

~+の+名詞 (1) 予定の時間(B1): the scheduled time
~+名詞 (7) 予定価格(B1): the estimated price
予定時間(B1): the scheduled time
予定時刻(B1): the scheduled time
予定変更(A2): a change of schedule
予定期間(C): the scheduled duration
予定金額(A2): the expected amount (of money)
参加予定人数(A2): the (expected) number of participants
~+名詞・接尾 (3) 予定日(B1): the scheduled date
予定通り(A2): as scheduled, as per the schedule
予定外(C): unscheduled
~が+形容詞 (1) 予定がない(B1): have no plans to
~が+動詞 (6) 予定がある(A1): have a plan
予定が入る(A1): have plans, be busy
予定が決まる(B1): decide on [fix] a schedule
予定が狂う(C): the schedule goes wrong, (something) does not go according to the schedule, mess up [throw off] (someone’s) schedule
予定が合う(C): the schedule works for (someone), (it) fits the schedule
予定が変わる(A2): the schedule changes (every week)
~で+動詞 (1) 7月着工予定で進める(B1): (proceed with the) schedule to start construction in July
~を+動詞 (8) 予定を立てる(A1): make a plan
予定を変更する(A2): change a plan [schedule]
予定を組む(A2): make [set] a schedule, make an appointment
予定を入れる(C): schedule a (meeting, etc.), make an appointment
予定を確認する(B1): check [confirm] the schedule
相手の予定を聞く(C): ask about someone’s schedule
自分の予定を教える(A2): inform about one’s own schedule
予定を決める(A2): plan (something), schedule (something), decide a plan
動詞基本形+~ (3) 会議を行う予定である(A2): (We are) planning to hold a meeting.
メンテナンスを実施する予定である(B1): (we are) planning to carry out the maintenance, maintenance is scheduled to be done (at, on)
イベントを開催する予定である(B1): (we are) planning to hold an event, an event is scheduled to be held (at, on)
名詞+~ (34) 生理予定日(C): the estimated [expected] date of next (menstrual) period
開催予定地(B2): the proposed venue
出産予定日(A1): the due date of a baby's birth
建設予定地(C): the planned construction site
発売予定日(C): the scheduled launch date, the expected release date
授業開始予定時刻(A2): the scheduled start time of class
卒業予定日(A2): the expected date of graduation
終了予定日(B1): the target completion date, the expected date of completion
採用予定者(A2): person expected to be hired
公開予定日(B1): the scheduled [expected] release date
到着予定時刻(A2): the expected time of arrival
完成予定日(B1): the target [estimated] completion date
掲載予定日(B1): the scheduled date of publication
発送予定日(B1): the estimated shipping date
届け予定日(A2): the expected delivery date
近日中に入荷予定である(B1): expected to be in stock in the next few days
ホテルに滞在予定である(A1): plan to be staying at a hotel
出荷予定日(B1): the estimated shipping date
開業予定日(B1): the scheduled opening date
刊行予定日(B1): the scheduled date of publication
開催予定地を変更する(C): change the planned location of the [an] event
出産予定日を1週間後に控える(A2): the expected delivery date (of a baby) is in one week
発売予定日を過ぎる(C): pass the [a] planned release date
授業開始予定時刻を過ぎて30分経つ(C): thirty minutes have passed since the planned start time of the [a] class
公開予定日を変更する(C): change the [a] planned release date
発送予定日を過ぎる(C): pass the [a] planned shipping date
出荷予定日を大幅に超える(C): greatly exceed the [a] planned shipping date
刊行予定日を変更する(C): change the [a] planned publication date
開催予定地が確定する(B2): the venue is confirmed
出産予定日が近づく(A2): the due date approaches
発売予定日が発表される(B1): the scheduled release date is announced
建設予定地に視察に行く(A2): go on a tour of [go and see] the proposed construction site
授業開始予定時刻に遅れる(A2): late for scheduled class start time
予定を合わせる(A2): make plans, set a schedule
名詞+の+~ (4) 当初の予定(A2): the original plan
今後の予定(A2): the future plan
今日の予定(A2): today’s schedule
明日の予定(A2): tomorrow’s schedule