

~+の+名詞 (16) 会議の開催(A2): hold a meeting
会議の場で(A1): at a meeting
会議の目的(A2): purpose of a meeting
会議の議事録(C): conference proceedings
会議の議長(B1): chairman of a conference
会議のメンバー(B1): members of a conference
会議の日時(A2): time and date of a conference
会議の進行を妨げる(C): impede the progress of a conference
会議の席上で(B2): at a conference
会議の議題(B2): agenda of a conference
会議の議決(B1): conference resolution [vote]
会議の進め方(B2): how to proceed in a conference
会議の冒頭で(B1): at the beginning of a conference
会議の招集(A2): call a meeting
会議の決議(B1): resolution of a meeting
会議の答申(A2): meeting report
~+名詞 (7) 会議資料(B1): conference materials
会議規則(B1): conference rules
会議出席者(C): conference attendees
会議日程(B1): conference schedule
会議主催者(B2): organizer of a conference
会議議事録(C): conference proceedings
会議時間(A2): conference [meeting] time
~+名詞・接尾 (4) 会議所(B1): conference center
会議室(B1): conference room
会議録(B1): conference minutes
会議中(A1): during a meeting
~が+動詞 (3) 会議が開かれる(A2): a meeting is held
会議が開催される(A2): a meeting is held
会議が終わる(A1): the meeting is over
~で+動詞 (10) 重要事項を会議で決定する(A2): make decisions on important matters in a meeting
案を会議で採択する(A2): adopt an idea in a meeting
重要事項を会議で議論する(A1): discuss important matters in a meeting
次期計画を会議で発表する(B1): present a plan for the next term in a meeting
先月の売り上げを会議で報告する(A2): report last month’s sales in a meeting
新しい企画について会議で話し合う(A1): discuss new plans in a meeting
新しい条例を会議で可決する(C): approve a new ordinance [regulation] in a meeting
新しい企画を会議で提案する(A2): propose a new plan in a meeting
会議で発言する(A2): make a statement in a meeting
彼の市長就任を会議で承認する(B1): approve his appointment as the city mayor
~に+動詞 (7) 会議に出席する(B2): attend a conference
会議に参加する(B2): participate in a conference
新しい企画を会議に諮る(A1): discuss a new plan in a meeting
企画書を会議に提出する(B2): submit a project proposal to the council
会議に付議する事案(B1): matters associated with the conference
会議に付する事案(B1): matters associated with the conference
会議に臨む(B1): be ready for a conference, attend a conference
~を+動詞 (7) 会議を開く(A2): hold a meeting
会議を開催する(A2): hold a meeting
ウィルス対策会議を設置する(C): set up an anti-virus council
会議を招集する(A2): call a meeting
会議を重ねる(B1): have multiple meetings
会議を主催する(A2): organize a meeting
会議を立ち上げる(B1): establish a council
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (1) 重要な会議(A1): an important meeting
名詞+~ (43) 商工会議所(C): chamber of commerce
国際会議(B1): international conference
青年会議所(C): junior chamber of commerce
会議(C): plenary session
企画検討会議(A1): meeting for discussing a plan
首脳会議(B2): summit conference
学力推進会議(A2): meeting for discussing how to improve learning abilities
テレビ会議(C): TV conference, teleconference, video conference
諮問会議(C): advisory council
閣僚会議(C): ministerial conference
戦略会議(B2): strategic conference
学術会議(B2): academic conference
有識者会議(B1): expert panel
合同会議(B2): joint conference
対策会議(C): meeting for discussing countermeasures
行政改革会議(B1): meeting for discussing administrative reforms
防災会議(C): disaster-prevention conference
経営会議(A2): management meeting
職員会議(A2): staff meeting
井戸端会議(C): water-cooler conversation [gossiping]
軍法会議(C): court-martial
御前会議(C): conference in the presence of the emperor, imperial conference
定例会議(A2): regular meeting
外相会議(A2): foreign ministers' meeting
軍縮会議(C): conference on disarmament
講和会議(B1): peace conference
総裁会議(B1): presidential meeting
ドラフト会議(C): rookie draft
区民会議(B1): meeting among ward residents
商工会議所を退職する(C): retire from the chamber of commerce and industry
首脳会議を主催する(C): host the [a] summit meeting
国際会議が開催される(B1): an international conference is held
首脳会議が開かれる(A2): a summit meeting is held
国際会議に参加する(B1): attend [participate in] an international conference
会議に提案する(A2): make a proposal to the main meeting
職員会議に出席する(A2): attend a staff meeting
会議を欠席する(A2): miss [be absent from] a meeting
技術会議(A2): a technological meeting
環境会議(B2): an environmental conference, an environment council
研究会議(B1): a research council
対策会議(C): a countermeasure meeting
テレビ会議(C): video conferencing, videoconferencing, teleconferencing
市民会議(B1): citizens council