

~+の+名詞 (2) 不安の声(A2): anxious voice
不安の解消(B1): anxiety reduction
~+名詞 (5) 不安障害(B2): anxiety disorder
不安要素(B2): anxiety factor
不安神経症(B2): anxiety neurosis
不安材料(C): discouraging factor, cause for concern
不安解消(B1): anxiety reduction
~+名詞・接尾 (2) 不安だらけ(A2): full of anxiety
不安げ(C): uneasiness, uneasy
~が+形容詞 (2) 不安が大きい(A2): high anxiety
不安が強い(B1): the anxiety is powerful
~が+動詞 (6) 不安が残る(B1): anxiety remains
不安が過ぎる(B1): pass through anxiety
不安が募る(C): grow more unstable, grow more anxious
不安が高まる(B1): increase in anxiety
不安がつきまとう(B1): shadowed by anxiety
不安が解消される(B1): anxiety being reduced
~と+動詞 (1) 不安と戦う(B1): battle anxiety
~に+動詞 (12) 不安になる(A2): become anxious
不安に思う(A2): think anxiously
不安に感じる(A2): feel anxious
市民を不安にする(A2): give the citizens anxiety
不安に襲われる(C): be assailed by anxiety
不安に駆られる(B1): be driven by anxiety
不安に陥る(B1): slide into anxiety, fall into anxiety
不安に怯える(B1): be frightened of anxiety
不安に苛まれる(C): be tormented by anxiety
不安に陥れる(C): be ensnared by anxiety, be trapped by anxiety
不安に押しつぶされる(C): be crushed by anxiety
大気の状態が不安定になる(C): atmospheric conditions are becoming unstable
~を+動詞 (11) 不安を感じる(A2): feel anxious
不安を抱える(A2): face anxiety
不安を抱く(A2): be taken hold by anxiety
不安を持つ(B1): have anxiety
不安を解消する(B1): reduce anxiety
不安を覚える(A2): keep anxiety in mind, remember anxiety
不安を取り除く(B1): eliminate anxiety
不安を煽る(B1): stir up anxiety
不安を払拭する(B1): sweep away anxiety
不安を和らげる(C): mitigate anxiety
ストレスや不安を感じることなく(B1): without feeling stress or anxiety
形容詞基本形+~ (1) 強い不安(B1): powerful anxiety
名詞+~ (15) 社会不安(C): company instability, company insecurity
金融不安(C): financial instability, financial insecurity, financial anxiety
信用不安(C): uneasiness regarding trust
雇用不安(C): hiring instability
予期不安(C): forecast instability
政情不安(C): political instability
育児不安(C): childcare instability, childcare anxiety
先行き不安(B2): anxiety over future prospects
社交不安(A2): social anxiety
社会不安を和らげる(B1): ease social unrest [public anxiety]
育児不安を軽減する方法(C): means of relieving childrearing anxiety
予期不安にかられる(B1): anxious about the prospect
不安をなくす(B2): relieve one's anxiety
不安が解消される(B1): anxiety is resolved
不安で眠れない日々(C): days of anxiety and sleeplessness
名詞+の+~ (1) 将来の不安(B1): anxiety towards the future, anxiety regarding the future