(C): price spike
価格の見積もり(B1): price quote [estimate]
~+名詞 (8) 価格競争(A2): price competition
価格設定(C): price setting, pricing
価格変動(C): price fluctuations
価格交渉(A2): price negotiations
価格調査(A1): price survey
価格破壊(C): sudden, wide-spread drop in price, price collapse
価格水準(A2): price level
価格改定(A2): price revision
~+名詞・接尾 (2) 価格帯(A2): price range
価格差(B1): price margin
~が+形容詞 (3) 価格が高い(A1): expensive
価格が安い(A2): cheap
価格が低い(C): low price, cheap
~が+動詞 (12) 価格が下がる(A2): price goes down [falls, decreases]
価格が上昇する(A2): price goes up [rises, increases]
価格が上がる(A2): price goes up [rises, increases]
価格が下落する(A2): price goes down [falls, decreases]
価格が高騰する(C): price soars
価格が変動する(C): price fluctuates
価格が低下する(A2): price drops
価格が予想を下回る(A2): price falls short of expectations
価格が暴落する(C): price plummets
価格が動く(A1): price moves
価格が安定する(C): price stabilizes
価格が急騰する(C): price skyrockets [spikes]
~で+動詞 (6) お手ごろ価格でできるリフォーム(C): affordable remodeling
お手ごろ価格で提供する(B1): offer at an affordable price
特別価格で販売する(A1): sell at a special price
お値引き価格で購入する(C): buy at a discounted price
特別価格で買い取る(A1): buy at a special price
特別価格で取り引きする(A2): trade at a special price
~に+動詞 (8) 価格に税を含む(A2): price includes tax
材料費高騰を価格に反映する(A2): reflect rising material costs in prices
人件費を価格に上乗せする(A2): add labor costs to the price
増税分を価格に転嫁する(B1): pass on the tax increase to [in] prices
価格に見合う商品(A2): product that is worth the price
石油危機が価格に影響する(B1): oil crisis affects prices
損切価格に達する(C): reach the stop-loss price
価格に納得する(A2): be satisfied with the price
~の+形容詞 (2) 価格の安い商品(A2): product with [at] a low price, cheap product
価格の高い商品(A2): product with [at] a high price, expensive product
~を+動詞 (16) 価格を下げる(C): lower the price
価格を設定する(A1): set a price
価格を決める(A2): fix a price
設定価格を下回る(A1): below the set price
価格を決定する(A2): determine a price
価格を抑える(A1): keep a price down
価格を提示する(A2): offer a price
価格を他社と比較する(C): compare prices with other companies
設定価格を上回る(A2): exceed the set price
価格を算出する(A2): calculate a price
価格を引き下げる(C): lower the price
価格を引き上げる(A2): raise the price
価格を釣り上げる(B1): inflate prices
価格を見直す(B1): review a price
中古車の価格を査定する(C): appraise the price of a used car
価格を交渉する(A2): negotiate a price
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (7) 適正な価格(A2): reasonable price
リーズナブルな価格(A2): reasonable price
手頃な価格(B1): reasonable [affordable] price
公正な価格(A1): fair price
適切な価格(A2): the right [appropriate] price
妥当な価格(A2): reasonable price
法外な価格(C): exorbitant [outrageous] price
動詞基本形+~ (1) 質に見合う価格(A2): price to match the quality
名詞+~ (51) 販売価格(A1): selling price, sale price
買い取り価格(B1): purchase price
原油価格(C): crude oil price
予定価格(B1): estimated price
市場価格(A2): market price [value]
購入価格(B1): purchase price
取り引き価格(A2): trade price
商品価格(C): commodity [merchandise] price
適正価格(A2): fair [reasonable] price
特別価格(A1): special price
不動産価格(A2): real estate price
小売り価格(C): retail price
入札価格(B1): bidding price
本体価格(A2): base price
住宅価格(C): housing price
売却価格(A1): sale price
売買価格(A2): trade [sale, purchase] price
査定価格(B1): assessed value [price]
資産価格(C): price of assets, asset price
落札価格(C): contract [successful bid] price
石油価格(A2): oil price
公示価格(B1): declared value
仕入れ価格(A1): buying price
割り引き価格(B1): reduced [discount] price
最低価格(A2): lowest price
課税価格(C): taxable price
実勢価格(A2): market price
税込み価格(A2): price including tax
お手頃価格(B1): affordable price
先物価格(A1): futures price
下取り価格(C): trade-in value
売り出し価格(A1): selling price
公定価格(A2): official price
卸売り価格(C): wholesale price
見積もり価格(B1): estimated [quoted] price
原材料価格(A2): raw material price
約定価格(A2): contract [agreed] price
買収価格(B1): acquisition price
分譲価格(A1): selling price
優待価格(C): preferential price
成約価格(B1): contract price
お値打ち価格(A2): bargain price
即決価格(C): buyout price
原油価格の上昇(C): an increase [increases] in the price of crude oil
入札価格を算定する(C): calculate bid price
仕入れ価格を低く抑える(A1): keep the buying price [buying prices] down
原油価格が高騰する(C): crude oil prices soar
石油価格が上昇する(A2): oil prices rise
商品価格に消費税8%が含まれています(B1): consumption tax of 8% is included in the product price
割り引き価格で商品を購入する(C): buy a product at a discounted price
見積もり価格で業者を比較する(C): compare vendors [suppliers, contractors] by quoted [estimated] price
名詞+の+~ (5) 商品の価格(C): product [commodity] price
土地の価格(A2): land price
不動産の価格(A2): real estate price
1グラム当たりの価格(A2): price per gram
税込みの価格(A2): price including tax
名詞+的(な)+~ (2) 良心的な価格(A2): fair [reasonable] price
現実的な価格(A2): realistic price