

~+の+名詞 (2) 体験の場(A2): the place of an experience
体験の機会(A2): the opportunity to experience (something)
~+名詞 (10) 体験レッスン(B1): a trial lesson
体験授業(B1): a trial class
体験入学(C): a trial enrollment
体験教室(B1): a trial class
体験プログラム(C): a trial program, an experiential program
体験コーナー(A2): an experience corner
体験ツアー(C): an experiential learning tour [trip], a study tour
体験レポート(A2): an experience report
体験入居(B1): move in to (a residence) for the experience
体験農園(C): an experiential farm
~+名詞・接尾 (5) 体験談(C): an (actual) experience, someone’s story
体験者(A2): a person who has experienced something
体験記(C): a record of experience, memoir
体験版(B2): a trial version
体験会(B1): a trial session, a trial, a learning experience
~が+動詞 (1) 貴重な体験ができる(C): have a valuable [an invaluable] experience
~から+動詞 (1) 体験から学ぶ(A2): learn from experience
~と+動詞 (1) 貴重な体験となる(C): it will be a valuable [an invaluable] experience
~に+動詞 (2) 貴重な体験になる(C): it will be a valuable [an invaluable] experience
体験に基づくアドバイス(B1): some advice based on experience
~を+動詞 (8) 貴重な体験をする(C): have a valuable [an invaluable] experience
体験を語る(B1): talk about one's experience
職業体験を行う(A2): gain [have] work experience
共通の体験を持っている(A2): have common experience
その体験を通して考える(B1): consider on the basis of that experience
体験を積み重ねる(B1): accumulate experience
つらい体験を共有する(C): share a painful experience, share the same ordeal
体験を交えて話す(A2): talk about one’s experience, include one’s experience when talking about (a topic)
形容詞基本形+~ (6) 辛い体験(C): a painful experience, an ordeal
素晴らしい体験(A2): a wonderful (great) experience
良い体験(A2): a good experience
新しい体験(A2): a new experience
楽しい体験(A2): a happy [fun] experience
面白い体験(A2): an interesting experience
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (5) 貴重な体験(C): a valuable [an invaluable] experience
様々な体験をする(B1): have various experiences
不思議な体験(A2): a strange experience
色々な体験をする(B1): have various experiences
悲惨な体験(C): an unfortunate [a miserable, tragic] experience
名詞+~ (24) 成功体験(A2): a successful experience
無料体験(B1): a free trial
戦争体験(A2): experience of war
農業体験(B1): agricultural [farming] experience
職場体験(B1): a workplace experience, (have) experience of the workplace
疑似体験(C): a simulated [pseudo] experience
臨死体験(C): a near-death experience
被爆体験(C): atomic bomb [A-bomb] experience, experience of the bombing [atomic bomb] (during the Second World War)
就業体験(A2): work experience
米の収穫体験(C): rice harvesting experience
宿泊体験(C): lodging experience, experience of staying overnight
トラウマ体験(C): a traumatic experience, the experience of a trauma
読書体験(A2): reading experience
就労体験(A2): work experience
陶芸体験(B1): experience of pottery
触れ合い体験(C): experience of interaction with (someone)
霊的体験(B1): a spiritual experience
成功体験を積む(B1): accumulate successful experiences
就業体験をする(C): do an internship
米の収穫体験を行うイベント(C): an event where participants experience harvesting rice
陶芸体験をする(C): gain experience with ceramics
戦争体験が語り継がれる(A2): war experiences are passed down through [across] generations
職場体験で学んだことを発表する(A2): present what one learned during one’s work experience
陶芸体験で茶碗を作る(C): make a teacup at a pottery experience
名詞+の+~ (3) 自分の体験(A2): one’s (own) experience
自身の体験(A2): one’s (own) experience
自らの体験(A2): one’s (own) experience
名詞+的(な)+~ (2) 個人的な体験(A2): a personal experience
具体的な体験(A2): a specific experience