

~+の+名詞 (43) 人々の生活(A1): the people's lives
人々の心(A1): their hearts
人々の間(A1): among people
人々の暮らし(A1): the people's lives
人々の健康(A1): their health
人々の意識(B1): the people's consciousness
がんばる人々の姿(A1): those who are doing their best, those who are working hard
人々の命を守る(A2): protect their lives
人々の思い(A2): their thoughts
人々の関心(A2): their interests
人々の行動(A2): their behavior
人々の前で~(A2): in front of people
人々の声(A2): the people's voice
人々の信仰(B1): their beliefs
人々の気持ち(A1): their feelings
人々の幸せ(A2): the people's happiness
人々のニーズ(B2): their needs
人々の協力(B1): the people's cooperation
人々の交流(A2): interaction among people
人々の安全(B1): their safety
人々の営み(A1): their activities
人々の意見(A2): the people's opinions
人々の願い(A1): their wishes
人々の苦しみ(B1): their sufferings [troubles]
人々の笑顔(A1): (their) smiles
人々の集まり(C): a gathering of people
人々の幸福(C): (their) well-being
人々の反応(B2): their reaction
人々の感情(B1): their emotions
人々の考え(A2): their views
人々の共感を得る(C): gain their empathy
人々の憩いの場(A2): a place for people to rest, a place for people to relax
人々の往来(A1): the coming and going of people
人々の生き様(A1): one's way of life
人々の善意(A2): good intentions of the people
人々の犠牲(C): their sacrifice
人々の大半(A2): majority of the people
人々の反感(C): antipathy
人々の生活を豊かにする(A2): enrich people's lives
人々の信仰を集めている神社(C): a shrine that has attracted the faith of the people
人々の健康(A1): people's health
人々の命(A1): people's lives
人々の日常(C): day-to-day lives of people
~が+動詞 (32) 困っている人々(B1): people in need
人々が集まる(A2): people gather
偉い人々がくる(A2): people of high positions are coming
人々が持つもの(A2): the things people possess, the things people have
貧しい人々が増える(A2): poor people are increasing
人々が求めるもの(A2): the things that people demand, what people want
人々が集う場所(A2): a place where people meet [assemble]
人々が生活するエリア(A2): an area in which people live, an area where people live
貧しい人々が存在する(A2): there exist poor people
人々が苦しむ理由(A2): a reason why people suffer
人々が行き交う橋(A1): a bridge where people come and go
多くの人々が亡くなる(A2): a lot of people are dying
人々が抱える問題(A1): problems that people are having
人々が移住する(C): people migrate
店に人々が溢れる(A2): the store is full of people, the store is packed with people
人々が立ち上がる(A2): people stand [ rise up]
セール品に人々がたかる(A2): people gather [flock, crowd] around items on sale,
人々が享受する恩恵(A2): the benefits that people receive [enjoy]
人々が行き来する(A2): people come and go, people come back and forth
人々が押し寄せる(C): people are surging
人々が出入りする(A1): people go in and out
人々が恐れる人物(A2): a person people are scared of
人々がその町に移り住む(A2): people move to the town
人々が往来する(A1): people come and go
人々が支え合う(A2): people are supporting one another
店に人々が殺到する(C): people rush into the store, people flood into the store, people storm the store
人々が捧げる目標(A1): the goals that people set up
人々が団結する(A2): people unite
熱中する人々が急増する(B1): enthusiastic people are rapidly increasing
人々が憧れるリーダー(A2): a leader that people admire
人々が虐殺された(C): people were massacred [slaughtered]
人々が混乱する(A2): people get confused
~から+動詞 (10) 人々から愛される人(C): a person who is loved by others
人々から尊敬されるリーダー(A2): a leader who is respected by people
金を人々から奪う(A2): steal money from people
人々から金を集める(C): collect money from people
人々から信頼されるリーダー(A2): a leader who is trusted by people
人々から親しまれるキャラクター(A1): a character who is loved by people
人々から恐れられる独裁者(B1): a dictator who is feared by people
人々から支持されるリーダー(A2): a leader who is supported by people
人々から慕われるリーダー(A2): a leader who is loved [adored] by people
人々から忘れ去られた事件(A1): an event that has been forgotten by people
~で+動詞 (2) 人々で賑わう(C): crowded with people
人々で溢れる(C): overflowing [flooded] with people
~と+動詞 (11) 人々と出会う(C): meet people
人々と交流する(A2): interact with people
人々と触れ合う(A1): get in touch with people
人々と関わる(B1): be concerned with people
人々と協力する(B1): cooperate with people
人々と接する(A2): contact people, get in touch with people
人々と情報を共有する(A2): share information with people
人々と比べる(C): compare people
人々と分かち合う(A2): share with people
人々と交わる(A2): interact with people, meet people
人々と接触する(A2): get in touch with people, contact people
~に+動詞 (26) 人々に新しい情報を伝える(A2): tell people new information, inform people of new information
恩恵を人々にもたらす(C): bring benefits [favors] to people
人々に親しまれるキャラクター(A2): a popular character
人々に受け入れられる(A2): accepted by the people
人々に対する態度(A2): attitude towards people
人々に知らせる(C): inform people
人々に物資を届ける(B1): deliver goods to people, deliver supplies to people
人々に感謝する(A2): show gratitude to people
人々に説く(A2): explain to people
人々に呼びかける(B1): call out to [address] the public
人々に援助の手を差し伸べる(A2): offer help to people
人々に新しい情報を広める(A2): share new information with people
人々に食料を分け与える(A2): share food with people,
人々に知恵を授ける(A2): give wisdom to people
被災した人々に思いを馳せる(B1): think of people affected by the disaster, consider people affected by the disaster
被災した人々に奉仕する(B1): serve people affected by the disaster
人々に寄り添う(C): stand close
間違った考えを人々に植え付ける(C): instill incorrect ways of thinking in people, indoctrinate people with incorrect ways of thinking
人々に戦争の恐ろしさを語り継ぐ(A2): hand down the horrors of war
人々に働きかける(B1): appeal
人々に知れ渡る(A2): be well-known to people
人々に強いる(A2): force people
人々に食料を分配する(A2): distribute food to people
人々に強制する(B1): enforce people
人々に公開する(A1): open to the people
地域の人々に還元する(A2): restore something to people in the region
~を+動詞 (31) 人々を救う(A2): rescue people
人々を魅了する(A2): charm people
人々を助ける(C): save people
人々を守る(A2): protect people
人々を導く(A2): guide people
人々を苦しめる(C): torment people
人々を支援する(A2): support people
人々を集める(C): gather people
人々を引き付ける(A2): attract people
人々を巻き込む(A2): involve people
人々を励ます(A2): encourage people
人々を陥れる(A2): trap people
人々を支配する(A2): rule people, dominate people
人々を襲う(A2): attack people
人々を解放する(A2): release people
人々を救済する(A2): help [support, rescue] people
人々を傷つける(A2): hurt people
人々を結びつける(A2): connect people, bring people together
人々をだます(B1): fool [deceive] people
人々を勇気づける(C): cheer people
人々を駆り立てる(B1): spur people
人々を説得する(A2): convince people, persuade people
人々を脅かす(B1): threaten people
人々を惑わす(C): perplex [confuse] people
人々を排除する(B1): exclude people
人々を虐殺する(B1): slaughter people
人々を鼓舞する(A2): encourage people
人々を扇動する(C): instigate people
人々を殺戮する(B1): massacre people
人々を避難させる(A2): make people evacuate
津波が人々を飲み込む(C): the tsunami swallows [engulfs] people
形容詞基本形+~ (8) 貧しい人々(A1): poor people
若い人々(A1): young people
親しい人々(A1): close people
幅広い人々(A2): a wide range of people
温かい人々(A2): friendly people, warm people
器が小さい人々(C): intolerant people, small-minded people
賢い人々(A1): clever people, smart people
心ない人々(C): heartless people
形容動詞語幹+な+~ (19) 様々な人々(A2): various people
多様な人々(A2): various people
身近な人々(A2): familiar people
色々な人々(A2): different people, various people,
広範な人々(A2): a wide variety of people, a wide range of people
豊かな人々(A2): rich people, wealthy people
大切な人々(A1): important people
善良な人々(A1): people of good character, good people
裕福な人々(A2): wealthy people, rich people
不幸な人々(A2): unhappy people, unlucky people
無知な人々(C): unintelligent people, ignorant people
優秀な人々(A2): gifted people, talented people
偉大な人々(A1): great people
高貴な人々(B1): noble people, honorable people
素朴な人々(C): simple people, naive people
親切な人々(A2): kind people, gentle people, friendly people, nice people
哀れな人々(C): pitiful people, poor people
愚かな人々(A2): foolish people, stupid people
敬虔な人々(C): pious people, devout people
動詞過去+~ (12) そこで出会った人々(A1): the people one met there
亡くなった人々(A2): those who died
被災した人々(B1): those who suffered from [affected by] the disaster
生き残った人々(B1): survivors
その場に居合わせた人々(A1): those who happened to be there
津波を生き延びた人々(C): those who survived the tsunami
避難した人々(B1): the people who evacuated
飢えた人々(A1): hungry people
被曝した人々(B1): those who were exposed to radiation
知り合った人々(A1): those who I met
そこに移り住んだ人々(A2): those who moved there
そこに住み着いた人々(A2): those who settled there
動詞基本形+~ (24) 金を持つ人々(A1): people who have money, people with money
住む人々(B1): inhabitants
働く人々(A1): working people
そこで暮らす人々(C): people who live [reside] there
現代を生きる人々(A2): people living in modern times, [the present day]
その事件に関わる人々(A2): people involved in the incident [case]
その寺を訪れる人々(A1): people who visit the temple
怪我に苦しむ人々(B1): people suffering from an injury]
イベントに携わる人々(A2): people involved in the event
私が愛する人々(A1): the people I love
社会に属する人々(A2): people who belong to the society
行き交う人々(A1): people coming and going
事件を取り巻く人々(A2): the people involved in the case
~と主張する人々(A2): people who are asserting something
反対する人々(B1): people who object
公園に集う人々(A2): people who gather in a park
人生に悩む人々(A2): people who are worried about their life
あえぐ人々(C): people gasping
犯人から逃げ惑う人々(B1): people fleeing [running away] from the criminal,
悩める人々(C): worried people, troubled people
仏教を信仰する人々(C): people who believe in Buddhism
病める人々(A2): sick people, ill people
救助を要する人々(B1): people in need of help
セール品に群がる人々(A2): people gathering around sale items
動詞連用形+ている+~ (7) 生活している人々(A1): people living (there)
困っている人々(A2): the people in trouble
暮らしている人々(A1): people living (there)
関わっている人々(A2): the people involved
座っている人々(A1): the people sitting (there)
避難している人々(B2): those who are evacuating
困窮している人々(A1): poor people
名詞+~ (3) 人々が多く集まる場所(A2): a place where many people gather
人々で賑わう(C): crowded with people
人々の心を癒やす(A2): heal people's hearts
名詞+の+~ (34) 地域の人々(A2): the people in the region
多くの人々(A1): many people
世界の人々(A1): people of [ in] the world
一般の人々(B1): general public
世界中の人々(A2): people all over the world
周囲の人々(A1): people around you
周りの人々(A1): people around you
当時の人々(A1): people at that time [in those days]
地元の人々(A2): local people
現地の人々(A2): local people
多数の人々(A2): many people, a lot of people
大勢の人々(A2): a crowd of people
村の人々(A2): people of the village
世の人々(A1): people of the world
古代の人々(A2): ancient people
近所の人々(A2): people in the neighborhood
無数の人々(C): an infinite number of people, countless people
ホームレスの人々(A2): homeless people
現場の人々(A2): the people in the scene
いにしえの人々(A2): ancient people, the people of ancient times
下層の人々(A2): lower class people
無名の人々(C): nameless [anonymous] people
田舎の人々(A2): country people
職場の人々(A2): the people at the workplace
底辺の人々(A1): the people at the bottom
大昔の人々(A2): the people in [of] ancient times
太古の人々(A2): the people of ancient times, ancient people
無実の人々(A2): innocent people
マイノリティーの人々(B1): minorities
病気の人々(A1): sick people
年配の人々(A2): elderly people
世界の人々(A1): people of [from around] the world
地域の人々(A2): the people in the region [area], local people
時代の人々(A2): people of the era
連体詞+~ (1) 見知らぬ人々(A2): strangers